Broken Sword 2: Quaramonte Walkthrough

Broken Sword 2 - The Smoking Mirror: Remastered By Revolution Software Limited   This is the Quaramonte section of my Broken Sword 2 walkthrough. See the rest of the walkthrough here. Quaramonte: Market: 1. Talk to all the locals and get as much information from them as you can. If you show them the small statue, they'll be scared and refuse to talk to you anymore. 2. Talk to the band. Get…

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Escape Game: “The Twin Prank”: Walkthrough

Escape Game: "The Twin Prank" By IDAC CO., LTD. See my full list of escape games and walkthroughs. Walkthrough: 1. Zoom out. Zoom in on the bottom of the bookshelf. Read the green book - it's a diary. 2. Zoom out and look at the middle of the bookshelf. There's a red book. Take it. 3. Turn left. Examine the clock. It's missing a hand. 4. Turn left again. Examine the textbooks…

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Broken Sword 2: Marseilles Walkthrough

Broken Sword 2 - The Smoking Mirror: Remastered By Revolution Software Limited This is the Marseilles part of my walkthrough. Click here to see the rest of the walkthrough. Marseilles: Docks: 1. Walk up to the window of the security hut. Talk to the guard and get as much information from him as you can. 2. Walk down the stairs next to the hut. 3. Take the stick that's floating in the…

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Giveaway: Win a Promo Code for The Passenger!

**Note: The giveaway is now over, but the game is on sale for 99 cents! You can buy it here. [DKB url="" text="BuyNow" title="" type="" style="" color="blue" width="" opennewwindow="" nofollow=""] I recently reviewed a new point-and-click-adventure game by Loading Home, called The Passenger. The art in this game is gorgeous and not to be missed. The developers have been nice enough to provide some codes for me to give away. All you…

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Broken Sword 2: Paris Walkthrough

Broken Sword 2 - The Smoking Mirror: Remastered By Revolution Software Limited This is a walkthrough for the iPhone/iPad/iPod/PC game. Please bear with me as it's a work in progress. This is the first part of it that will take you through all of Paris. See all my Broken Sword walkthroughs here. Walkthrough: Paris: Oubier's Room: 1. There's a block of wood under the corner of the bookcase. Kick it out from…

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Broken Sword 2: Linked Rooms Puzzle Walkthrough

Broken Sword 2 - The Smoking Mirror: Remastered By Revolution Software Limited   Linked Rooms Puzzle Walkthrough: This is the last puzzle of the game. You're in a new room: Pull the lever. Take the left door. In the next room, pull both levers.   Take the left door that just opened. In the corridor, pull the left lever. Go through the open door. You're now back in the original room, but…

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Broken Sword 2: Wheel Room Walkthrough

Broken Sword 2 - The Smoking Mirror: Remastered By Revolution Software Limited This is a walkthrough for the Wheel Room puzzle near the end of the game: Look at the tiles to the right. There are ten made up of two symbols each. Then four more made up of four symbols each. Focus on one of the four tiles at a time. See which two of the ten tiles make up that…

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Broken Sword 2 – The Smoking Mirror: Walkthrough

Broken Sword 2 - The Smoking Mirror: Remastered By Revolution Software Limited This is a walkthrough for the iPhone/iPad/iPod/PC game. Please bear with me as it's a work in progress. Should be complete with screenshots in a day or two. See all my Broken Sword walkthroughs here. Walkthrough: Paris: Oubier's Room: 1. There's a block of wood under the corner of the bookcase. Kick it out from under to knock the bookcase…

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