Station 117: Walkthrough Guide

Station 117
By: Glitch Games

Station 117 is the latest adventure game from Glitch Games. It has you exploring a secret underwater research facility to try and learn what they were studying there. As usual, there’s lots of British humor and tricky puns, but this walkthrough guide should help you if you get stuck. Feel free to ask for extra help in the comments section.


Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Epilogue

You can watch my video for the whole game or continue below for my step-by-step guide.


1. We’re at the front door of Station 117, but it’s locked and we need to figure out how to get inside. First, locate all the points of interest.

2. Tap on the shelf on the right and grab the lever handle. Also, look at the clue on the cup that says Aarron. Take a photo of it. There’s also a stack of books below it and the top book has something in it but we need scissors for it. We’ll come back to that.

3. Go back and tap on the left shelf. Look at the paper under the scuba mask. Take a photo of the clue. Then go back and look at the round thing under the water. It says, ONLY THE TWELVE MONKEYS. Take a photo of it.

4. Now tap on the levers to the left of the door. Replace the missing lever with the one you found. Now, take out the photo of the clue with the dots on it. It shows you the first three levers to pull. After that, you need to figure out the rest through trial and error. Or follow my photo below.

5. Now the screen to the right of the door should have turned on. Go look at it. There’s a bunch of buttons and we need to know which to press. Take out the photo of the coffee cup. That’s the clue! It said Aarron. So press the Aa button, the Rr button, and the On button. Then go through the newly open door to complete the Prologue.

Click on the little numbers below to continue to the walkthrough for Chapter 1 or click here.

This Post Has 25 Comments

  1. Selena

    Does anyone get her the crossword puzzle and wire colors tie together?

  2. Amy

    I’m really confused by the logic of the puzzle near the end with the crossword puzzle and wires. I see how the puzzle gives hints for most of the color sequence but there seem to be two spots where you just have to guess?? I’m hoping someone will have a video to explain that part.

    1. AppUnwrapper

      The NL and O tell you how the rest go — either empty or any color works.

    2. Mel

      On the plate where you place the wires it says O is empty and NL is any wire on the bottom right. Those show up in the crossword so you leave them blank or use any random wire left over

      1. projectrev0

        thank you very much!!

  3. Crisy

    Do you know that your website doesn’t work properly any more because of all the ads?

    I cant see any of your walkthroughs any more. The only things that appear are ads 😢

    Anyone else having these issues?

    1. AppUnwrapper

      Can you email me a screenshot? I only see ads between paragraphs or the one that creates a border for a couple of seconds and then disappears. I can see all the content fine?

  4. Barb

    I can’t for the life of me figure out the blue rings. I watched the “TV” several times and still can’t get it. It looks like it’s the 4th ring (from the inside) first then both the fifth and 1st ring? Then 2 then 3? I have tried it backwards and forwards any guidance would be great thank you

    1. AppUnwrapper

      There are screenshots in my walkthrough you can copy.

      1. Josh

        I Tried this a hundred times, But it doesnt work 😩
        The Solution is (From inside to outside) 4 – 1 – 2 – 3, Or ?

      2. Frodo

        I press 4 – 1 – 2 – 3, Bit it doesnt work 😩
        I Play it on an IPad IOS 16
        Can anybody help me

    2. LM

      You have to hit the second to largest ring then wait for the dark color to go away before the next step.
      Then hit the center ring and largest ring one right after the others and wait for the color to disappear and so on…

  5. Hillary

    I’m very confused by the beaker puzzle. Essentially the beakers are dealing in 8ths (250, 500, 750…2000) and the slots in the bedroom are in 6ths. So how do you indicate 3/4th?
    Also, in your solution, you show the Taurus sign halfway full (3 of 6) but the ratio given is 3/4th.
    I just don’t get it! This is the kind of unintuitive stuff that drives me crazy about Glitch games. Another example: why only count the striped balls in the pool puzzle?
    Anyway I’d appreciate any explanation you could give.

    1. Laura

      Use the poster on the wall to determine the amounts in each beaker, cylinder, or flask. Then number the containers with the signs in the order of their amounts 0-2000 ml, 0ml being 1st and 2000 ml being 7th. Then fill the pink thing accordingly. The cylinder with nothing in it is 1 so that stays empty, the container with 250 is next so take the pink liquid up one notch in the slot that has the same sign. The next container has 500 so the slot with the same sign as the container that has 509 goes up one notch from the previous one which was 250. And so on. Hope that makes sense. It took me a while to realize the ratio is only to help you figure out the measurements of the liquid in each container, and the measurement of the liquid in each container helps you determine the order of the signs and each sign is just one more section of pink filled than the last.

  6. Mel

    I was so angry at the pink liquid trying to mathematically figure out the heights of each notch. So mad that didn’t matter at all, finally had to do a reveal in the puzzle and still didn’t get why they did it that way. Basically just order smallest to largest so thanks for explaining that!

    1. Flixi

      me too. i don’t get it, just make it one more…

  7. Jodi

    Curious if the flashing lamp and flashlight spell something in Morse code?

  8. Romy

    Can’t get the Wilson puzzle to work despite reading the hints above.

    1. Bob

      Same here, have tried it about 10 times with no li

    2. Alex

      You need to click on two of the rings at the same time. Look at the video, then it’s clearer.

  9. Louise

    Yep, can’t get through the Wilson puzzle.

  10. william regal

    i can only find 1 red wire???

    where is the second one?

  11. Megan

    I’m having issues with my photos developing in Station 117. They only spear black.

    1. Pinball

      Check permissions for the app. I had to allow phone and files before the photos worked.

  12. Alex

    Maybe I’ve just confused myself, but re the clock puzzle: Surely 4.50 is ten to five, not ten to four. Same with some of the other times. How are you supposed to know that the hands for 4.50 are in the “It’s ten to four” position? That really annoyed me.

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