Her Story By: Sam Barlow I was a little obsessed with Sam Barlow's FMV murder mystery Her Story when it first came out. It might be my game of the year, as no other game burrowed into my head that deep. It's such a unique and chilling experience. At five bucks, it was already a great deal, but for those who weren't ready to take the plunge at that price, there's really…
Her Story By: Sam Barlow **Note: If you haven't already finished playing "Her Story," turn back now. There are SPOILERS ahead!** I've recently been interviewing creator Sam Barlow and actress Viva Seifert about the full-motion video (FMV) murder mystery game Her Story. If you've played the game (and if you're reading this, I hope you did), you may have come across the video clips in which she sings an altered version of…
Her Story By: Sam Barlow As anyone who's been following me here or on Twitter for the last few weeks might have noticed, I've been a bit obsessed with the game "Her Story." I reached out to the creator, Sam Barlow, to conduct an interview, to which he generously agreed. We've been doing it one question at a time over email and I thought it might be interesting to let my audience…
Her Story By: Sam Barlow For those who finished playing the game Her Story by Sam Barlow, you can see the full transcript here, thanks to reader dazydee, who cleaned up the text from a file that Howard Alan Treesong posted on Neogaf. This will spoil the game completely for anyone who hasn't played, so I highly suggest walking away if you haven't played yet. You can also see my walkthrough guide…