Kitty Q - A Quantum Adventure By: Philipp Stollenmayer / Kamibox Kitty Q is a new room escape game from Philipp Stollenmayer, in which you work with Anna, Erwin Schr╬ô├╢┬ú╬ô├▓├│dinger's granddaughter, to help the cat that's both alive and dead to escape the quantum realm. The game has built-in hints, but if you get stuck, this walkthrough guide should help. Feel free to ask for extra help in the comments section. Walkthrough:…
Kitty Q - A Quantum Adventure By: Philipp Stollenmayer / Kamibox These days, it's hard to find someone who hasn't heard of Schrödinger's Cat. Shows like The Big Bang Theory have popularized the thought experiment devised by physicist Erwin Schrödinger in 1935 that a cat inside a sealed box would be simultaneously dead and alive until you open the box to check. That's the gist of it but there's a lot more…
Sticky Terms By: Kamibox / Philipp Stollenmayer Sticky Terms is the latest puzzle game Philipp Stollenmayer, aka Kamibox. It asks you to piece together parts of letters to make words that have no direct translation in other languages. It can get pretty tricky, so this walkthrough should help you if you get stuck. Feel free to ask for extra help in the comments section. NOTE: If you own either typeshift or see/saw,…
Sticky Terms By: Kamibox / Philipp Stollenmayer Not long after releasing his "magnum opus," Song of Bloom, Philipp Stollenmayer is back with yet another puzzle game that breaks the mold. Sticky Terms releases March 2nd and has you combining parts of letters to make up words you've probably never heard of. The game features 150 different puzzles, each a scrambled word from all different languages. But what makes these words interesting is…
Song of Bloom By: Philipp Stollenmayer / Kamibox Song of Bloom is the latest game by Philipp Stollenmayer, aka Kamibox. It's nonlinear, so you can solve puzzles out of order. The game has helpful clues and hints to keep you from getting stuck for long, but if you still need help, you can try this walkthrough guide. Feel free to ask for extra help in the comments section. See my Song of…
Song of Bloom By: Philipp Stollenmayer / Kamibox Philipp Stollenmayer, aka Kamibox, has a number of mobile games under his belt by now, of varying genres and levels of weirdness. Just about every one of them is memorable, even if they're not all to your tastes. My personal favorite is supertype, a physics puzzler that uses letters as objects with weight and behavior when dropped on the board. I tend to gravitate…
Bacon Γò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£Γöñ The Game By: Philipp Stollenmayer / Kamibox Philipp Stollenmayer is back with another zany physics game about stacking food. This time, you need to flip a strip of bacon onto a hundred different items in Bacon Γò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£Γöñ The Game. Some levels are easy and some are just downright evil. So if you get stuck, you can watch my videos for help. Walkthrough: Levels 1 - 50: Levels 1 Cheeseburger, 2…
supertype By: Philipp Stollenmayer (Kamibox) ╬ô├¬ΓîÉ╬ô├▓├╣╬ô├╢├ë I had been looking forward to Philipp Stollenmayer's supertype ever since I saw the first gameplay trailer for it. However, I was a bit worried it would make me angry, like so many of his games do. I loved the idea of using letters as physical objects with shape and weight to them, but was worried my brain wouldn't be able to come up with the…