The Chronos Principle: Walkthrough Guide

The Chronos Principle
By: Logisk Studio

The Chronos Principle is a time-bending puzzle game in which you need to work with your past selves to figure out how to get to the exit in each level. It starts off simple, but gets quite tricky later on, so this walkthrough guide should help you if you get stuck. Feel free to ask for extra help in the comments section.

Note that these videos are of my first playthrough so they include my thinking through the solution. I’ll try to make better videos, but the later levels are a bit hard to to make walkthroughs of since it’s difficult to see what exactly I’m doing.

See my review here.


Levels 1 – 30:

Levels 31 – 50:

Levels 51 – 64:

Levels 65 – 75:

Levels 76 & 77:

And that’s everything!

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Joey

    Thank you for covering my game! I hope the last few levels weren’t too annoying xD

    1. AppUnwrapper

      76 was tricky but I finally got it. Great game! Working on a review now.

      1. Joe

        Can you please explain how to do level 76? The time button and and shadow men do not seem to work the same as previous levels. Watched he video but cannot figure out the idea. Thanks

  2. Ellen

    I donΓÇÖt understand 76 at all, I have watched it many times and it does not make sense at all. It is very hard to see what you did and why and you did not explain it at all. I got lost trying to follow the shadow blocks, they stopped at different places than the last time, it did not make sense at all. Could you explain it further please.

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