My Week Unwrapped: October 22, 2016

Welcome back to the second installment of My Week Unwrapped, where I discuss all the games I've been playing over the past week. I've been sick with a nasty cold, so it wasn't quite as busy as last week's, but I still spent a lot of time playing! First off, I dropped everything to play and finish Layton Hawkes' fantastic Halloween puzzler, Puzzlepops! Trick or Treat. The original was one of my…

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My Week Unwrapped: October 15, 2016

October marks the fifth anniversary since I started AppUnwrapper, and I wanted to try something new to celebrate. This is the first of a new weekly post I'll be writing about games I'm playing. I realized that I've been tweeting about a lot of games, but unless I write a review or walkthrough about them, they don't get any coverage on here. Sure, I add many of them to my Recommended List,…

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