The Hidden World (formerly Adventures of Mosaika)
By: Fire Maple Games
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This is a walkthrough guide for Mosaika, the new game by Fire Maple Games who made The Lost City. You can find help, hints, solutions, cheats, and tips here. Feel free to ask for help in the comments section if you can’t find what you’re looking for.
Looking for the first part of the walkthrough?
46. Enter the building. Pick up the wooden bucket and use the pry bar to open the barrel and get shears. Also look at the blueprints on the desk.
You can also watch my video for this part of the walkthrough here:
47. Leave the building and continue along the path to the screen with the squirrel. Put the bucket on the hook over the well to get a wax stamp.
48. Go to the library and cut the ivy on the wall to the left to get a clue for your journal.
49. Go into the library and arrange the books according to the clue (in the first photo, books 2&3 need to be swapped). Take the flame-shaped gem.
50. Go to the apothecary and look at the clues on the flower pot outside to get another clue.
51. Go back to the room where you got the bucket and shears and use the clue to open the upstairs door:
52. Enter the bell room and take the white candle. Then go to the screen past the squirrel and light the candle with the torch so you get a lit white candle.
53. Go back to the hidden room in the library and pour the white wax between the red wax stamps. Use the wax stamp on the white wax to get the conch shell.
54. Take the boat to the little island and use the conch shell on the engraving of a conch shell. The island will rise, revealing another locked door. Solve the tile puzzle by making an octopus and the door will open.
55. Take the magic ring off the pedestal and take a look at the symbols on the wall.
56. Place the glass shard on the pedestal and the light will reflect off it onto the symbols so you can get another clue.
57. Go to the bell room and use the clue to ring the bells in the right order, based on the number of dots on each symbol. It goes Triangle, Square, Circle, Diamond, Square, Circle. The wall opens up and you get another mystical orb.
58. Go to the screen past the squirrel and place the orb in the shrine to open another doorway.
59. Go through the doorway. There’s some tentacles holding a shovel that you can’t get. But look at the clue on the wall:
60. Continue to the next screen with the dragon. Pick the acorns from the tree and take them to the squirrel. He will give you an empty tincture bottle. Go back one screen and fill the tincture bottle with the dropping green liquid.
61. Use the green tincture on the tentacles so they release the shovel.
62. Go to the giant stone ring and use the ring on it to open a portal back to your bedroom. Also dig with the shovel at the base of the stone ring to get another flame-shaped gem.
63. Use the portal to go back to your bedroom. Open the chest and move the items to access the keyhole. Use the strange key in the hole. A scroll will be revealed in the wall. It’s a transparent sheet. Take it and go back to the screen with the dragon.
64. On the screen with the dragon, there’s an engraving of fire. Place both flame-shaped gems in it and then pull the level to freeze the pipes. Now you can pass the dragon.
65. Solve the memory puzzle on the wall to get a drafting compass.
**New: There’s now a hidden egg in the skull’s eye socket.**
66. Go to the room with the barrel and place the transparent sheet over the blueprints. Then use the drafting compass on it to get a clue for the turtle puzzle.
67. Go back to the cave past the dragon and use the clue to solve the turtle puzzle:
68. Climb the stairs that rose out of the lava and face the sorceress. Use the magic ring to first break the two glass cylinders at her sides. Then use the ring on the circles above her head in this order to break her shield: 2, 5, 3, 4, 1.
Congratulations! You completed the game!
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Love these games!!
What about the other flame I can’t find it HELPP or maybe I’m blind
I solved the game…but what was the golden egg clue for???
Yes, What about the Golden Egg???
Can not get thru the the 4 bells. Tried numerous times. I’ve got the right order. Tried fadt, slow,ect. Help!
You’re supposed to do the bell pattern in one go without looking at the journal.
I hated that I did not read the instructions first because the game did not allow me to go through the portal because I left the area first. 😛
I might not have redid the ring to the portal properly, so never mind my other comment. lol