Tender: Creature Comforts By: Kenny Sun Tender: Creature Comforts is a narrative-driven game from Kenny Sun and friends, in which you play as an earthling dating aliens through a Tinder-like app. I'm a big fan of text messaging games and games that try to mimic the social media experience. So I was eager to check this out, not least because of the quirky art style and premise. Unfortunately, the game plays out…
Reigns By: Devolver Digital & Nerial You may have noticed from all my walkthrough guides that I've been playing a lot of the recent iOS, Android and PC release, Reigns. I also had some questions for the developer, François Alliot, and he was nice enough to answer them for me. Enjoy! AppUnwrapper: Hi François. Thank you so much for making time for this interview. I know you must be really busy right…