The Forgotten Treasure: Walkthrough

21. Use the crowbar on the rope and then use the crowbar/rope like a grappling hook to climb through the hole in the ceiling.



22. Go through the left doorway. Pick up the glass jar and open the bag to get a small key.


23. Use the crowbar and rope on the hole in the floor to go down and get the telescope.



24. Go back up. Go back to the tent and use the small key to open up the green box. Take the egg.


25. Go back to the screen with the termites and place the jar on the ground. Place the berries in the jar, then pick up the jar full of termites.



26. Go back through the door and up through the ceiling. Go left again and up the stairs. Place the egg in the nest. Then use the telescope on the stand to the right to see a carving in the distance.



27. Go back down and use the telescope on the window to see another carving.



28. Go back to the first room and this time take the right doorway. Place the jar of termites on the floor so they eat up the tree that’s in the way. Then use the telescope on the window to see another carving.



29. Go through the newly opened doorway. There’s a hole in the wall. Go back to the nest and tap on the cracked egg to hatch a lizard.



30. Go back to that room and place the lizard by the hole. Then press the three engravings that you saw through the telescope.



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This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Linda S

    I am tapping on the egg for all I’m worth – nada, . Can’t imagine what I didn’t do – but thanks for the w/t anyway!

    P.S. This is a freebie with the new Amazon Underground for Androids

    1. Linda S

      I had to tap on the bird to make it set on the nest 🙁

  2. Britta Sharp

    Where do I find the torch?? I’m stuck because I can’t find it.

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