Forgotten Memories : Alternate Realities By: Psychose Interactive Inc. (Psychoz) I really, really wanted to like Forgotten Memories: Alternate Realities by Psychoz Interactive. While the survival horror game was in development for six years, I admit I was not paying attention to it the whole time. But I did look in every now and then over the last few months to see how it was coming along. From the screenshots and videos…
Forgotten Memories : Alternate Realities By: Psychose Interactive Inc. (Psychoz) Last week, I sat down to play Forgotten Memories: Alternate Realities by Psychoz Interactive and I was having a lot of issues with it. You can read more about that here, but my main problems with it were that the low light coupled with a short flashlight battery made it hard to see where I was going. The save system also hampered…