Cube Escape: Arles
By: LoyaltyGame B.V. (Rusty Lake)
This is a complete step-by-step walkthrough guide with hints, tips, solutions and answers for the third Rusty Lake game, Cube Escape: Arles. Feel free to ask for extra help in the comments section.
1. Look at be picture on the wall. Peel off the lower right corner to reveal a clue. Also look at the other drawing. We’ll make sense of it later.
2. Take the painting piece from behind the picture frame.
3. Tap on the bed. Take the hat. Look under the pillows for an absinthe bottle and another clue. Tug on all three coats that are hanging and a key will drop out of one of them.
4. Turn to the left and open the window. Pick up the key from the floor.
5. Look at the small table. Take the brush and water can and open the drawer to get a paintbrush.
6. Look at the empty frame on the wall. An image of Vincent Van Gogh will appear. Take the painting piece. Also, tap on Van Gogh to see his eyes look left, right, then center.
7. Go left. Pick up the painting piece by the chair and another from the rag by the door. Also, notice the clue on the rag.
8. Turn left. Pick up the painting piece and sugar cube from the stand.
9. Notice the clue on the locked cabinet. Also, use the key to unlock it and take the wine bottle from inside.
10. Take the painting piece and absinthe spoon from the table. Use the brush to scrub away the dirt and reveal a “g.”
11. Place the absinthe spoon and sugar cube on top of the absinthe glass. Pour absinthe into the glass and drink it. Tap the sugar cube a few times and it will turn into a painting piece. Take it.
12. You should now have enough painting pieces to complete the two paintings by the bed. Tap one to get a golden key and the other to get a sun flower.
13. Place the sunflower in the vase next to the other sunflowers. Then tap the ones on the left until they’re all smaller. The one on the right will grow. Take the small key.
14. Use the small key to unlock the cabinet and get a knife.
15. Use the gold key to unlock the door by the chair. Place the hat on Paul’s head so he’ll drop the paint palette. Pick it up and close the door.
16. Place the palette next to the drawing by the bed. Use the paintbrush to paint it according to all the clues you found around the room. The light blue is on the door. The question mark is the outline of a cube. Paint it black to get a black cube!
17. Place the black cube on the front door. Looks like we need one more.
18. Give the knife to the Van Gogh painting and have him cut off his ear. Take back the knife.
19. Place the ear in the bowl on the table.
20. Look at the lines in the drawings of the bottles. The first one tells you which bottle is which and the second one tells you what to pour into all the bottles and glasses on the table.
21. Pour the drinks into the right containers on the table and then go inside the ear canal.
22. Pick up the gun and then continue on to a blue and black door.
23. Look at the black door. It tells you that the drum weighs 1 lb and the hammer weighs 3. So start weighing all the items to figure out how much they all weigh.
24. The trumpet is 1. I’m not sure what the second item on the door is supposed to be, but it weighs 4. The shell weighs 5. And last, the anvil weighs 8. So enter 1458 into the door to unlock it.
25. Go through. Give the revolver to the shadow in the Van Gogh painting and have it shoot him. Take the white cube.
26. Place the white cube on the front door to unlock it. Go through to complete the game!
Congratulations! You completed Cube Escape: Arles. Try the next game in the series, Harvey’s Box.
Have you got the sunflower puzzle sorted?
The clues in this game were making no sense to me, so I took a break and forgot about it. I’ll take another look at it.
The letter clues found in the room are clues to what color to paint on the painting. I’m stuck on the mystery color in the center of the painting and what to do with Van Gogh’s ear.
The mystery colour is black.
The ear goes in the blue water bowl on the table. I think from memory you go in to. At each level you collect white cubes. Once you go all the way down there is a weights puzzle that will get you through a locked door and in to a room that is just like the one you just in.
Will come back to finished this walkthrough after I’ve completed the others.
Pls fast…..
So you’ll need to go to the bowl of water (which should be glowing white slightly if you solved the bottle puzzle) and select Van Gogh’s ear to drop into the water. It’ll turn red and you can go into his ear. There’s a weight puzzle, which I haven’t been able to solve yet.
For the sunflower puzzle, you need to find the single sunflower head (I can’t remember where I found mine) and put that in the empty vase. You should be able to click on the sunflowers in any order, and the other (single) sunflower will rise up with another key.
The code to the door is 1458
discover the number by adding the weight
drum = 1 hammer = 3 ,
drum’s weight is same as mini trumpet, so mini trumpet = drum, mini trumpet=1
mini trumpet + hammer = 1+3 = 4
mini trumpet + hammer weight same as that triangle(?) thing so triangle = 4
and so on
btw sorry for my english ;-;
Where are you from?
There’s a ? In the ear against a black background
Plus in the ear door puzzle, its the anvil, hammer, and stirrup, which are the the three bones(names) in the ear plus the cochlea(snail shell thing).
The painting that you paint by finding the small letter clues to see what color to use, that “?” Is in black and so black goes in the center of the painting in the shape with the “?”, using black paint.
People from the future like me : top left sunflower then middle right then bottom left
You have to find a single sunflower to put into the empty vase … I don’t remember where I found it.
Then you have to make it get taller by clicking on the flowers in the vase. When they are all small the puzzle is solved. Touching one flower changes its size and all of the adjacent ones.
It changes 3 flowers at the same time, you you have to start at the top then go down and then at the top again….i don’t know how to explain
PEople from the future like me : top left sunflower then middle right then bottom left
Fill and empty and fill again once and another the glass of absenta till the sugar cube becomes in a paint piece.
Nicolás from Argentina
I’m stuck on what to do with the pallet. Where do you get the paints?
When you get the palette, hang it on the side of the unpictored picture and the colours will appear themselves. Each colour has a code. Every code represents only one colour. Tip: in the ceiling there is another code.
I completed painting the picture but the next time I went into the room, the black figure had been erased and the paintbrush will no longer pick up any color of paint. Also, I’ve clicked on the ear in the blue bowl several times but nothing happens. Nothing else in the game is responding now. I put the black cube in one of the squares in the blue door (the one in which Gaugin appeared earlier) but nothing further happened. Maybe incorrect? Now what? Nothing moves.
Same here
Man, i have the same mistake so… a color is missing, the color white XD paint it
Há conseguiu? To com o mesmo problema ;-;
After the Black cube Van Gogh will be replaced by a shadow. Enter the ear in the bowl and you will find a gun. Enter the door that blinks and give the gun to the shadow. A white cube appears. Put in the door.
it not let me get gun
ItΓÇÖs very small on the ground when you travel through the ear
ItΓÇÖs on the ground as you travel through the ear. Very small and easy to miss.
how to solve the bottle puzzle and what should i do with Van Gogh’s ear??someone?
look at the frame with a drawing of the bottles above the bed. each bottle has a set of lines: horizontal, vertical, and diagonal. find the actual bottles around the rooms. then look at the 2nd frame with a drawing of bottles above the coat hanger and take note of lines, including the jar and glass. go to the table and fill each bottle, jar and glass with the correct liquid. the ear in the bowl should light up when it’s done.
Did exactly that, the ear in the bowl does not light up?
In the weight puzzle there is a drum, a hammer, a tube, a cochlear, an anvil and a hammer. All are parts of the ear. Which makes the triangle thing a stirrup.
CanΓÇÖt apply paint from the pallet and canΓÇÖt find the revolver (went in the ear and solved the puzzle/opened other doorΓÇöno revolver anywhere)
Just pretty poor at the game really, arenΓÇÖt you?
Thanks it helped a lot.
Thanks this helped a lot with this and all the other ones you should do other escapes not just cube because yours help a lot and I would like it if you do more please and thank you😁😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
Audiology (science of hearing and balance) Doc student here!! I loved the nods to middle ear anatomy here! Everything you have to weigh represents something in the ear!nose The hammer, anvil, and stirrup are layman’s terms for the three bones in the middle ear because of their shape. The drum is representative of the eardrum, the snail represents the cochlea (the inner ear- it’s from the Latin (maybe Greek?) word for snail because of its shape). The horn I’m not sure about though, maybe a nod to old time ear horns? Either way, that part made this my favorite Cube Escape ╬ô├½├¡Γò₧├åΓö£ΓöÉΓö£┬┐╬ô├½├¡Γò₧├åΓö£┬¬Γö£ΓîÉ
The sunflowers tripped me up too
Can you help me?
Thanks for the help!
in the painting i fill the cube from black color but didnt give me the black cube for the blue door what shuld i do?😭😭😭
paint the color white
Its not letting me take the cube from t he painting
did you paint the iceberg white?
It won’t let me paint the painting ╬ô├½├¡Γò₧├åΓö£ΓöÉΓö£Γòù
I’m not sure how to get the black cube. I painted the picture but a cube didn’t appear :/ idk maybe I’m dumb lol
The items at the door inside the ear are al associates with hearing. The item you couldn’t place is a mounting item. It’s a stirrup. Part of the hearing process…
I knew it was a stirrup, but didn’t notice the items were related to the ear/inner ear. That’s so neat! Thanks for pointing it out.
When I painted the canvas, it didn’t give me the black cube. I’m confused?
You have to paint the entire painting, not just the shapes – unless you already did that, then idk 🥴
I noticed they updated the apps. Arles now has achievements. I figured out all but one (Rusty Lake Hotel). It might be time to revisit!
It’s not the Van Gogh paint, but a mirror… you are Vincent in this game.
The second item on the door is a stirrup. It’s part of a saddle, and also part of the ear. And the giant shell is a cochlea shell. They’re all ear parts
Ridiculous as it seems…. I can’t find the last picture piece! Gone right the way through, nope. Probably somewhere obsure ╬ô├½├¡Γò₧├åΓö£ΓöÉΓö£├Ñhelp please!
Ah! I missed the gun going through the ear and now I can’t go back to get it and I am stuck in the second room…
When i cut the ear of, for some reason I got 4 knifes 0-0
I’m afraid I’m totally stuck at the sunflower puzzle. I have the single sunflower in the other case. I’ve done everything wellhead up to this point. I keep pressing on the sunflowers and the single one just keeps going up & down with nothing else happening? Can you help, please?
The sunflower puzzle is tapping randomly on the painting it might be random or just click the shoulder
I lost the sugar cube, I couldn’t find it on my inventory😭
I found all the puzzle pieces but when trying to complete the one on the left three pieces flew off and stuck on the wall. I managed to click on one and get it back, but can’t get the others.
I found all the puzzle pieces but when trying to complete the one on the left three pieces flew off and stuck on the wall. I managed to click on one and get it back, but can’t get the others.
I reset the game and this time one of the pieces flew off the right hand picture and is stuck on the wall above the one on the left. I’ll give up and try again tomorrow.
my black cube doesn’t appear if I colour the paint