Hi everyone, and welcome back to My Week Unwrapped, where I discuss all the games I've been playing over the last seven days. The COVID-19 insanity continues, but one good thing to come out of it for iOS gamers is that many developers have temporarily made their games either cheap or completely free. I've been making daily posts for the sales here, though they seem to be dying down now. Still, most…
Kotoro By: Semidome Inc. Kotoro is a color-mixing puzzle game by Semidome. You have to combine colored bubbles to create the goal color, with it left as the only bubble. It can be tricky, so this walkthrough guide should help you if you get stuck. Feel free to ask for extra help in the comments section. Walkthrough: Chapters 1 Collision & 2 Swap: Chapter 3 Replicate: Coming soon!