Adventure Escape Mysteries – Day 0: Beneath the Mask – Walkthrough Guide

Adventure Escape Mysteries – Day 0: Beneath the Mask
By: Haiku Games

Haiku Games is back with a new Adventure Escape game, this time a VIP exclusive that ties in with Death Dodgers. It’s a prequel chapter that follows the White Admin as he peeks behind the curtain of the Death Dodgers competition. This walkthrough guide should help you if you get stuck on any of the puzzles in Day 0: Beneath the Mask. Feel free to ask for extra help in the comments section.

See all my other Adventure Escape guides here.


You can watch my video for the full game or continue below for my step-by-step guide:

1. We’re playing as Jaime, right before the Death Dodgers game starts. We’re supposed to design the first challenge together with Matthew, the Green Admin. But Jaime just learned that his player is Marcus and he wants to stop it. Once everyone’s gone, the Game Master gives you a white card. After she leaves, grab the pool cue and two darts. Use the pool cue to shake two more darts out of the chandelier. And then look at the cash register and grab two more darts. We should have six now.

2. Look at the name of the bar — DEATH’S DOORSTEP. Then place all the darts by the dart board. Count how many of each of the letters D A R T S you see in the name of the bar and throw that many darts at each letter. So 2 in D, 1 in A, 1 in R, 2 in T, and 2 in S. I made a video for you. Then take the office key.

3. Use the key to open the office door and go through to see the Game Master. Death arrives and they talk about the games and then disappear. Now we have access to the Game Master’s computer if we can just hack it.

4. Look at the bulletin board to see the names of the weekend shift managers. Also, look at the computer and try to use FaceID to get in. It won’t work, but you can scan your white card to get level 1 access. We need more cards to get level 2 access.

5. Leave the office to see Purple Admin arrive. Her name’s Zuri and she agrees to give you her card if you get her a vodka on the rocks.

6. For now, open your phone and teleport to Cowan Street, where Green Admin is waiting for you. Matthew says he’ll give you his card after you design the game together.

7. Grab the souvenir glass from the bag and the napkin from the cat. Then use the glass to collect some ice from the lemonade stand.

8. Use your phone to go back to the bar. The ice in the glass melts, so we need something more insulated for the glass.

9. Look at the bar mirror and pour the water on the glass. Then use the napkin to wipe off the fog, revealing a pattern on the ceiling. Take a photo of it.

10. Go back to the office and tap on the safe. Notice there’s a lightbulb sticker on one of the buttons. You need to orient the ceiling pattern so the chandelier matches up with that sticker. In other words, turn the photo upside-down. Then press any buttons where you see an X.

11. Look at the red folder inside and take the paperclip. You can also read through the proposal for the Death Dodgers project. But we don’t need that information just yet.

12. Leave the office and use the paperclip as a zipper handle on the backpack. Open it and take the pocket knife from inside.

13. Go back to the office and use the pocket knife to open the file cabinet drawer. Look at the black folder inside and take the map of midtown. There’s also some information about the Death Dodgers app that we’ll need later. While here, use the pocket knife to cut off the pen on the bulletin board.

14. Go back to Cowan Street and show the map the Matthew. He asks for a pen, so give him the one you found.

15. Now we have to map out a route from the pizza place to the dog statue. You need to touch every intersection once. You can copy my solution below.

16. Matthew gives you his green card. Now we just need the purple one! Take the oil can from the trash bin.

17. Go back to the bar. Use the oil can to clean off the lock on the liquor cabinet.

18. Enter the office and use the oil can to loosen up the drawer to the right. Open it and take the register key. Also, look at the notepad and use the pen on it to see a list of karaoke songs:

Henryk – “Brandy”
Patryk – “Want to Need You”
Karol – No Day Like Tonight”
Luke – “Laser Cradle”

19. Leave the office. Use the key to open the cash register and take the dollar.

20. Insert the dollar into the karaoke machine. Find the four songs that were in the notebook.

Live to Rock – The Headbangers – 10 No Day Like Tonight
Heartbreaker – Mina Modello – 3 Want to Need You
Feel the Strobe – Neon God – 8 Laser Cradle
The Best of Daniel Atwood – 5 Brandy

21. So, using the information from the bulletin board together with the notebook and the jukebox, we get this:

Thurs – Karol – 10
Fri – Luke – 8
Sat – Patryk – 3
Sun – Henryk – 5

Enter them in that order (10835) on the liquor cabinet lock to open it. Then take the vodka, cocktail stirrer, and ice bucket from inside.

22. Go back to Cowan Street and use the ice bucket to collect some ice.

23. Go back to the bar and place the glass on the table in front of Zuri. Pour some ice into it and then add some vodka. She says she wants some lemon.

24. Go back to Cowan Street and use the cocktail stirrer to get a lemon wedge from the lemonade.

25. Go back to the bar and add the lemon wedge to the drink. Then she gives you the purple card.

26. Go back to the office computer and scan the green and purple cards. Now we need a pink card! Oksana has it.

27. Leave the office and pink admin will show up. Just who you need! But then she disappears again. Talk to yellow admin to get him to share her location with you. Then look at your phone and follow pink admin to the hospital.

28. Grab the medicine bottle and the screwdriver. Then use the screwdriver to remove a wheel from the wheelchair.

29. Attach the wheel to the cleaning cart and use the screwdriver to tighten it. Then move the cart out of the way and enter room 302.

30. Pick up the seminar schedule and the medicine bottle. Then press the call button to call a nurse and get her away from her desk. Notice the pigeons are eyeing the food tray.

31. Go back out and Oksana will take a look at the computer. Tap on her. The nurse logged out and we need a login number. It’s 5 digits. Let’s look around.

32. Grab the key that’s hanging from a hook and use it to open the on-call room. Head inside.

33. Look at the emergency code calls on the wall. Use those together with the seminar schedule to figure out the color combination for the lock on the locker.

Contagious diseases = Black
Biohazardous materials = Orange
Overdose = Yellow
Cardiac treatment = Blue
Mental health = Pink

So open the lock by turning it to Black, Orange, Yellow, Blue, and then Pink.

34. Take the login info from the locker and also another medicine bottle.

35. Leave the room and look at the login info. Enter 86247 into the computer to log in.

36. Oksana looks up her name to see her record and try to find out how she died. But that information isn’t accessible. She looks up Stella instead, who lived instead of her. Print a new ID card.

37. Scan the ID card to get inside the medical supply room. Grab two more medicine bottles and a scalpel.

38. Go back to the on-call room and use the scalpel to open the box. Take the sunflower seeds.

39. Go back to room 302 and open the window and give the pigeons the sunflower seeds. They’ll fly off, leaving a feather. Pick it up. Also, notice the five shapes on the Sparkle Pop Idols ad.

40. Go back to the on-call room and use the feather to tickle the sleeping doctor. Then take the doctor’s keys after he rolls over.

41. Use the keys to open the other locker. Take the prescription pad and notice the Sparkle Pop Idols poster. Look at the prescription pad and use the arrow buttons to scroll the pages.

42. Leave the room and use the keys to open the medicine cabinet above the computer. Place the five medicine bottles with the others.

43. Go back to room 302 and look at the billboard outside. Note down the shapes — Star, Moon, Sun, Heart, Clover. Then look at the prescription pad and find the medications with those symbols. You end up with:

Star = Hormone Supplements
Moon = Muscle Relaxers
Sun = Blood Thinners
Heart = Digoxin
Clover = Painkillers

44. Go back out and look at the computer again. Tap on the button that says, “Patient Record: Oksana Ivanova.” Together with hers and Stella’s records, you can see which medications are which color. So you end up with:

Hormone Supplements = Green
Muscle Relaxers = Black
Blood Thinners = Red
Digoxin = Yellow
Painkillers = Blue

45. So now, go back to the medicine cabinet and count how many times you see each of those colors. You end up with:

Green = 3
Black = 2
Red = 6
Yellow = 4
Blue = 5

Now we have the code we need!

46. Go back to the computer and press the button to Switch Users. Enter 32645 to log in as the doctor, Eugene Ow.

47. Look at the Treatment History for Stella and then Oskana. It looks like Stella got the heart transplant that was supposed to be Oksana’s! Oksana’s not happy. But she gives you the pink card.

48. We’re back at the office. Insert the pink key card into the computer. Now we need a passcode!

49. Look at the red and black folders again. Read the text of each number in the red folder and then find the matching arrow in the black folder. Pay attention to whether the text is related to the players or the admin. Note down the direction of each arrow and then change the passcode on the computer to match them.

1 = white + admin = Down
2 = blue + admin = Left
3 = orange + players = Up
4 = green + players = Down
5 = pink + players = Right
6 = yellow + admin = Down
7 = green + admin = Left
8 = blue + players = Down
9 = white + players = Left
10 = pink + admin = Up
11 = yellow + players = Right
12 = orange + admin = Right

It should look like the image below.

50. There’s some strange code on the screen. You plug in your phone to download it. But the games are starting! You and Matthew arrive at Cowan Street to wait for Marcus and his rival to arrive. Once you have control again, pick up the broken umbrella. Use it to pull down the fire escape ladder.

51. Now we have to solve another puzzle. To solve the Color Grid Puzzle, change all of the tiles on the grid to the same color. Select a mask on the right to select a color, then select a tile on the grid to change its color. The selected tile and all of the connected tiles of the same colors will change as well. Each mask can only be used a certain number of times. I made a video for you.

Now we’re in! But Marcus shows up! And that’s the end of the game! Congratulations!

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