The Witness
By: Thekla, inc. (Jonathan Blow)
Update: The winner has been selected and sent his code. Thank you to everyone who entered and stay tuned for more giveaways!
If you follow me on YouTube or any social media, you may have noticed that I’ve been playing Jonathan Blow’s The Witness quite a bit over the last two weeks. I was skeptical at first, since it seemed to just be 2D puzzles in a 3D world, but the game soon won me over and hasn’t loosened its grip on me. It’s been pretty bad for my productivity, as I just keep recording my play sessions instead of writing reviews that I keep meaning to write. I also plan to review it as well, once I feel I’ve gotten far enough to really talk about it. But meanwhile, I happen to have a promo code to give away to one of my readers. So if you’ve been wanting to play but the $10 price point is a bit much for you, here’s your chance to get it for free!
I have one (1) iOS code of The Witness to give to one lucky reader. Please read the instructions below carefully to ensure your entry is accepted.
Here’s how to enter:
1. Make sure youΓò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£├╗re following @AppUnwrapper╬ô├╢┬╝Γö£├¡on Twitter. You can also “Like” my Facebook page for an extra entry.
2. Tweet this message:
I entered for a chance to win a copy of puzzle adventure ‘The Witness’ on iOS! Follow @AppUnwrapper & enter here:
You can also share this page via Facebook for a second entry.
3. To make sure you’re entered, comment below with your Twitter/Facebook username and any methods you used to share, so I know you’re interested in a promo code. Winners will be contacted through Twitter, Facebook or e-mail.
The contest will end October 4, 2017 at 8:00 PM EST and there will be a drawing for one (1) iOS winner. Please make sure to use the code ASAP, as it does expire. To use the code, go to the “Featured” tab in iTunes and press “Redeem,” log in to your account and then paste the code in the text box. Then download and enjoy!
Good Luck!
[email protected] Entered The Witness. Not up on all the links and instructions.
Tweeted as @RustySabre and posted on Facebook as Eric Pankoke.
Ever since my favourite game Wooords died with iOS11, I need something to fill up my free time. Would love to try this!
have you tried the game Typeshift? I love doing the daily puzzle once a day
@jmakjen Ever since my favourite game Wooords died with iOS11, I need something to fill up my free time. Would love to try this!
Shared !
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Tweeted as @JamiWaid and liked your FB page for extra entry as Jami Waid
Tweeted as @papeler0! Good luck to everybody (manly me ? )
Tweeted as @yaronoak & posted on facebook as Yaron Oaknin
I am dying to play this game. I played a short version on my PC. I follow AppUnwrapper (notNotch) on Twitter and my Twitter handle is @F0XY0NE
also posted on fb
Tweeted as @nickkarras20011
@jma11 Best of luck everyone!
Tweeted @filmngamegeek71
Tweeted and following as @dahlkebeth. Liked your page on Facebook as Beth Dahlke Kiens.
RT’d as @brerlappin
@1800ifeelok tweeted and thank you!