The Office Quest By: Deemedya INC This will be a complete step-by-step walkthrough with hints, tips, tricks, answers and solutions for the third chapter of the iOS and Android point-and-click adventure game, The Office Quest by Deemedya INC. feel free to ask for extra help in the comments section. Walkthrough: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 Chapter 4: 1. Try to talk to the cactus guy and get him to open the elevator…
The Office Quest By: Deemedya INC I wasnΓò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£├╗t planning to write a full review for Deemedya's The Office Quest, but IΓò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£├╗ve been raging so much about it on Twitter that I figured I should compile my thoughts into a review for those who donΓò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£├╗t follow me on there. It's been quite a rollercoaster ride, as the game has the makings of what could be a true classic, but deceptive pricing and some…
The Office Quest By: Deemedya INC This will be a complete step-by-step walkthrough with hints, tips, tricks, answers and solutions for the third chapter of the iOS and Android point-and-click adventure game, The Office Quest by Deemedya INC. feel free to ask for extra help in the comments section. Walkthrough: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 4 Chapter 3: 1. You now have two characters to control. The bird guy can…
The Office Quest By: Deemedya INC This is a complete step-by-step walkthrough with hints, tips, tricks, answers and solutions for the second chapter of the iOS and Android point-and-click adventure game, The Office Quest by Deemedya INC. feel free to ask for extra help in the comments section. Chapter 1 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 Walkthrough: Chapter 2: Level 1: You can watch my video for Chapter 2 Level 1 here…
The Office Quest By: Deemedya INC This is a complete step-by-step walkthrough with hints, tips, tricks, answers and solutions for the iOS and Android point-and-click adventure game, The Office Quest by Deemedya INC. feel free to ask for extra help in the comments section. Note: If you do like the first chapter and decide to buy the second one, it is not the complete game. You get a short chapter and then…