Silent Dot
By: Sander Vanhove
Silent Dot is a puzzle game in which you need to move a dot around a hex grid to the triangle. Some tiles disappear every few moves, so you need to plan around them and not fall through. It can be tricky at times, so this walkthrough guide should help you if you get stuck. Feel free to ask for extra help in the comments section.
Normal Levels 1 – 60:
Medium Levels 1 – 30:
Medium Levels 31 – 62:
Hard Levels 1 – 10:
More coming soon!
Awesome that you’re doing a walkthrough of my game! ╬ô├½├¡Γò₧├åΓö£ΓöÉΓö£┬╝
Also wanted to mention there is an Android version too: