Page 1 | Page 2 | Page 3 | Secret Level
21. Turn right and use the matches to light the candles from shortest to longest. Take another marble.
22. Turn right. Pull the left painting to the right and then let it go. It will tear. Pull the paper down and grab the marble.
23. Notice the middle painting says 03:55 on the bottom. So change the time on the clock to 3:55. That means the small hand should be close to the IV and the big hand should be on XI. Then take the triangle key.
24. Turn right. Take the marble from the bookshelf. We need to rearrange the books so the red ones fit in the outline and the S is in the right spot. It should look like this. Then pull out the book.
25. We now have all four marbles. Go back to the wormhole. Place the four marbles in the corners and use the fish to go back to your fish form. There’s a book called Samsara floating by the wall with the mirror. There’s another clock on it. It’s set to 2:15.
26. Set the clock to 2:15 and take another triangle key.
27. While here, fill the jar with water by using it anywhere in the room.
28. Place the heart on the plate to go back to your human form. Turn to the wall with the wormhole and look at the book on the floor. It says THE SEED OF SACRIFICE. Turn the page to see another clue, REMEMBER THE TIME. It also shows three symbols. Turn the page again to see another clock clue with the time set to 8:25. It also says THE PAST IS NEVER DEAD. Turn the page to see another clue, MIRRORS NEVER LIE.
29. Go back to the clock and set the time to 8:25 and take the third triangle key.
30. Place the three triangle keys on the clock lock and open it to reveal a corpse.
31. Tap his hand to make him drop a seed. Grab it.
32. Place the seed in the planter. Pour the water from the jar and it will grow.
33. Go back to the lizard form and zoom in on the plant. There’s a flower! Pull off all the petals and then grab the worm.
34. Use the worm on the portal and go through to change into your worm form. Slide the mirror around to see another symbol.
35. While facing the mirror, wait for a petal to start dropping. Tap it a few times and then follow it to the dresser and pick it up.
36. Examine the pieces inside the clock and take the knife. Also, move aside the pieces of wood to find a petal.
37. Use the knife to pry open the book and take the petal.
38. Tap the phone a few times to make it fall to the floor. Use the knife to remove the screws on the receiver and then open it up. Complete the circuit as shown below and then tap the glowing dots a few times to get the petal to drop. Grab it.
39. Crawl over to the corpse and crawl into his mouth.
40. When you see trees, tap on them to see a glowing light. Then grab the light and continue to the next one. Do the same for all four and then go through.
For the blob; click on all the ones not in the dark spots. ThatΓÇÖs it. That worked for me.
Go back to the fish fill the jar use it on the vase, go to the gecko tap the flower, pick up the worm put it on the portal, go through it
The last petal is in the closet.just pull over the woods
I’m missing 2 feathers and I do not know what else I can do hahaha. Nice page!
The last petal has something to do with the white owl, but I can’t figure out how to take it from it.
Sorry, I meant feather!
I’ve just finished the game: Read the story book and take note on where the owl is looking and in what order.
Read the book in the draws. You need to turn the owls head to match the story.
CW – CLOCKWISE (12-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12 AKA 0╬ô├╢┬╝╬ô├╗├ª, 1╬ô├╢┬╝╬ô├╗├ª, 2╬ô├╢┬╝╬ô├╗├ª, …, 359╬ô├╢┬╝╬ô├╗├ª, 360╬ô├╢┬╝╬ô├╗├ª)
CCW – COUNTERCW (12-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1-12 AKA 360╬ô├╢┬╝╬ô├╗├ª, 359╬ô├╢┬╝╬ô├╗├ª, …, 1╬ô├╢┬╝╬ô├╗├ª, 0╬ô├╢┬╝╬ô├╗├ª)
Click/tap on the owl’s head,
turn it to the right CCW [-90Γö¼Γûæ],
release the click/tap;
Click/tap on the owl’s head,
turn it to the left CW [+90Γö¼Γûæ]* so the owl will be looking at you as of the default position,
release the click/tap;
Click on his head,
turn it to the right CCW ** till the owl is looking to the left (-270Γö¼Γûæ),
release the click/tap;
Click on his head,
turn it to the right CCW (CW didn’t work, for me at least) [-90╬ô├╢┬╝╬ô├╗├ª] so the owl is looking at you,
release the click/tap;
Click on the head,
move it to the left CW till the owl is looking behind himself [+180Γö¼Γûæ],
release the click/tap
* the opposite direction you turned it first
** you can’t turn it left CW in the default position
Simpler explanation (HEAD CAN ROTATE JUST 360Γö¼Γûæ, YOU START AT 360Γö¼Γûæ ***):
360Γö¼Γûæ >> [-90Γö¼Γûæ] >> [+90Γö¼Γûæ] >> [-270Γö¼Γûæ] >> [-90Γö¼Γûæ] >> [+180Γö¼Γûæ]
= = ΓåùΓåùΓåù =Γåô= =ΓåùΓåùΓåù=Γåô= =ΓåùΓåù=Γåô= =ΓåùΓåùΓåùΓåù Γåô = ΓåùΓåù= = = = =
360Γö¼Γûæ >> [270Γö¼Γûæ] >> [360Γö¼Γûæ] >> [90Γö¼Γûæ] >>>> [0Γö¼Γûæ] >>> [180Γö¼Γûæ]
Simpler explanation v2 (HEAD CAN ROTATE JUST 360Γö¼Γûæ, YOU START AT SOUTHΓö¼Γûæ):
Be ‘0╬ô├╢┬╝╬ô├╗├ª’ / ‘360╬ô├╢┬╝╬ô├╗├ª’ the SOUTH and ‘180╬ô├╢┬╝╬ô├╗├ª’ the NORTH:
*** (you define the direction by a ‘deal’, don’t you?)
I can’t believe they down voted the person above. Their post actually helped me to understand exactly what everyone else meant. I know every one kept saying just turn it right and left and straight as it says in the book… Those of us stuck had different interpretations to the instructions.
So, I did not find it as easy… For instance, I kept thinking that the direction was always in conjunction to the direction of the head that mattered. Like on an old school safe.
What I mean is, I didn’t understand that it wasn’t about the direction of turning the head, to the right, straight then, left.
Rather, when you turn the owls head, it’s the direction that the owl faces in the end that matters, not the actual direction of the movement.
So if anyone is still stuck, read it like this:
1. As the owl faces you, move the head to your right once (turn it to the right 90 degrees).
2. Move the head back to you.
3. Move the head to the right again, but keep going so that it spins almost 270 degrees around and the head stops, facing to your left.
4. Turn it back the opposite way (the way it came) so that the owl is facing you again again.
5. Lastly, turn the head around to your right again so that it faces the back of the room.
Finally. That thing took me ages to figure out! It was mostly because i thought I had to move the head all the way 360 to the right first (even if it ended up looking left to me) turn it back all the way around to me, then left (my left) and then back to me and then turn to the back.
See! it’s a hard concept to get your head around! Pardon the pun lol!
Yes, I am also grateful to the poster above you! Maybe it seemed complicated to some, but they were the first to explain it was right/left from the playerΓÇÖs perspective and that the direction in the end that matters. Thanks for your post too, which simplified things even more.
Turn the owl’s head like it says in the book. Right-straight-left-straight-back.
I can’t believe they down voted the person before this. And every one kept saying just turn it right and left as it says in the book.
That was not that easy. What was hard to understand that the left hand tried didn’t physically mean to the left.
I kept thinking that it was always perpendicular to the direction of the head.
What I didn’t understand what it isn’t just right, didn’t, left. You need to go right, straight, then turn the heat right (our right) again until the head has gone 360 and faces to our left.
So it’s the direction it is facing that matters, not the actual movement of the head to go in that direction.
So as the owl faces you, move the head to your right once. Move the head back to you. Move the head to the right again so it spins 360 around and ends up facing to your left.
Then turn it back the opposite way (the way it came) so it again faces you, then turn it around again to your right so it faces the back of the room.
Finally. That thing took me ages to figure out. It was mostly because i thought I had to move the head all the way 360 to the right first (even if it ended up looking left to me) turn it back all the way around to me, then left (my left) and then back to me and then turn to the back.
See – it’s a hard concept to get your head around! Pardon the pun lol.
The clue for the last feather has to do with the two papers you found in the third drawer read it carefully to find the directs you need to point the owlΓÇÖs head it should be
1. Right with wings spread
2. Facing you (Straight)
3 To the left
4. Facing you
5. All the way back so that you cannot see the owlΓÇÖs face (Facing away from you)
Then you should get the feather.
Hope this helped you!
when I turn the owl’s head to the left it only goes part way and doesn’t click in. I cannot seem to get the feather.
Spin the head go the right, itll go all the way round then 👍🏻
Yes, spin it counterclockwise 🙂
I figured it out! You have to turn the owls head in the directions that it says on the page and while your doing so, if your doing it correctly, the owls wings with slowly lift up higher and higher, and then the owl will fly away once you’ve done it all correctly, leaving a feather in its place.
for me i think the next part is some thing to do w figuring out the weight of your objects, like that part in roots. so far i know that worm = 0, gecko = 1, weight = 1, matches = 2, knife = 3, heart = 4, fish = 5 – but i donΓò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£├╗t know what to do next. hope this can help you out!!
The measurements are digits on a clock. If you refer to the sheet it’s: Worm Heart : Gecko Fish. 04:15
How did you figure out the weights?
weigh items to figure out that worm=0, gecko = 1 weight, then gecko(1) + 1 weight = matches (2), then matches(2) +gecko(1)+ 1 weight= heart(4) and heart(4) + 1 weight = fish(5).
The time is written on the paper of the first drawer. You replace each item with his weight.
Ughhh I kept trying to use that time (2:00) on the clock and couldnΓÇÖt understand why it didnΓÇÖt work.
I still donΓÇÖt get why it gives a time for afternoon that doesnΓÇÖt work?
It would have the same effect as in joining a portal consisted of candles and a heart (candles means you are already in the human/ghost(?) world and a heart is a key to this same world – which works to get to even from where you actually are.
So it could work but it’d have no effect and since there is no zooming in or animation it would’t get recognised.
Look at the book in the drawer. It indicates an order for the weighted items. Using their values it gives you a time value to use with the clock.
Set the clock for four to fifteen minutes = night
The last part is all about the time. If you figure out each time of each part of the day you can go from morning noon night and evening and collect items. All clues are in the drawers. Read well
Never mind, you were ahead of me. I missed the stupid clouds.
Lol I completed the game! So good!
how do i get the feather off of the squirrel
get the sunflower seed
go back to the afternoon time, 14:00
feed the squirrel
click on the squirrel
How do I get the sunflower seed? I have the sunflower grown. And can get it to stand up straight with moving morning Sun. CanΓÇÖt find the seed
AppUnwrapper, the pocket watch isn’t missing any gears.
HINT 1: Try moving different gears, to see which type can be moved.
HINT 2: Gears must mesh, not overlap or have gaps, to transfer movement.
HINT 3: Place a gear to mesh with the gear at the winding stem first.
Help! I’m in the egg cube, and I have the sunflower and have found the feather in the paper airplane. But the telephone only emits the winged question mark still. Additionally, I already have the hot air balloon in the grandfather clock room, and there’s a hand that comes up every now and then but I don’t know what to do with it.
You need to turn on the gas in the hot air balloon and then light a fire.
Thank you! Finally reached the end, what a TRIP! That was my first Rusty Lake game, Iooking forward to trying them all out now.
When I pick the telephone receiver in the last level, it shows a question mark and no letters. What do I do?
It most probably means there is nothing to do with a telephone in this part of the day.
Click on the clouds to enter this view at the clouds and move each till you get familiar shapes.
Once the shape is in it’s form it should highlight to the colour of white.
Hope this helps!
I somehow filled the jar with water–trying to get the lizard but it says I have to empty the jar first, can’t figure out how to do it.
You can dump it in the planter!
I dumped the water in the planter to be able to pick up the lizard, but when it comes time to water the seed, i have nothing to water it with. I am stuck on this part.
Go to the fish world thing and take out jar and touch anywhere. The room is filled with water
Never mind I didnΓÇÖt see it was already answered
Thank you!
Falta um marmore
About Step 63, I think it is supposed to be a stork instead of a heron, to symbolize the delivery of the baby.
I fed it everything and kept clicking it but itΓÇÖs not coughing up anything
My own is missing, canΓò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£├╗t get the last feather, donΓò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£├╗t know what to do 🙁
Same thing happened to me. I think we were supposed to get the feather from the owl before turning it in to a stork.
change the time to four to fifteen : the night time then the owl will appear.
Are you supposed to get your knife back after you give it to the hand? Everytime I do, I don’t get it back. Or is there some other way to get the knife back?
alright i was a lil slow when it came to reading this lol
About step 28 where are the other keys I donΓÇÖt understand
Oh wait I was a little slow reading it I understand now
I couldn’t get a 4th petal, but I did all the puzzles for each area, including the fireflies, book, telephone, and knife
Heya!! I had trouble with this too, but in bug form, open the book on the floor by dragging. Prop it up with the knife and you should get the last petal.
I also only got 3 petals, one from the book, the clock, and the phone, but idk how long I have go wait for the other one to drop from the mirror???
Move the shards of wood in the bottom of the clock to find the fourth petal
I am pretty sure catching fireflies is not a need.
Wait a second on the side towards the drawer/s.
There should appear one, click on it (probably just like once is all it needs but try few more) until it’s not on the screen and then go to another side of the room and come right back to the drawer side, there should be petal lying on a floor.
When does the phone come in?
Never mind I thought it meant a smartphone
I dropped the book…..I canΓò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£├╗t find it
it’s on the other side of the room – you can find the same book in all four dimensions/world/lifvs/…
Where is the sunflower seed???
You have to go to 7:25 (I think) and go to the scene with the sunflower and the sun. Move the sun around until it knocks over the flowerpot and you get the seed!
The sun is not on screen for me to get the seed
Then probably evening or morning
I have water in the jar, so I cant catch the gecko :c I actually don’t even know why the water is in there? Lmao help
Dump it in the planter.
Yes, water the flower pot (it won’t do any progress to the sunflower)
You prolly grabbed the water accidentally because you clicked (almost) anywhere in the fish world/dimension/view/life/…
how do i refill the jar i used to catch the gecko, with water?
Because of the fact that the fish dimension/world is filled with water, click with the jar on any place in the fish dimension (except like the clock or anything with what you’d get zoomed to any object)
My squirrel isnΓÇÖt there in the morning? It went missing at some point but I ignored it. (Edit: nvm I figured out how to get it back)
it’s in the afternoon, 14:00
I can’t get the feather from the owl. I’ve tried to follow the instructions.
Okay so first things first owl’s head can turn only 360╬ô├╢┬╝╬ô├╗├ª. Let’s say the default position as he is looking at you – is 360╬ô├╢┬╝╬ô├╗├ª
From this position you can’t swipe finger/cursor to the left (as on an imaginary line).
By that meaning we can only go below 360Γö¼Γûæ.
So Imagine this position is 360Γö¼Γûæ
The owl can rotate its head only to five specific positions:
360Γö¼Γûæ (looking at you)
270Γö¼Γûæ (looking right from your view, looking left from his view)
180Γö¼Γûæ (looking behind the owl himself)
90Γö¼Γûæ (looking left from your view, looking right from his view)
0╬ô├╢┬╝╬ô├╗├ª (looking at you ‘straight’)
So there’s the sequence you need to click/tap – rotate – release the click/tap the owl’s head:
Γò¼├┤Γö£├æΓö£├Ñ 270╬ô├╢┬╝╬ô├╗├ª(=’right’)
→ 360°(=looking at you)
Γò¼├┤Γö£├æΓö£├Ñ 90╬ô├╢┬╝╬ô├╗├ª(=’left’)
Γò¼├┤Γö£├æΓö£├Ñ 0╬ô├╢┬╝╬ô├╗├ª(=’looking at you ‘straight’)
Γò¼├┤Γö£├æΓö£├Ñ 180╬ô├╢┬╝╬ô├╗├ª(‘back’)
Hope this helped.
Be sure to have the feather in your inventory!
The upside down painting refuses to rip. It just moves back and forth. Is there a way to fix that?
Tap it quick until the corner comes down, then tap it again and it should start to roll, then pull
I have fed the heron, but it will not drop the baby. Help!
Did you ever figure it out?
You used the egg for the feather.
Feed the stork/heron with (I believe order doesn’t matter) heart, fish, worm, gecko.
Then just tap/click on the neck like two or three times in order to make it want to, well, vomit.
There goes the baby!
I only found 2 petals. I’ve done the phone, the mirror, the clock and the book. I didn’t pick up the ones from the clock and the phone but they’ve gone. I’ve got the egg and 2 petals and I’m stuck as a worm
Freaken sun flower just won’t fall ╬ô├½├¡Γò₧├åΓö£ΓöÉΓö¼├¡ it’s driving me crazy.
Place the sun like in the middle of the rightest part of the screen
Im soooo confused rn, it isnt allowing me to take the book!!!!
The bird feeding sequence doesnΓÇÖt work, I do the sequence and then it resets back to 3 brown chicks again :/
Just basically select the bird which is new
after selecting as the first bird the one which is different among the other two
For me, iirc, it was like:
mouth closed >> mouth opened >> orange bird with mouth closed >> orange bird with mouth opened >> grey bird with mouth closed >> grey bird with mouth open >> finger >> stork with bended neck with mouth closed >> stork with bended neck with mouth open >> stork with straightenned neck with mouth open.
Just the new one but first start with the different one.
Thanks so much. It was awesome. Really helpful❤❤❤
HELP!!I was playing the game until around step 56 on my own,when i got stuck and had to check the site for help,and now i realized i missed the scales in the morning room,i dont have any scales and im stuck in noon,pls help
What was the point of the elixir?
The main key to the Window dimension.
The side keys are the familiar Four Elements of Nature.
The sun that will grow the sunflower is gone. I must have skipped it and proceed on another puzzle. What can I do?
I need help, when I go back to the fish world it has no book floating by the mirror
When I give the bird all the food the baby down not come out itΓÇÖs throat
Thank you for the secret ending info!
I don’t know what I’m going wrong but I never can get the first jar full when I get through the tunnel. :/
I’m stuck in the mirror with my wings and the moon…
Samsara rooms
I pulled the book it has dussapeared but no marble plz help
I didn’t read the full instructions and I fed the stork everything before I could weigh the items. I feel like crying-
Thank you so muck for the help. I can’t wait for their next game.
HELP I am missing a feather and have already fed the stork all the items ?
where did the seed come from?
The “fish home” book w 2:15 in it is NOT THERE. Nor is the next human-home jump’s book on floor “seeds”…. Lowes the flow, there clues only way past these 2 huge gaffes
The owl does not fly away even though I’ve rotated the head according to all the directions given here.
That last feather would allow me to finish the game, but he will not fly off.
Her video has a shrimp but I see nothing about a shrimp and I completed it .. am confused
I can’t find the last plume because the third egg doesn’t appear, LOL
A cabeça da coruja não vira para a esquerda, ela só volta, não gira, não consigo pegar a pena
i cant get the last feather
Somebody explain how tf am i going to solve the pressing the chicks in their shells riddle without cheating? Great game up until this point, now that i have had to cheat the game has lots its charm.
just tap on the only chick with a new thing
Did the game get an update? Regarding step 24 above, I didn’t get a marble on the book shelf, only the one inside the book. Does anyone know of another location?
I had to empty my jar of water to catch the lizard. Now there’s no water to make the seed grow. How do I fill up the jar?
Help! It wont give me the lastp marble when I pull the book out, what do I do??!!
Thanks for the walkthrough, I was really stuck on this game.
I can’t do the wool fether
I canΓÇÖt seem to get the owl to turn his head to the left all the way and when I turn his head around he doesnΓÇÖt fly off or give me a feather
You have to turn it right then it should go all the way around :]
What do I do with the weighing part I am so confused please someone help me 🙏
Help the books got in the right space then the book disappeared with no
marble so i only have 3 still
help i got all 4 feathes but cant leave “the room”? i dont have a baby, only have the fish, heart, worm and gecko ;;; what do i do
Thank you RustyLake products for Samsara room, I started it on inauguration day but kept getting , inlogo, . It does keep your attention,, and a bit twitchy,near the clock.
I may not be able to leave a email.