Hi everyone, and welcome back to My Week Unwrapped, where I discuss all the games I’ve been playing over the last seven days. I finished up Of Two Minds and found it far more compelling than I first thought, tried a few new games, and started working on the new Prune levels. There’s also been a lot going on in Genshin Impact, so that’s been a priority, especially since I like new characters so much. There’s a lot to discuss, so let’s not waste any more time.
Yes, Your Grace
Yes, Your Grace released on PC and other platforms back in 2020, but we only just got a mobile port this week. It’s a kingdom management game in which you play as the king and need to decide what to do when people ask for help. There’s a lot of family dynamics going on, and I’m very much enjoying the story. I’m not sure if I’m making the right decisions, but I’m going along for the ride and I’ll see where it takes me. There’s a free trial that lasts about an hour and after that you’re prompted to pay $3.99 for the full game if you want to continue. I’m loving the writing, the art style and soundtrack. It also moves along at a quick pace and I got sucked in pretty easily. I bought the full game after i recorded the two videos below and I’ll continue with my playthrough over the weekend. I highly recommend playing through the free trial for yourself to see if you feel it’s worth buying the full game.
Potion Permit
Potion Permit is a survival game in which you collect ingredients that you can use to craft potions and help the townspeople. It got a mobile port this week thanks to Playdigious, and it seems like a good fit for the platform. Unfortunately, it’s just not my thing. I don’t generally enjoy games that involve lots of chopping trees and breaking rocks. It feels like a waste of time to me. The story also feels slow and a bit lackluster. I do like the artwork and the potion mixing mini game. But I’m not compelled to keep playing. I recommend watching some of my gameplay video before deciding for yourself. I should also mention that some menu buttons are cut off on iPad, so if you’re planning to play on iPad you should wait for an update that fixes that.
Of Two Minds
I had mixed feelings about Of Two Minds when I started playing it last week, but I’ve since finished it and warmed up to it. The bad acting has a kind of charm to it and I started to care more about unlocking new clips and learning more about these characters. It’s still an acquired taste, but if you like FMV games, it might be worth your time. Once you find enough clips, you’ll unlock “case studies” which explain what different characters are going through. I’m not sure everyone will love having it spelled out that way, but I appreciated it since it was a bit difficult to keep track of all the characters and their interactions. It was also interesting to learn about psychoanalysis and how it compares to modern therapy. I’m glad the game exists, even if the video clips are on the cheesy side. I have more videos here if you want to see more before deciding whether to buy it.
From Eva with Green
I started playing From Eva with Green last week and appreciated the art style, soundtrack and laid-back feeling of it. I didn’t love the weird way you hold and drag your finger up to make plants grow, as it feels awkward. But I finished the game this week. It wasn’t very long, as the whole thing took me less than an hour to complete. It was a pleasant enough experience and costs only $1.99, so I’d say if you’re intrigued by it, give it a chance.
The award-winning Prune got a content update this week out of nowhere, without any announcement or explanation. I can’t complain, though. It’s always nice to see new content from one of my favorite games. These 12 new levels are advertised as challenging, and after years away from the game, I have indeed been finding them difficult to complete. I spent about an hour with it and realized that I forgot how some of the mechanics work and even how to clear a level. But I’ve since played more on my own and re-familiarized myself with it. Each of the new levels has blue flowers to reach as a bonus achievement. I’m still working my way through them, but I started a walkthrough here if you get stuck. I don’t know what we did to deserve more Prune content after all these years, but I’m here for it and I plan to savor it. If you don’t already have the game but do have an Apple Arcade subscription, the “plus” version got the same update, so you can play it there if you want. Either way, make sure to check out the new update.
Solquence got an update this week that changed one of the rules so that aces can go before a 2 and 3 to make a match. I decided to take that opportunity to play some more and got all the way to level 150. It really does feel like a game that will never end! I still like it, but I don’t know if I’ll play all the way to level 500. I guess we’ll see how it goes.
Genshin Impact
And last, I spent a lot of time with Genshin Impact this week. The Lantern Rite festival began and between that and Xianyun’s story quest, I absolutely fell in love with the character. I ended up wishing on her banner to get her C1 and I’m having a blast using her skill around the overworld. They also made Gaming the focus of the Lantern Rite story and I’m loving having two of my favorite characters up front and center. I really can’t complain about anything, especially with so much high quality content coming at such a fast pace. Every time I think I’ll get bored or burnt out on the game, they go and release a new area or new characters — or both — that remind me why I’ve stuck with it for so long. If you haven’t given Genshin Impact a chance yet, please do!
And that’s everything I’ve been up to this week. I’m still watching The X-Files, though I’m getting a little annoyed with Mulder and Scully’s out-of-character behavior in the last few episodes. Still, it’s got me pretty hooked so I’ll keep watching. Anyway, let me know in the comments section which games you’re playing and I’ll see you back here next time with more of My Week Unwrapped!