Forgotten Memories : Alternate Realities Review

Forgotten Memories : Alternate Realities By: Psychose Interactive Inc. (Psychoz) I really, really wanted to like Forgotten Memories: Alternate Realities by Psychoz Interactive. While the survival horror game was in development for six years, I admit I was not paying attention to it the whole time. But I did look in every now and then over the last few months to see how it was coming along. From the screenshots and videos…

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Forgotten Memories: Alternate Realities Gets New Update With Easy Mode

Forgotten Memories : Alternate Realities By: Psychose Interactive Inc. (Psychoz) Last week, I sat down to play Forgotten Memories: Alternate Realities by Psychoz Interactive and I was having a lot of issues with it. You can read more about that here, but my main problems with it were that the low light coupled with a short flashlight battery made it hard to see where I was going. The save system also hampered…

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Broken Age Walkthrough Guide: How to Get to Prima Doom

Broken Age Γò¼├┤Γö£├▒Γö£Γöé By: Double Fine Productions, Inc. One of the tricky puzzles in Double Fine's Broken Age is the pattern you need to weave to get to Prima Doom. Here I'll give you step-by-step instructions for how to get there. If you need more help, feel free to ask in the comments section. 1. Make sure you visited the Friendship Circle once the shields are down. Pull the knitting hook/needle from…

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Perils of Man – Adventure Game by IF Games Ltd. Now Complete and Free to Download

A while back, I played the demo version of Perils of Man - Adventure Game by IF Games Ltd. It was only Chapter 1, but it began an interesting story. The full game is now complete and available to download for free with an in-app purchase (IAP) of $5.99 to unlock the rest of the game. So give it a try and see if you like it. I also have a walkthrough…

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Broken Age Act 2 by Double Fine Productions Released

Act 1 of Broken Age came out almost a full year ago, but Act 2 is finally available as a free update. If you've been waiting to buy the game, now is a great time to do so. I'm still making my way through the first act, but will have a full review up when I finish the game. For those who were previously unable to play the game because they didn't…

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Syberia by Microids On Sale for $0.99

if you've been holding out on buying Syberia by Microids because of the price, how's your best chance to get the game. For the first time ever, it's on sale for as low as $0.99. I haven't played it yet, but I just picked it up myself. It looks like a great game for any adventure fans.

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Forgotten Memories : Alternate Realities: First Impressions

Forgotten Memories : Alternate Realities By: Psychose Interactive Inc. (Psychoz) I don't normally do this, because I like to get much deeper into a game before reviewing it. But in this case, I had so much to say from the short time I spent with Psychoz Interactive's Forgotten Memories: Alternate Realities, that I'm writing my first impressions now. If my opinion changes or I have more to add, I'll edit this or…

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Forgotten Memories : Alternate Realities: Walkthrough Guide, Tips and Tricks

Forgotten Memories : Alternate Realities By: Psychose Interactive Inc. (Psychoz) This is walkthrough guide that will provide help, hints, tips and tricks for the iOS game Forgotten Memories : Alternate Realities by Psychose Interactive Inc (Psychoz). It's a work in progress, so please bear with me. Please help fill in gaps if you can. Feel free to ask for help in the comments section. See my review of the game here. Note:…

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