Escape Game: "The Hidden Truth" By: IDAC CO., LTD. Walkthrough: 1. Zoom out. Plug in the speaker on the table. 2. Turn right. Take the lightbulb from the lamp. 3. Turn right. Take the camera from the small table. 4. Turn right. Look at the poster on the wall: 5. Turn right and zoom in on the safe. Follow the arrows on the poster, tapping each square until they're all lit up.…
Escape Game: "On the Brink of Death" By IDAC CO., LTD Walkthrough: 1. Zoom out once and turn left. Pull the cord on the fan and it will come off. 2. Examine the ring of the fan to see it's broken. 3. Turn right twice and zoom in on the pole of tires with the bull on it. Look at the bully's nose ring. You need something to push the button in…
Escape Game: "The Hidden Present" By IDAC CO., LTD Walkthrough: 1. Press the light switch to the right of the door and the lights will go out. 2. Zoom out. Look at the blue object. Zoom in on it to see these symbols: 3. Turn the light back on. 4. Zoom in on the brown dresser with the blue object. Open the second drawer. There's a pencil case. Open it and take…
Escape Game: "The Wandering Calico Cat" By IDAC CO., LTD. [DKB url="" text="Download" title="" type="" style="" color="green" width="" opennewwindow="" nofollow=""] Walkthrough: 1. Turn right twice. Look in the lower right corner of the window and take the wooden spatula. 2. Turn the spatula over to see this: 3. Zoom out. On the right side of the wall is a grate. Insert the spatula to see this: 4. Turn right. Open the cat…
Escape Game: "The Single Room Murder" By IDAC CO., LTD See my full list of escape games and walkthroughs. Walkthrough: 1. Zoom out a few times till you're facing a computer desk. Then turn right. 2. Look behind the beige dresser for a power cord. 3. Look on the top shelf of the dresser to see a name: 4. Turn right. Take the paper dumbbell from the floor. 5. Turn right. Zoom…
Escape Game: "A Sweet Trap" By IDAC CO., LTD Walkthrough: 1. Zoom out. Pick up the magnet near the foot of the table. 2. Open the freezer and take the nippers. 3. Turn right. Note the statue of a Merlion. 4. Turn right. Open the top drawer of the desk and take out the book. 5. Look through the book. It talks about Merlions. 6. Zoom in on the lamp to the…
Escape Game: "Falsely Accused" By IDAC CO., LTD Walkthrough: 1. Read the book on top of the bookcase. Tap on the the number 315. Then find the pink celluloid sheet tucked between the books. 2. Turn right. Take the ice cube from the freezer. 3. Zoom in on the pink dresser. Take the spoon from the top left drawer. 4. Examine the sun and moon drawings in the drawer. One of the…
Escape Game: "Prank House" By IDAC CO., LTD ; ; ; ; ; See my full list of escape games and walkthroughs. If you like this game, download AppNavi and enjoy IDAC escape games free of charge! Enter the ID T1AE to gain 100 bonus points for more games. Walkthrough: 1. Zoom out. Tap on the right side of the screen to enter the kitchen. 2. Look between the fridge and the…