The Room Three By: Fireproof Games I didn't have an iPad when Fireproof Games' original The Room was released as an iPad-only game. I finally got to play it, but only the Pocket version on my small iPhone screen. The Room Two was also released first for iPad, then got a universal update a bit later. So while I played and thoroughly enjoyed both games before, I never got to experience them…
The Room 1, 2 & 3 By: Fireproof Games After playing through The Room Three, I decided to go back and play The Room and The Room Two again. I was reading the letters and thought it would be cool to have all the letters from all the games in one easy place to read. So I posted them all here in order. I suggest only reading them if you've played the…
The Room Three By: Fireproof Games This is a complete step-by-step walkthrough with hints, help, tips, tricks, answers and solutions for all three alternate endings of The Room Three by Fireproof Games. Only read this if you don't mind spoilers. Feel free to ask for extra help in the comments section. Chapter 1, The Lighthouse | Chapter 2, The Clock Tower. | Chapter 3, The Forge. | Chapter 4, The Observatory. |…
Agent A: A Puzzle in Disguise By: Yak & Co. I started conducting interviews here on AppUnwrapper, my first ones being of Her Story. After playing spy thriller Agent A: A Puzzle in Disguise and chatting a bit with Mark White of Yak & Co., creator, art director and game designer for the puzzle adventure game, I thought this would be a good opportunity for another interview. I'm asking Mark some of…
The Room Three By: Fireproof Games This is a complete step-by-step walkthrough with hints, help, tips, tricks, answers and solutions for The Room Three by Fireproof Games. Only read this if you don't mind spoilers. Feel free to ask for extra help in the comments section. **Note: You can find a complete video walkthrough for each chapter at the beginning of of each chapter. They follow my walkthrough exactly, so it's easier…
The Room Three By: Fireproof Games Fireproof Games had a surprise release of The Room Three today without any previous announcement. I just started playing and it looks gorgeous. The game starts off on a moving train, so that's already very different from what we're used to with these games. There also seems to be more of a story unraveling. I only played a few minutes so far because it's a dark…
Please, Don't Touch Anything By: Bulkypix Bulkypix's Please, Don't Touch Anything (PDTA) was first available on PC, but I hadn't heard of it until I saw the trailer for the upcoming iOS version. The game looked quirky and weird and right up my alley, so I was excited to play when it finally arrived on iOS. PDTA starts with you in front of a pixelated Game Boy-like screen with a console beneath…
Agent A: A Puzzle in Disguise By: Yak & Co. This is a complete step-by-step walkthrough with help, hints, tips, answers and solutions for Chapters 2, The Chase Continues, of the iOS and Android game Agent A by Yak & Co. Feel free to ask for extra help in the comments section. Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 Page 1 | 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Review…