By: Joel Rochon / GRYN SQYD
[UPDATE, 1/25/2018: The contest is closed and the winners have been drawn and sent their codes. Thank you everyone for participating!]
BACKFIRE is a new harcore shooter by sole developer Joel Rochon, aka GRYN SQYD, that released a few days ago. The twist is that your ship only shoots from the back, hence the name BACKFIRE. Clever, eh? It features stylish minimalistic artwork, a chill soundtrack, and tons of varied enemies. I’m still working on beating the first boss, but I came close, as you can see in the video below. It helps that there are upgrades to work towards, and the game is generous with the number of souls it gives you, which is the in-game currency. So even when you fail, it feels like you might be one more try, one more upgrade away from victory. And the game is fun enough that I don’t get angry when I die. Best of all, it’s a fairly-priced premium game with no ads or in-app purchases, even though it could have easily gone that route and felt like a real slog. Instead, you get a well-balanced game that feels polished all around and is a blast to play.
You can grab BACKFIRE right now for $2.99 and dive right in. Or you can try your luck and enter my giveaway for a chance to win one of five codes to download it for free!
I have five (5) iOS codes of BACKFIRE to give to five lucky readers. Please read the instructions below carefully to ensure your entry is accepted.
Here’s how to enter:
1. Make sure youΓò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£├╗re following @AppUnwrapper and @TheGreenSquid on Twitter. You can also “Like” my Facebook page for an extra entry.
2. Tweet this message:
I entered for a chance to win a copy of hardcore shooter ‘BACKFIRE’ on iOS! Follow @AppUnwrapper and @TheGreenSquid and enter here:
You can also share this page via Facebook for a second entry.
3. To make sure you’re entered, comment below with your Twitter/Facebook username and any methods you used to share, so I know you’re interested in a promo code. Winners will be contacted through Twitter, Facebook or e-mail.
The contest will end Thursday, January 24, 2019 at 12 PM EST and there will be a drawing for five (5) iOS winners. Please make sure to use the code ASAP, as it does expire. To use the code, go to the “Games” tab in the App Store, scroll down to the bottom, and press “Redeem.” Log in to your account and then paste the code in the text box. Then download and enjoy!
Good Luck!
Entered as @brerlappin
Posted as @3Dimension and liked by yarono
I’m @txster on twitter and I approve this message. Err. Or something. I tweeted!
entered as @lomionoesgrave thanks for the giveaway!
I entered with “@WANG_aov” on twitter and “Wellington Nobre” on facebook 🙂
Tweeted by @yaronoak
Tweeted as @RustySabre. As always, thanks for the opportunity!
Entered! @bearkiddy is me 🙂
I enter with @jocafb via twitter 🙂
I entered via twitter as @MaekToth 🙂
Posted as @RohitBhatia29 on Twitter.
I entered on twitter as lollipop (@catsickle) and liked your Facebook page 😊
Tweeted the message (@SKozyrev83) and shared this post on Facebook (Slava Kozyrev). Thanks for yet another giveaway.
Entered as @RomanValerio2 and Roman Valerio on Facebook. Completed all the steps.
Tweeted @RomanValerio2 and completed all the steps on Facebook as well (Roman Valerio)