Another year has come to an end and, once again, there were a ton of terrific games that released on iOS. It's always a little difficult to choose my favorites, but I've narrowed it down to 20 this time. I wasn't that impressed with Apple Arcade this year, but Netflix brought us some gems and they're continuing to do so in 2024. Last year, I expressed my concern about subscriptions taking over…
Hi everyone, and welcome back to My Week Unwrapped, where I discuss all the games I've been playing over the last seven days. This week was a bit underwhelming, at least from the new games I played. Still, there are some new games that released this week that I already covered in the past, so it's not a complete loss for the rest of you. There was also a free content update…
DERE Vengeance By: Appsir / Darius Immanuel Guerrero DERE Vengeance is a hardcore puzzle platformer that requires laser sharp reflexes and/or a boatload of patience. I'm posting all my Gameplay videos here for anyone who needs help. But you may have to witness numerous deaths to get to the solutions. You can also just watch these videos if you enjoy seeing someone suffer. Enjoy! Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: More coming…
Hi everyone, and welcome back to My Week Unwrapped, where I discuss all the games I've been playing over the last seven days. This has been a busy week with some notable releases, and I took advantage of all the rainy weather we've been having to play as much as I could. The highlight of my week was Rusty Lake's Underground Blossom, with Storyteller as the runner-up. This roundup is definitely more…
Hi everyone, and welcome back to My Week Unwrapped, where I discuss all the games I've been playing over the last seven days. There were some interesting new releases this week, with DERE Vengeance being the highlight for me -- despite all the pain it put me through. I also played the bonus story from Omen Exitio: Plague and completed some big Genshin Impact quests. There's a lot to discuss, so pull…