Corto Maltese Secrets of Venice
By: Bulkypix
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This is a complete walkthrough guide for Corto Maltese Secrets of Venice. Scroll down for my video walkthrough and other chapters.
Looking for Part 1 of my walkthrough?
Chapter 5: Porta del Doppio
1. You’re back in the boat, but Rasputin is in charge and you can’t see very well. Time to find the next clue! Open the Gazette for three more symbols to enter into the Compass. Now we have to solve this riddle and figure out what that blank key should say on it.
You can also watch my video for this chapter here:
2. This is how it looks in the mirror. The answer is 3H9. Enter it into the compass.
3. Talk to the driver and he’ll take you to a new location. Pick up the ingredient and then go upstairs for a surprise.
4. Talk to the woman. She wants the Emerald petals! Tap on the window to get the last ingredient, Troschiques Aspidum. Then tap the painting to get another comic strip and reveal a rifle. Take the rifle and shoot her. Then get the Emerald and a key off her body.
5. Go downstairs and tap on the locked box to unlock it and get another 3 symbols for your compass in the Gazette.
6. Now to solve the puzzle. The answer is submarine. Enter it into the compass and complete the chapter.
Continue to my walkthrough for Chapter 6, Porta della Guerra.
Continue to Part 2 of my walkthrough, Porta della Rivoluzione.
Continue to Part 3 of my walkthrough, Porta dell’ Esoterismo.
Continue to Part 4, Porta del Viaggio.
3H9 my friend 🙂
Thank you! How did you figure that out?
Well, it says it’s one of the keys in the mirror and by using the specific of the two types of keys, it leaves you with only 4 to chose from: 3H9, 4K7, 78M and 45T.But I couldn’t figure out why is the 3H9 tho, I just decided to try them
OMG I didn’t realize it was one of the keys there. I was trying to figure out a new letter/number combination lol. I totally could have gotten that. Thanks!
Yeah, I was trying to do the same thing, wrote like one page of possible combinations ^^. You’re welcome and good luck.
The hints were too vague. 🙁 Thanks again!
Are you able to see anything in that ship painting?
The anachronism in the painting is a submarine.
Thanks. Will get it on my third playthrough. Sigh.
The anachronism in the painting is the submarine
Well, just wait. There’s an ornery, irritating mixing puzzle coming up. Using 2 size dispensers that must be added to and subtracted from in order to get the correct final mix. Must have been designed on purpose to be the biggest roadblock in the game.
Ugh. Such an infuriating game. And it seemed so promising.
Taking this opportunity, at least, to make videos of chapters 3 & 4.
Did you figure it out? I don’t want to play the game a fourth time, so was going to just record myself playing through chapter 6 as I figure it out.