Dissembler By: Ian MacLarty Ian MacLarty's colorful puzzler, Dissembler, is one of those games that I hadn't heard of before and didn't grab me from its screenshots, but I gave it a shot anyway since I was sent a code. It ended up being one of my favorite games, and a Game of the Year contender for 2018. I reviewed it back when it released earlier this year, and since then I've…
Infinity Blade III (3) By: Chair Entertainment [DKB url="https://www.appunwrapper.com/IB3" text="Download" title="" type="" style="" color="green" width="" opennewwindow="" nofollow=""] Chair announced that a huge new content update is coming for Infinity Blade 3 on December 19th, called "Ausar Rising"! See our Ausar Rising guide here. *** More info about the Deathless mode! Sounds hardcore! "Are You Deathless? Some costumed vigilante once said something to the affect that Γò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö¼├║with great challenge comes great reward.Γò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö¼├æ ChAIR…
The Lost City By: Fire Maple Games [DKB url="https://www.appunwrapper.com/lostcity" text="Download" title="" type="" style="" color="green" width="" opennewwindow="" nofollow=""] The new point-and-click adventure game, The Lost City, by Fire Maple Games, just got a new update. Bugs were fixed and Chinese and Japanese localizations were added! Read my review of The Lost City. Read my walkthrough of The Lost City. [DKB url="https://www.appunwrapper.com/lostcity" text="Download" title="" type="" style="" color="green" width="" opennewwindow="" nofollow=""]
The fast-paced cover-based shooter, EPOCH, by Uppercut Games, just rolled out its first major update, 1.1.0, being called an Ultra Update! To celebrate, the game is on sale for only $0.99! [DKB url="https://bit.ly/xtI1o2" text="Download" title="" type="" style="" color="green" width="" opennewwindow="" nofollow=""] See my original review here. Here's what's new, including the ULTRA difficulty level, new items, new enemy behaviors and more: Γò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£Γöé ULTRA DIFFICULTY - Not challenged enough? Play the whole campaign…
DragonVale By Backflip Studios [DKB url=https://bit.ly/DownloadDragonVale"" text="Download" title="DragonVale" type="" style="" color="green" width="" opennewwindow="" nofollow=""] If you like dragons, you'll be thrilled to hear that the popular dragon breeding game DragonVale just got a big new update. Here's what's new in update 1.4.0, from the App Store description: "Ring in the New Year with numerous new game updates courtesy of your friendly neighborhood DragonVale wizards... THREE NEW ISLANDS Expand your dragon park…
Shake Spears! Update 1.2.2 By Alawar Entertainment, Inc [DKB url="https://bit.ly/yqFDi4" text="Download" title="" type="" style="" color="green" width="" opennewwindow="" nofollow=""] Shake Spears! is one of those games I bought immediately after trying the free version, but I got bored of the full version before defeating the final boss. That's mainly because of the dumbed-down AI. Each opponent had a pattern and once you learned it, there wasn't much of a challenge. Aside from the…
Contre Jour By Chillingo The visually captivating Cut the Rope/World of Goo hybrid puzzle game, Contre Jour, has finally been updated with its long-anticipated fourth chapter, Moonlight. This new world offers plenty of challenge for those who already mastered the first three chapters. It includes 20 new levels, 60 new lights to collect, and a new tentacle to manipulate. As can be expected, it also has its own original soundtrack that is…