Infinity Blade III (3) set to release alongside iPhone 5C & 5S

Infinity Blade III (3) set to release alongside iPhone 5C & 5S ***Update: Infinity Blade 3 is out! Download it here. *** Chair Games announced Infinity Blade III is arriving in only about a week! Check out the details from Epic's site: Yesterday, during AppleΓò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£├╗s event at its headquarters in Cupertino, ChAIR co-founders Donald and Geremy Mustard revealed Infinity Blade III. Here is a handy, succinct recap of all the important details…

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The Room: Epilogue: Walkthrough

The Room: Epilogue By: Fireproof Games This is a walkthrough guide for anyone who needs help, hints, or solutions for the the newly added Epilogue for the game "the Room." Walkthrough: 1. Look through the lens to see hidden marks. There's a handprint that you need to match up. Once you do so, part of it will pop up. Press it down to get a gear. 2. Press down this piece: 3.…

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