Back in March, I started something new on I gave a roundup of all the best games I wrote about throughout the month. I was very busy in April and May, so April never got its own roundup. But fear not! It's back and with a double-whammy including both months. So, without further ado, I give you the April/May 2015 iOS games roundup. I will post the most notable games first.…
Til Morning's Light By: Amazon Game Studios & WayForward A while back, I heard about a game called Til Morning's Light, being developed by WayForward. The game was originally supposed to be an exclusive for Amazon Fire devices, which made me really sad. Not sad enough to buy an Amazon device instead of iOS, but it's the first time the thought even crossed my mind. Well, it turns out Amazon Game Studios…
Til Morning's Light By: Amazon Game Studios & WayForward This is a complete step-by-step walkthrough with hints, tips, tricks and answers for the haunted house iOS and Android adventure game Til Morning's Light by Amazon Game Studios and WayForward Technologies. Throughout the walkthrough you'll be able to find videos to help you if the text and photos aren't enough. They go in the same order, so it should be easy to follow…