‘Thimbleweed Park’ iOS Review: Retro Point-and-Click Gaming for the Modern Age

Thimbleweed Park By: Terrible Toybox (Ron Gilbert) As a point-and-click adventure fan, I knew I was supposed to be excited about Thimbleweed Park when it was announced, but I'd be lying if I didn't say I had mixed feelings. As I mentioned here, I didn't grow up on LucasArts games, but rather those like Broken Sword. So I don't have any nostalgic attachment to the retro art or old school action verb…

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Thimbleweed Park: Touch Controls Guide and Tips

Thimbleweed Park By: Terrible Toybox (Ron Gilbert) This is just a short guide to help those playing the mobile version of Thimbleweed Park find the shortcuts to make the game more user-friendly. Some of these options are not so obvious at first, so they're easy to miss. I missed them myself during my first hour or so playing. So first off, you can read the helpful tips in the settings. You're shown…

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Thimbleweed Park is Out Now on iOS and Has Won Me Over

Thimbleweed Park By: Terrible Toybox (Ron Gilbert) I'm not going to mince words. When I first heard about and saw screenshots of Ron Gilbert's Thimbleweed Park, I had some excitement mixed with dread. Dread that it would mimic old retro games to a point that wouldn't be enjoyable for me. I'm very sensitive about games wasting my time, and a list of action verbs on the screen was not that appealing to…

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