The Haunt: Walkthrough

The Haunt - a creepy point and click adventure By: Synthesis Design Solutions (Furious Apps) [DKB url="" text="Download" title="" type="" style="" color="green" width="" opennewwindow="" nofollow=""] Walkthrough: 1. Tap on the house to begin. Open the mailbox and read the letter. Then look at the maps and get the padlock key. Use the key to unlock the padlock on the door. 2. The door still won't open. Keep tapping on the doorknob until…

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Giveaway: Win a FREE copy of “The Secret of Arcanesium”!

If you're a point-and-click adventure games fan, you won't want to miss the newly released "The Secret of Arcanesium" by Playtinum! Lucky for you, we have five (5) promo codes to give away! [DKB url="" text="Download" title="" type="" style="" color="green" width="" opennewwindow="" nofollow=""] Here's how to enter: 1. Make sure youΓò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£├╗re following @AppUnwrapper and @playtinum on Twitter. You can also "Like" our Facebook page for an extra entry. 2. Tweet this message:…

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The Secret of Arcanesium: Walkthrough

The Secret of Arcanesium By: Playtinum [DKB url="" text="Download" title="" type="" style="" color="green" width="" opennewwindow="" nofollow=""] Walkthrough: 1. Tap to the left of the door. There's a cracked, loose brick. Use your knife to pry it out and get a key. 2. Zoom back out and tap on the right side of the screen to see the yard. Use the key on the locked box and take the shovel and clippers from…

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Yesterday: Walkthrough

Yesterday By: Bulkypix & Pendulo Studios [DKB url="" text="Download" title="" type="" style="" color="green" width="" opennewwindow="" nofollow=""] Walkthrough: Train station, as Henry White: 1. Enter the train. Pick up the cable near the front. Pick up the empty can near the piece of paper on the floor. And pick up the iron bar next to the mannequin. 2. Go back through the left-hand door. There's a suitcase stuck under the rubble here. Attach…

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Mystery Lighthouse 2: Walkthrough

Mystery Lighthouse 2 By: Digi-chain Games (Paul Banks) [DKB url="" text="Download" title="" type="" style="" color="green" width="" opennewwindow="" nofollow=""] Looking for the walkthrough for the first Mystery Lighthouse? Walkthrough: 1. You're in the lighthouse, which is a rocket ship. You need to find a floppy disk for the auto-pilot. Go downstairs and open the desk drawer to see a clue. 2. Go down another floor and remove the painting to reveal a safe.…

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Mystery Lighthouse: Walkthrough

Mystery Lighthouse By: Digi-chain Games (Paul Banks) [DKB url="" text="Download" title="" type="" style="" color="green" width="" opennewwindow="" nofollow=""] Walkthrough: 1. Remove the chain/sign that says "PRIVATE." Then go up the stairs. 2. Tap on the lighthouse, then look at the flowerpot to the left to get the gold key. 3. Use the gold key to open the lighthouse door and go inside. Pick up the bucket. 4. Go upstairs and look at the…

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