Faraway 2: Jungle Escape By: Snapbreak Games (Pine Studio) I already have a step-by-step walkthrough for Faraway 2 here, but I thought some folks might like to see all the letters in one place. I also included the translations for the letters that are in an alien language, to the best of my abilities. I've also added any secrets I found at the bottom. Letters: Level 1: Level 2: Level 3: Level…
Hi everyone and welcome back to a very late installment of My Week Unwrapped. Due to Thanksgiving and my trying to work on walkthroughs I started last week, this post will be shorter than usual. Still some great games to talk about, though! And I hope you all enjoyed your own holiday weekend if you celebrate it. There's also lots of great sales still going on for Black Friday and Cyber Monday,…
Hi everyone. Pull up a chair while I talk about the games I've been playing over the last seven days in the latest installment of My Week Unwrapped. I never know what to say in these intros, so I'll keep it short. The end of the year is almost upon us and I need to start thinking of my Best Of list. Thanksgiving is this week and there's a lot to be…
Faraway 2: Jungle Escape By: Snapbreak Games (Pine Studio) ╬ô├¬ΓîÉ╬ô├▓├╣╬ô├╢├ë This is a complete step-by-step walkthrough guide with help, hints, tips, tricks, answers and solutions for the iOS and Android puzzle adventure game, Faraway 2, by Pine Studio and Snapbreak Games. Feel free to ask for extra help in the comments section. I've also made a separate post for all letters here. See my Faraway 1 guide. See my Faraway 3 guide.…