Escape Game: “The Hidden Present” Walkthrough

Escape Game: "The Hidden Present" By IDAC CO., LTD Walkthrough: 1. Press the light switch to the right of the door and the lights will go out. 2. Zoom out. Look at the blue object. Zoom in on it to see these symbols: 3. Turn the light back on. 4. Zoom in on the brown dresser with the blue object. Open the second drawer. There's a pencil case. Open it and take…

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Escape Game: “The Wandering Calico Cat” Walkthrough

Escape Game: "The Wandering Calico Cat" By IDAC CO., LTD. [DKB url="" text="Download" title="" type="" style="" color="green" width="" opennewwindow="" nofollow=""] Walkthrough: 1. Turn right twice. Look in the lower right corner of the window and take the wooden spatula. 2. Turn the spatula over to see this: 3. Zoom out. On the right side of the wall is a grate. Insert the spatula to see this: 4. Turn right. Open the cat…

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Snappers: World 5 Walkthrough

This is a walkthrough for the fifth world of the game Snappers, levels 5-1 to 5-100. If you share with anyone, please link to this page. And please let me know if you find any errors. Thank you. [DKB url="" text="Download" title="" type="" style="" color="green" width="" opennewwindow="" nofollow=""] See the rest of the walkthrough here. The grid goes like this: A1 B1 C1 D1 E1 A2 B2 C2 D2 E2 A3 B3…

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Snappers: World 4 Walkthrough

This is a walkthrough for the fourth world of the game Snappers, levels 4-1 to 4-100. If you share with anyone, please link to this page. And please let me know if you find any errors. Thank you. See the rest of the walkthrough here.   [DKB url="" text="Download" title="" type="" style="" color="green" width="" opennewwindow="" nofollow=""] The grid goes like this: A1 B1 C1 D1 E1 A2 B2 C2 D2 E2 A3…

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Escape: The Room 2 Walkthrough

Escape: The Room 2 By MocoGames See my full list of escape games and walkthroughs. Walkthrough: 1. Turn right twice. Take the red ball, box cutter, and blank sheet of paper from the brown desk. 2. Examine the sign on the wall. Examine both books on the desk. 3. Turn right. Open the fridge and take the cup. 4. Fill the cup with water from the fish tank. 5.

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Escape: The Room Walkthrough

Escape: The Room By MocoGame (Photos coming soon) Walkthrough: 1. Pick up the box cutters. 2. Turn right. Examine the inside of the orange furniture to find this message: 3. Turn right. Take the tissue from the tissue box. 4. Take the tennis ball from the drawer and examine it. 5. Take the steel rod from the brown furniture. 6. Turn right. The wall is dirty. You can't clean it with the…

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Snappers: World 3 Walkthrough

This is a walkthrough for the third world of the game Snappers, levels levels 3-1 to 3-100. If you share with anyone, please link to this page. And please let me know if you find any errors. Thank you. See the rest of the walkthrough here. [DKB url="" text="Download" title="" type="" style="" color="green" width="" opennewwindow="" nofollow=""] The grid goes like this: A1 B1 C1 D1 E1 A2 B2 C2 D2 E2 A3…

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Snappers: World 2 Walkthrough

This is a walkthrough for the second world of the game Snappers, levels 2-1 to 2-100. If you share with anyone, please link to this page. And please let me know if you find any errors. Thank you. See the rest of the walkthrough here. [DKB url="" text="Download" title="" type="" style="" color="green" width="" opennewwindow="" nofollow=""] Are you looking for Snappers World 3 Walkthrough? The grid goes like this: A1 B1 C1 D1…

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