My Week Unwrapped: August 6, 2021 – My Friend Pedro, Neighbors back From Hell, Tiger Trio’s Tasty Travels, Night Book, Circulous and More


Hi everyone, and welcome back to My Week Unwrapped, where I discuss all the games I’ve been playing over the last seven days. This week was fairly busy, but I also got a root canal, which ate up a chunk of my time. I also finished the bulk of the new Genshin Impact content, so I’ve been able to cut back on that and focus on other games. There are a few notable releases, including the mobile version of My Friend Pedro and and an improved version of Neighbors From Hell, called Neighbors back From Hell. There’s plenty to discuss, so let’s not waste any more time!

My Friend Pedro: Ripe for Revenge

I covered the original My Friend Pedro back when it released on the Switch, but I struggled quite a bit with the controls. This new mobile version, called Ripe for Revenge, was built from the ground up for touch controls and was far more manageable for me. I still struggled here and there and got only two stars on most levels instead of three, but I had a great time playing through the three areas. It’s a short game, but I like that it didn’t overstay its welcome. I have a full review here so I’ll let you read that. There are also more gameplay videos in there if you want to see what later stages are like. The game is free to try, though, so just do that!

Neighbors back From Hell

I never played the original Neighbors From Hell that released nearly twenty years ago. But I played some of the new improved version that just released on iOS and Android, called Neighbors back From Hell, and I’m enjoying it quite a bit. It’s a puzzle strategy game, kind of like a point-and-click adventure combined with a stealth game. Each level has you sneaking around your neighbor’s home to play pranks on him. You need to search for objects around the place and then find uses for them — such as crazy gluing his binoculars so they stick to his face. There’s a certain number of pranks you can play on him in each level, or you can leave before you complete them all, sacrificing a higher score. It’s a little stressful trying to get everything done while also avoiding being spotted, but you have three lives, so there’s some room for error. For now I’m just focusing on getting through the game and I’ll worry about perfecting my scores later. I’m having fun that way and it’s keeping me from getting frustrated if I mess up. I can also relate to the whole idea of having such a bad neighbor you want to cause them harm. So it’s helping me release some pent-up anger. Overall, I’m impressed with the game and how it’s been adapted to mobile and would highly recommend it to anyone who likes puzzly games.

Tiger Trio’s Tasty Travels

I played some of Tiger Trio’s Tasty Travels last week and had only good things to say about it. I’ve since played through the third chapter and am still working on the fourth, as the last two levels completely stumped me. It’s a game that starts off easy but gets pretty tricky once things get going. If you’re a puzzle fan, I think this deserves a spot in your collection. I’m also working on a walkthrough guide here if you need help.

Night Book

Night Book is another game I covered last week, but since there are fifteen endings to unlock and hundreds of scenes, I want to play through it at least a few more times. This week I did one more playthrough and almost got a good ending, but not quite. I also uncovered a lot more information that might help me get to a good ending next time. I like how it’s short but meant to related several times. You can also skip parts you’ve seen already, so it doesn’t waste your time. If you like horror movies or interactive movies in general, this is an easy one to recommend. It’s also free to try, so you can see for yourself if it sucks you in before spending money on it.


I gave you a short preview last week of Act 2 of Circulous, and now it’s out for everyone! I’ve since played another hour or so and I’m really impressed with the puzzles. It was a bit intimidating at one point because of a huge information dump. But once I managed to solve one part of a puzzle, the rest start to come together and I got some momentum going. I’m a bit stumped again, but will work my way through it hopefully. Overall, I’m really happy with the direction this game has taken. It continues to surprise and delight and is an easy recommend for any puzzle or adventure fans. I’m also working on a walkthrough here if you need help.

Chicken Police

I’m still making my way through Chicken Police about an hour at a time, and I think I’m probably near the end now. Much of the mystery has been unraveled and more questions have been answered. But I got frustrated by a mini game in which you have to trace the knots of a rope before the timer runs out. I couldn’t figure out why I was failing sometimes and not other times when tracing the same way. The camera movement was also bothering me. I would be happy to just skip this puzzle altogether, as it just feels in the way, but I don’t know that that’s an option. I might try again after a break from it, but it did sour things for me a bit.

Genshin Impact

Like I said, I already completed the bulk of the new Inazuma content in Genshin Impact, so now I’m just logging in for about an hour each day to do my dailies and any new events that crop up. Today we got a new event called Lost Riches, which is similar to one we had in the past. You get a little treasure-hunting seelie sidekick to help you find treasure to dig up. Each day there will be new areas to search and at the end of the event you get to choose a pet seelie from one of four colors. The purple one is new and the one I’m going to choose and I’m really excited to get it. Yoimiya’s banner also starts in a few days and I’m looking forward to giving her a proper test run, though I don’t think I can spare the primogems to try and pull for her.

Sky: Children of the Light

There isn’t much going on in Sky right now, but there was a new Rose quest as part of the Season of the Little Prince. Make sure to complete it!

And that’s everything I’ve been up to this week, aside from being tortured by a dentist. I also finished the first two seasons of Manifest, yelling quite often at the screen. I also started Wellington Paranormal, which is good fun, though I do need to read the captions to understand what they’re saying a lot of the time. Anyway, let me know in the comments section which games you’re enjoying and I’ll see you back here next time with more of My Week Unwrapped!

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Bev

    What other puzzle adventures similar to five-bn could you recommend , for iPad
    I loved these games, and have played all the available one. I also loved eyes of Ara

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