Puzzle House: Mystery Rising By: PugaPuma [DKB url="https://www.appunwrapper.com/PuzzleHouse" text="Download" title="" type="" style="" color="green" width="" opennewwindow="" nofollow=""] I think my favorite part about writing about iOS games is when a developer contacts me about their game which I had never heard of and I fall instantly in love. This just happened to me yesterday with Puzzle House: Mystery Rising by PugaPuma. I hadn't heard of the game before, even though it's been out…
Puzzle House: Mystery Rising By: PugaPuma [DKB url="https://www.appunwrapper.com/PuzzleHouse" text="Download" title="" type="" style="" color="green" width="" opennewwindow="" nofollow=""] This is where I'll be transcribing all the journal entries from the game Puzzle House: Mystery Rising by PugaPuma. I'll be referring to it in my walkthrough. You can either use it on your own or along with my guide. Page 1: The Haven Page 2: It was on the trail, on a gorgeous month many…
Puzzle House: Mystery Rising By: PugaPuma [DKB url="https://www.appunwrapper.com/PuzzleHouse" text="Download" title="" type="" style="" color="green" width="" opennewwindow="" nofollow=""] This is a complete step-by-step walkthrough guide with hints, tips, solutions and answers for the iOS and Android game Puzzle House: Mystery Rising by PugaPuma. Feel free to ask for help in the comments section. **Note: I will try to add videos for this walkthrough later, as it's difficult to depict everything with photos. Also, this…
Escape Mystery Castle - Can You Escape In One Hour? By: Banxie Hua [DKB url="https://www.appunwrapper.com/MysteryCastle" text="Download" title="" type="" style="" color="green" width="" opennewwindow="" nofollow=""] This will be a walkthrough guide with hints, tips, solutions and answers for the iOS and Android game Escape Mystery Castle - Can You Escape In One Hour? by Banxie Hua. It's a work in progress, so please bear with me. Feel free to ask for help in the…
Ryan North's To Be Or Not To Be By: Tin Man Games [DKB url="https://www.appunwrapper.com/ToBeOrNot" text="Download" title="" type="" style="" color="green" width="" opennewwindow="" nofollow=""] In my youth (god, I sound old), I used to consume every╬ô├╢┬╝Γö£├¡Choose Your Own Adventure╬ô├╢┬╝Γö£├¡book I could find. I was weird in that I liked seeing all the ways I could die. Somehow that was the best part. I mean, you could be eaten by a dinosaur, get mugged at…
REBUS - Absurd Logic Game By: Jutiful [DKB url="https://www.appunwrapper.com/Rebus" text="Download" title="" type="" style="" color="green" width="" opennewwindow="" nofollow=""] If you like brain teasers and tricky word games you'll probably like rebuses. This is a complete walkthrough guide with hints, tips, cheats, solutions and answers for the iOS and Android game REBUS - Absurd Logic Game by Jutiful. You can find all answers and explanations for both the free and paid packs here. Feel…
For those of you eagerly waiting for more news of Glitch Games, Forever Lost Episode 3, they uploaded a little teaser trailer featuring music by Richard Moir pulled straight out of the game. The soundtrack is one of the things I praised in my little preview post of Episode 3. I recommend watching it to get a taste of what's coming. It might make the wait even worse, but believe me, it's…
Agent Alice By: wooga [DKB url="https://www.appunwrapper.com/AgentAlice" text="Download" title="" type="" style="" color="green" width="" opennewwindow="" nofollow=""] This will be a walkthrough guide with hints, tips, solutions and answers for the iOS and Android game Agent Alice by Wooga. It's a work in progress, so please bear with me. Feel free to ask for help in the comments section. Agent Alice is a hidden object game. You have to search scenes for items to earn…