Cube Escape: Birthday: Walkthrough Guide

Cube Escape: Birthday
By: LoyaltyGame B.V. (Rusty Lake)


This is a complete step-by-step walkthrough with help, hints, tips, tricks, solutions and answers for the iOS and Android game Cube Escape: Birthday by Rusty Lake. Feel free to ask for extra help in the comments section.


1. When you’re in the elevator, just tap to open the door. Then tap the black cube and the picture frame to start the game. You’ll find yourself in a room with a man and a woman. Talk to them. They’re your parents, apparently. Dad asks for some cake and mom wants you to check the mail.

You can also watch my video walkthrough here:

2. Unwrap the package on the table and pop the balloon. Also, look at the drawing and painting on the wall.




3. Arrange the flags in order from 1 to 6 as shown below and take the second one.


4. Turn left. Grandpa wants a drink. Arrange the numbered flags in order so they make an equation. It goes 4 x 3 = 12. Take the 2 flag.


5. Take the bottle of gin and pour some into grandpa’s glass. He’ll then ask for ice.



6. Turn left. There’s a poster on the wall for Rusty Lake Theater. It’s a game, sort of like Tetris. You need to tap left or right to move the falling cube to the column you want it to land on, in order to match three of the same piece to make them disappear. You need to do this 10 times and then a record will drop from behind. Pick it up. You can watch my video below for help with the mini game.



7. Pick up the pack of bubble gum from the gramophone and place the record down. You still need a needle.



8. Open the drawers below the gramophone and take the screwdriver and knife.



9. Use the screwdriver on the lock next to the door and take the cable.


10. While you’re here, arrange the flags like so and take the blue and red one.


11. Turn left. Pick up the popped balloon. Pick up the matches from under the sink. Fill the balloon with water from the faucet and stick it in the freezer. Close the door, open it again and take the ice cubes.




12. Place all three flags you found with the ones hanging in the kitchen. Tap on the string and one end will detach. Take the bolt.



13. Put the ice cubes in grandpa’s glass. Now he wants some music!


14. If you ask grandpa about the bubble gum, he’ll tell you to give it to your mother. Do so and she’ll blow a bubble. Pop it with the knife and take the chewed bubble gum.



15. The phone will start ringing. Answer it and someone will say “There will be blood. The past is never dead, it is not even past.”



Click on the little numbers below to continue to the next page or click here.

This Post Has 68 Comments

  1. Linda S

    Thanks! Never heard of it 🙂

      1. Mees

        Thanks for the nice waklkthrough. I have a question though. Grandpa has a piece of paper in his breast pocket which says: gin tonic = 2x gin, 2x tonic. And shows a drawing of two bottles. I can only read that paper when grandpa is shot. I wonder what that means.

        1. daisy

          it’s for cube escape : theatre achievement 🙂

      2. Nina

        How do you get the welcome mat and first battery I can’t seem to find it

  2. Jack Vermicelli

    The silver coin thing with part 38 isn’t a thing, just coincidence.

    1. AppUnwrapper

      Ah yeah I realized that when I made the video, but forgot to change it. Thanks!

  3. Josen

    Well done, thanks.

  4. Rpipe

    Thanks it s really good tutorial

  5. Samit

    I’m not able to pick up the kettle after picking up the gastube. Plz help.

    1. neon

      it might be because you it isn’t hot yet or you didn’t used matches to burn the gas

  6. mathew

    I already placed the kettle before I read this and placed it on the other burner, it does not produce steam and I can’t pick it up pls help

    1. R4D

      I did the same thing. Just use the matches on the burner under the kettle

  7. Alex

    What does the tree look like I can’t seem to get it right

    1. Kristen

      I had the same problem. You need to draw a stick trunk and the circle needs to be completely coloured in

      1. Miss Misterious01

        Just use knife to crack it

    2. Helena

      I know i’m replying wayyyy too late bu neither can I

      1. El

        How did you draw rge tree no matter what I do I can’t figure out how/what you drew it with

        1. Veona

          I thought it was just me! I’ve drawn that tree and other differently shaped trees a million times but just doesn’t work. Somebody please help.

          1. Angela

            Don’t just draw an outline of the tree, you need to fill it in.

        2. Olya G

          I was able to just do a verticals line (like the crease in the paper on the tree) and it worked

  8. abhishek

    Where to find the bold pls help I have found everythng excpt the. Bolt

    1. June

      You need to complete the pjnk and blue banner (from the flags previously collected) then you need to tap the string againh, collect the bolt from the end, bam

  9. Jessica

    where did you get the forth stamp from?

  10. gdfg

    my worst nightmare: the f***ing cake

    1. youmei

      how are you supposed to even cut it lol

      1. neon

        no need to cut it in perfect triangles cut it in any shape bit each piece required a candle .i cut them in squares and triangles

        1. malo

          why does the lines disappear while iΓÇÖm still cutting the cake ?

          1. neoquartz

            the cake has to be cut in 4 moves. I cut it in a 3×3 grid to get all 9 candles separate

          2. Peri

            I’m having that problem too. I can only make like, three cuts into the cake and the lines disappear.

  11. yuvia meza

    thanks this help for the end

    1. leenus

      my boyfriend is so super cool and awesome

  12. shadowplayer

    the parents aren’t singing. i read the note, yet they are not singing. please help

    1. neon

      i think you need to cut the cake first

      1. somePOTATO

        I have the same problem as this guy. I already gave a piece of cake to the father

    2. neoquartz

      for me, I was missing picking up the second stamp when the grandpa was dancing. He stands up when dancing and the stamp is on his chair. After that they started singing happy birthday.

  13. AlexW

    I love the games, they are so weird, but I’d be totally lost without your walkthrough and just get frustrated. So thanks so much. Really happy to have found your site.

      1. Allison

        I cant find the stamp with the triangle and line through it anywhere and I can’t find it in the walk through at all, someone please help!!

  14. Marc

    What is the reasoning behind the flags from 1-6? I see the 1 (one star) and the 6 (number 6), but the four in between seem random and the only way I made progress was by copying the order you provided without knowing why.

    1. Raon

      It is in a numerical order. One star, two lines, three lines, four dots, five waves.

  15. riri

    Thanks a lot! I was frustrating by the fkn cake ♥️😭😭

  16. DangerzoneCE15

    Hello! Thank you for your walkthrough I finished the game easily.
    I found this game today and download it
    Because it caught my interest.

  17. Giada

    I can see Mr. rabbit out the window, but he wonΓÇÖt come to the door. What am I doing wrong?

    1. Koleksii_07

      Try to complete the rest of the tasks, one of them should make the rabbit come. I personally did not notice when Mr. Rabbit came to the door and for a long time I did not understand what to do when the doorbell rings.

  18. Meow

    I cant turn on the gift :(( What i can do?

    1. Sam

      Maybe you are not lokking through the peephole on the door

  19. Jack

    Nice tutorial

  20. hdjdidkdkd

    i alreadt picked up the boiling kettle and i dont know how to get the gas tube pls help

  21. Dan Smith

    I put the kettle on the left-hand burner. It won’t come to a boil and I can’t figure out how to get it off. Am I stuck?

    1. Xylophia Riego

      Use the match.

  22. Xylophia Riego

    I can’t get the shard of glass. I already had the boiling water but there wasn’t any fog on the window.

    1. Xyria Coca

      Try to set your quality in the game to low and you might see the fog like I did too

  23. yoloo

    Uh- How do I leave the level..?

  24. annsjs

    i have the fun to grandpa but i look out the keyhole but the rabbit guy isnΓÇÖt there?

  25. Clea

    They donΓÇÖt sing even if I make sure I did everything. It is so annoying I canΓÇÖt even finish the game because of it. Someone please help!

  26. Pilou

    I didn’t even get the “weapon of choice” achievement first try because I used the needle XD

  27. Panama

    I can’t take the silver coin back

  28. har

    im stuck on step 31. i put all the stamps in the correct order and place. so where is the key?? i have everything elss done

  29. How G ya

    Where do I get the cable???

  30. Syd

    I can’t find the cable😭

  31. moksha

    you can get the red cable by using the screwdriver on the grey switch near the door. unscrew it and the cable will come out

  32. GCP

    Something is missing. When I finished the chapter, it says I didn’t got all the achievements. There is something else with the flags… Do you know what?

    1. FailureChild

      Yes! All you do is do 12=3×4 instead of 12=4×3 🙂

  33. Micha

    Thank you for saving my life!!!

  34. cabence

    I cant figure out the cake
    I did a 3×3 Grid like another person said but it isn’t working, only three candles light

  35. Natasha

    why is the code 1966

  36. Jemma

    I can’t get the mail, I’ve reset and redone everything as the walkthrough does it, the mail doesn’t come.

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