Hi everyone. Pull up a chair while I talk about the games I've been playing over the last seven days in the latest installment of My Week Unwrapped. I never know what to say in these intros, so I'll keep it short. The end of the year is almost upon us and I need to start thinking of my Best Of list. Thanksgiving is this week and there's a lot to be…
South Park: Phone DestroyerΓò¼├┤Γö£├▒Γö£Γöé By:Ubisoft I almost titled this review, I Keep Playing 'South Park: Phone Destroyer' Even Though it Includes Everything I Hate About F2P Games. That basically sums up what this article will be like. I've been spending a lot of time with the game over the last couple of weeks, being drawn back to it even when I have so many other games to play that don't feel like…
Hi everyone and welcome to another weekly roundup called My Week Unwrapped! I've been busy this week writing several reviews, some news pieces, and catching up on some walkthroughs I needed to finish. I've also been spending way too much time playing South Park: Phone Destroyer, a game I would likely not have even downloaded if not for the IP. Anyway, I have a good mix of both free and paid games…