My Week Unwrapped: January 19, 2024 – Hero of the Kingdom Tales 2, Solquence, Art of Rally, Grift and More

Hi everyone, and welcome back to My Week Unwrapped, where I discuss all the games I’ve been playing over the last seven days. I got a copy of the latest Hero of the Kingdom installment and played through that, tried a few other new games, and continued working on my Sweet Dreams walkthrough. There’s a lot to discuss, so let’s get started.

Hero of the Kingdom: Lost Tales 2

Hero of the Kingdom: Lost Tales 2 is the last game in the series, at least for now. I believe a third one is in development, but any games that are on Steam are also on mobile now. I enjoyed this one, and appreciated that the main character was female this time, a princess who escapes the kingdom to go on an adventure. I’m also glad it didn’t use the same system as Hero of the Kingdom III, because that one felt way too grindy. This one was more along the formula of the other games and it was better for it. Again, you can play Lost Tales 1 for free, so do that if you haven’t yet. It will give you a good idea of whether the other games are worth buying.


Solquence is a solitaire game combined with poker, in which you need to either match two of the same number cards or put three numbers in ascending order next to each other. The goal is to remove all cards from the board to clear the level and also not get a death card. If you run out of cards without clearing the board, you still move onto the next level, but a death card is added to the deck. A death card can’t be matched with other cards and the only way to remove it is by clearing the board to earn a sun card. Apparently there’s also 500 levels to get through — unless you allow the board to fill with cards and can’t make any more moves. I’ve made it to level 81 so far and it was fairly easy for a while even with a bunch of death cards on the board. But now I’m getting 6 random cards and a death card every time I fail to clear the board, and it’s getting more difficult. I’m not sure how much I’d replay the game since one game can take so long. But it might be good to have on your phone to pull out for a round here and there when you have down time. Kind of like how I treat Six Match. I recommend watching some of my videos below to get an idea of whether it’s something you might enjoy.

Art of Rally

I love the idea of Art of Rally, and I also love how it looks. But I’m generally terrible at driving games and that’s no different here. Thankfully, there doesn’t seem to be any penalties for driving poorly, as you can just ask the game to pull you out of any ruts you get stuck in. But I had a hard time with the controls and after about 20 minutes I got some nasty motion sickness. So, unfortunately, I won’t be playing more of it. But if you like driving games and don’t get motion sickness so easily, watch some of my video to get a better idea of whether it’s something you’d want to purchase.

Grift: Scam Tycoon

I’m so disappointed with Grift: Scam Tycoon on every level. At first glance, it seems like a game that mimics online dating but with a goal to scam people. And to an extent that is what you get. The thing is, I would expect interesting conversations in a game like that. But the text conversations are just some lines that keep repeating randomly and don’t really make sense together. On top of that, the game has two different currencies, one you earn from scams and the other that can only be purchased with real cash. To scam people, you need to create bots that look like someone they would match with. You do this based on their preferences, but most features have to be bought with one or the other currency. So if the person likes freckles, you have to buy them first to be able to use them. But there are so many different features to buy and many or locked behind a paywall. I would have appreciated a game about scams not trying to literally scam the player. It’s a little too meta for me. The game also feels tedious pretty fast. I can’t tell you how many times I was almost finished designing a bot only to be interrupted by a new match and had to start over. It’s a compelling idea but after an hour with it I was just not interested in spending more time with it. It’s free with IAPs, so give it a try if you want, but please don’t let it scam you into buying horns for your bots with actual cash.

Adventure Escape Mysteries – Sweet Dreams

I’m now on the final chapter of Sweet Dreams and I’ve been having a lot of fun with it. The puzzles have had a lot of variety and there were some trickier ones, though everything has been logical so far. I still need to play the bonus chapter before I can say whether it’s worth paying the $9 for it. That will always be exclusive to paying players, but Sweet Dreams will be free in just a few days. So if you waited this long, the only reason not to keep waiting is for that bonus chapter. And again, here’s my walkthrough if you need help.

Genshin Impact

And, of course, I’m still playing Genshin Impact. There is currently a beetle battle event taking place that features a lot of screen time with our favorite Oni, Itto. I’m loving the antics and looking forward to more of it. Not much else going on besides that, but I am cleaning up a few hidden quests I missed in Fontaine.

And that’s everything I’ve been up to this week! I also finished The Curse and highly recommend it to anyone who likes offbeat shows with no idea where they’ll take you. It was quite the trip. I’m still watching The X-Files and am close to the end of the first season. There are a lot of episodes, so I imagine it will take me a while to get through them all. Anyway, let me know in the comments which games you’re enjoying and I’ll see you back here next time with more of My Week Unwrapped!

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Eric

    As always your roundups are greatly appreciated. With the Adventure Escape Mysteries games, I’m assuming the VIP bundles are per-game, correct? So basically if you’re patient about waiting for the unlocks and don’t use the hints, the only thing you get for $8.99 is the bonus chapter, right?

    1. AppUnwrapper

      Correct. It’s too bad they don’t offer the bonus chapter alone at a reduced price.

      1. Eric

        Either that, or as much as I hate to say it *cringe* maybe offer a subscription fee where for $5 a month you get access to all the bonus chapters and a few hint stars or something like that. Of course the funny thing about this is I remember when most if not all PC games cost $30+, and I can recall more than one that didn’t take more than 1/2 hour to an hour to complete. So I guess in some ways we have it better, and in some ways worse than the “good old days”.

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