Escape Game: "An Uninspired Man" By: IDAC CO., LTD. Click here for my review. Walkthrough: *Note: Only read this if you want full details on how to escape. You will read spoilers here. If you want hints instead, ask in the comments section. Always make sure you zoom in on something as much as possible. If you don't the game won't register that you saw the clue, and it won't work. 1.…
Closed Room By: Ateam This is my walkthrough for the iPhone/iPad/iPod game by Ateam. Click here for my review. Walkthrough: *Note: Only read this if you want full details on how to escape. You will read spoilers here. If you want hints instead, ask in the comments section here or on my review page. Closed Room 1: 1. Take the stick from the plant. 2. Use the stick to turn on the…
Escape Game: "Strange House" Walkthrough By: IDAC CO., LTD. Looking for the Strange House II (2) walkthrough? Click here to see my review. *See my other room escape games and walkthroughs here.* If you like this game, download AppNavi and enjoy IDAC escape games free of charge! Enter the ID eSvI to gain 100 bonus points for more games. Walkthrough: **Note: Only read the walkthrough if you want the answers. If you…
Escape Game: "The Meddling Shogi Player" By: IDAC, CO., LTD. "The Meddling Shogi" is one of IDAC's more challenging games, and not because of bad game mechanics. The puzzles themselves are tough, but possible to figure out. If you need help, see my walkthrough. Gameplay: 4/5 "The Meddling Shogi Player" is a room escape game, with the usual controls. You flick around the room to explore your surroundings and look for objects.…
Escape Game: "The Meddling Shogi Player" Walkthrough By IDAC CO., LTD "The Meddling Shogi Player" is one of IDAC's more challenging games, so don't be ashamed if you get stuck. I've written a walkthrough for anyone who needs help with it. See my review here. *Note: Only read this if you want full details on how to escape. You will read spoilers here. If you want hints instead, ask in the comments…
Dark Meadow By Phosphor Games Studio, LLC [DKB url="" text="BuyNow" title="" type="" style="" color="black" width="" opennewwindow="" nofollow=""] Dark Meadow is a new atmospheric first-person iOS game that borrows some game mechanics from the highly successful Infinity Blade, while offering plenty to make it stand out on its own. Here's a breakdown of what you can expect from the latest mobile game to utilize the Unreal Engine 3. Gameplay 3.5/5 In Dark Meadow,…
Cause of Death: Halloween Special: Dead Man Walking Part 1 By Electronic Arts On November 7th, EA added a free Halloween Special to their game Cause of Death, Dead Man Walking Part 1. It's a bit late for Halloween, but any time is good for a scary story! Brace yourself for another scary masked murderer and other monsters that lurk in the dark. Gameplay 3.5/5 This isn't so much of a game…
Escape Game "Snow White" By IDAC CO., LTD. Click here for my walkthrough. IDAC is not new to the room escape genre, but this is one of their higher quality games. Gameplay 4/5 IDAC's Snow White features the usual room escape controls. You use arrows to navigate the small cottage, search for items and solve puzzles in order to escape. The controls are simple and intuitive. Story 3/5 While the game has…