This year, I started writing monthly round-ups of everything I've been up to here on Appunwrapper. November was a really busy month for me so I missed the October roundup. Instead, you get a combined one for both October and November. It's a big one, so make some hot cocoa and cozy up by the fire! I'll start with what I consider the most important information and move down from there. Enjoy!…
Dark Fear By: A Majothi (Arif Games) If you're playing Arif Games' Dark Fear and want to try to get all the achievements, this list will show you what you need for all of them. If you need any other help with the game, try my step-by-step walkthrough. See my Dark Fear review here. Achievements: Lost Property - Find gold in the well Innovation - Combine two items Dealing More Pain -…
Dark Fear By: A Majothi (Arif Games) I'm not the biggest fan of pixel art, and I almost ignored Arif Games' Dark Fear because of its art. That would have been a huge mistake, as there's a really solid, enjoyable game here. I think in this case the pixel art works really well to capture that old school, retro feeling, as well as some uneasiness invoked by the dreadful atmosphere of the…
Dark Fear By: A Majothi (Arif Games) This is a complete step-by-step walkthrough guide with hints, help, tips, tricks, answers and solutions for the iOS and Android game Dark Fear by A Majothi (Arif Games). Feel free to ask for extra help in the comments section. See my Dark Fear review here. See all the achievements here. Walkthrough: 1. It says "Those who succeed... REACH FOR THE STARS." You need to tap…