The Haunt 2
By: Synthesis Design Solutions, LLC (Furious Apps)
Feel free to ask for help in the comments section until a walkthrough is posted.
The Haunt 2
By: Synthesis Design Solutions, LLC (Furious Apps)
Feel free to ask for help in the comments section until a walkthrough is posted.
This is a great game but I can’t find the last two guns. Any ideas?
One of the guns is suposed to be where you can trip on it on the stairway but I cant find it.
I can’t either
neither can I and it’s irritating!!!!!
I finally figured out that you must work the puzzle to get the the guns and finish the game. Great game. I will play it again in a year or so. By then Iwill have forgotten most of game.
where is the green gem ?
@ frank: i did finish the puzzle. i have found all but 2 guns (including the one on the stairs). is there any help you could give me?
@ mehran: you find the emerald (green gem) when you have matched all three missing bones to their empty spaces on the panel (honoring the dead soldiers) in the tomb/ruins
where is the gun on the stairs? what building.
What stairs is that gun on??? I can’t find it.
i also cannot find the last coin. i have been looking for it like crazy for the past two days. i went over everything – any help?
oh dear. i am stuck. i need the last two guns, the last coin and a crank (the ark will not open). grateful for any help!
i finished it. i never found the last coin (you don’t need it), but the reason i wasn’t able to find the scepter and the last gun sooner was because some comments were erratic. i was a little disappointed for the game to be over so soon! the haunt itself had been extremely lengthy and tricky, more items and guesswork involved (there were also a lot more interwoven riddles and secret doors/ passages with very inventive locks and codes).
big minus in the haunt 2: no really scary parts! no “real” ghosts and never creepy or fear-invoking like the haunt at all.
all in all it still was a great play, i am a big fan of the haunt games and can’t wait for another sequel.
yet, instead of making the release date on halloween their biggest concern, it would have been nice if they had put as much effort into the haunt 2 as its predecessor the haunt! looking forward to the haunt 3, though! i hope that one will fully satisfy the player’s expectations once more (:
So wheres the stupid last 2 guns
I can’t find the missing photograph number 26 pls help me quickly
WHERE IS THE GUN BY THE STAIRS!!!???!!! I’ve been wondering around aimlessly looking for it and also the rest of the puzzle pieces. Ugh. I only have 5 puzzles pieces left too find and feel like I’m clicking every spot on the screen to no avail. 🙁 Any help would be appreciated….especially the stupid gun on the stairs.
Where is the 23th photo? It appears I would need to do some landscaping outside the motel entrance. Is there a little door on the fence? Please help.
Sorry that should be 13th photo
I am missing one puzzle piece. I have been told it is in the living room on the green table cloth next to the vase of flowers in the manor house. No matter how many times I tried to click on this area I cannot find it. I either find I have entered the upper hallway or backed out of the living room. HELP PLEASE SOMEONE. What am I doing wrong?
Where is the notebook?
As everyone else seems to be askind where is the gun on the stairs !
Where is the 19 th photo?
Where are the last two guns? My puzzle is complete, I’ve walked through all the rooms again. What am I missing?
I cannot believe how many ppl have asked about the flipping gun on the stairs & nobody will answer that question! I also cannot move on, I have all the coins, all the puzzle pieces. But have been to every staircase OVER & OVER again & there’s no freaking gun! What gives ppl? Please help!
Use the skeleton key with the red ribbon to open the wire gate in the bunker (beside the gun cabinet). The last two guns are in there.
In is on the stairs after u use the key to open gate the key u get for finishing the puzzle
Where are the army photos 5,10, and 19?
Posting a year after the last post on here and like everyone else I can’t find the last two guns.
Also missing 8 pieces of the puzzle, if that matters at all.
I got all of the coins, not that it makes any difference. Ashamed, too, because I’m really enjoying this. I did the Haunt about 3 years ago. It was tougher.
As for the missing photos, I got them all,but I could swear that I went some places and they weren’t there, but went back later they were there!
Can’t get the guns until the puzzle is completed. I can’t get the last puzzle piece, I’ve gone over all many times but still can’t find it. Hellllppppp!
Go to each room and select the moth. At the top of the pop-up screen it will tell you how many puzzle pieces that screen contained and how many of them you have found. If you methodically check each room you should be able to find what room it is in.