All of MediaCity Games’ Adventure Games Just Went on Sale

If you're an adventure game fan, you won't want to miss out on this deal. MediaCity Games released their third game recently, called The Lost Fountain. I played it and enjoyed it quite a bit. You can read my review here. If you haven't, you can now grab it for the lower price of only $0.99 on the Apple App Store, which is a steal! Additionally, you can now grab their previous…

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The Mystery of the Crimson Manor: Walkthrough

The Mystery of the Crimson Manor By: Media City Games [DKB url="" text="Download" title="" type="" style="" color="green" width="" opennewwindow="" nofollow=""] If you like this game, try "Alice Trapped in Wonderland" by MediaCity Games, the same developer as Crimson Manor. Walkthrough: 1. Walk through the gates. 2. Walk into the small building. Read the journal on the table. 3. Go back to the gate and examine the right lion head. Take the key…

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