The TREASURE – Escape Game – Walkthrough Guide

The TREASURE – Escape Game –
By: Mani Morishita

This will be a complete step-by-step walkthrough guide with hints, tips, tricks, answers and solutions for the iOS and Android room escape game, The Treasure, by Mani Morishita. Feel free to ask for extra help in the comments section.


1. Examine the plant and grab the coin.

2. Turn right twice. Lift up the flower vase and the mat under it to find another coin. There’s also a symbol under there that looks like a compass.

3. Look on the left chair for a strange object. Also, notice the backs of the chairs. They all have Roman numerals on them. You need to use them together with the symbol under the vase, as they show you the order.

4. Look in the crate to the right for a handle of some sort.

5. Turn right. There’s a framed drawing on the wall of the same symbol you saw on the vase. It’s pointing up instead of to the right, though, so keep that in mind. Now, just tap the sides of the painting based on the Roman numerals you saw on the chair. You can also follow my numbers in the screenshot below. Then take the magnifying glass from behind the frame.

6. Look inside the third book on the shelf to see how many coins you need.


More coming soon!

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. CatReader

    Hoping for more walkthrough, as I am finding this game harder than most room escaoes. I have gotten just a couple steps beyond your step 6, but I needed to use your walkthrough to get that far.

  2. Connie

    I do not have the item select box. Also, when I select an item the select another item that is supposed to work together the first item doe not stay selected. Does anyone else have this issue? I’m selecting the flashlight (purple light) that doesn’t stay lot after I select The paper.

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