Escape Game “Special Cleaning – The Silent Grudge -”
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Note: For all IDAC/WaveA games, make sure you tap each clue/item numerous times to make sure it doesn’t have anything else to tell you. If you miss something, the game might not let you use that clue to solve a puzzle.
1. First, back up. Look inside the bag on the couch to find info on four of the ghost’s acquaintances.
2. Look at the calendar on the wall.
3. Find the red trash can and take the paper clip from inside.
4. Go to the computer desk and take the broken back scratcher from the top drawer.
5. Bend the paper clip to and use it to open the closet. Move aside the boxes and take the hand truck.
6. Open the middle desk drawer. There’s a pencil case that’s stuck closed. Use the paper clip to open it and take the pencil.
7. Find the button on the hand truck and use the pencil to press it, allowing you to lift the handle. (You may need to first try using the hand truck on the bookshelf blocking the door for this to work.)
8. Try using the paper clip to open the bottom desk drawer. It doesn’t work, so use the pencil instead. Take the screwdriver set.
9. Use the pencil to open the plastic casing on the screwdriver set.
10. Use the screwdriver to open the glass cabinet and take try to take the glass. It drops and the bottom breaks off. Pick it up.
11. Use the broken bottle to open the glasses case by the bed. Take the glasses and remove one of the lenses. Use it with the broken bottle to fix it.
12. Go to the fridge/freezer. Use the pen to chip away the ice that’s frozen it shut. Open the door and take the frozen water bottle.
13. Turn on the stove and warm the bottle on it. Now it’s melted.
14. Try placing the water bottle on the stove again. You can’t. So take the tray nearby and place it on the stove. Pour the water into the tray and turn on the flame.
15. Walk around a bit. When the water is boiling, fill the glass bottle with some of it.
16. Look under the bed. There’s a toolbox but you can’t reach it. Use the paper clip/wire to fix the backscratcher and use it to get the toolbox.
17. Look under the hand truck. It’s missing some wheels/casters. Look under the TV stand. There are some casters, but you need a bigger screwdriver for them.
18. Try to swap out the small screwdriver with the bigger one. It’s too rusty!
19. Look at the initials on the corner of the toolbox — “I E.” They’re initials for Eguchi Isao. Look in the bag on the couch and get the numbers 4396 from his card. Enter it into the keypad on the toolbox. But it’s rusted shut!
20. Pour the hot water from the glass bottle onto the toolbox to get it to open. Take the pliers.
21. Use the pliers to remove the tip of the screwdriver and replace it with the larger one.
22. Go back to the TV stand. Try to remove the casters with the screwdriver. You need something to replace them with first.
23. Take the book that’s as big as a dictionary off the bookshelf at the foo to the bed and use it to swap out one of the casters.
24. Remove the screw on the other caster. You need another sturdy object. Get the alarm clock by the bed and swap it out for the second caster.
25. Place the casters on the hand truck and flip it around. Use it to move the bookcase from the door.
26. If you try to leave, the ghost will call to you. Turn around to the mirror and she’ll point at the calendar. Take a closer look at it to see the numbers 2 and 13 are circled.
27. Find the pink book with the date February 13th on the bookmark. It says “1395 yen” on it. Go to the computer and enter 1395 as the password. We have to find the name of her killer.
28. Open the blue book on the shelf at the foot of the bed to get a memo. Use the glass bottle to see the message. “The order in which I bought the books.”
29. Look at the four bookmarks. They give you four numbers (8671). These numbers make up the phone number of the killer. Look at the four business cards and find that person. It’s Saburo Futagi. Press his name on the door to get the good ending.
Congratulations! You completed the game! If you liked this game, try some of these other room escape and adventure games.