Hi everyone and welcome to another weekly roundup called My Week Unwrapped! I've been busy this week writing several reviews, some news pieces, and catching up on some walkthroughs I needed to finish. I've also been spending way too much time playing South Park: Phone Destroyer, a game I would likely not have even downloaded if not for the IP. Anyway, I have a good mix of both free and paid games…
Letter Fridge By: Candywriter, LLC This will be a complete walkthrough guide with help, hints, tips, tricks, answers and solutions for the iOS and Android word game, Letter Fridge, by Candywriter. Feel free to ask for extra help in the comments section. Walkthrough: You can also use this video for Apples and Strawberries: Chapter 1, Apples: Apples-1: CAT, CATS Apples-2: GUSH, MUSH, HUMS, GUMS Apples-3: SILK, KILT, KILTS, SKIT Apples-4: SNOW, KNOW,…