Maniac Manors: Jacobson’s Unfaith
By: Cezure Production
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1. First get used to the controls. The left knob moves your feet while the right knob moves your eyes. Together they allow you to move fairly well once you get used to it. Turn around and find the truck with its lights on. There’s a suitcase nearby. Open it and take the Nine of Tentacles. We need to find a way into the mansion.
2. Behind the truck, look on top of one of the crates to find a wrench.
3. There’s a gate near the truck with a chain keeping it locked. Use the wrench to open the chain and enter through the gate.
4. There’s a paint can resting on a barrel. You need something to open it. Turn around and you’ll see two graves. The left one has a screwdriver sticking out of it. Take it and use it to open the can of paint and get a blue key.
5. Use the blue key to unlock the shed door and go inside. Take the hammer.
6. Go to the manor’s porch and use the hammer to break the pot of soil. Take the key from it and use it to unlock the front door.
7. Go up the stairs and read Jacobson’s diary on the table.
8. Go back downstairs and you’ll hear a noise. Someone’s inside! Open the door to your right.
9. Take the vinegar from the counter.
10. Uh oh! Someone just locked the door behind you! Pick up the sponge, knife and sauce pan by the kitchen sink.
11. Pick up a log from the floor near the oven.
12. There’s a puzzle on the wall but it’s too greasy. Pour the vinegar on it, then use the sponge to clean it. Now you can solve it and get a key.
13. The key you just found opens this door:
14. Pick up the Three of Tentacles from the floor.
15. Take the salt from the table. Then remove the chair from the other door. Look under the chair for an envelope that contains another key and a journal entry.
16. Leave the room and you hear some yelling from the door across the hall. Use the key you just found to unlock the door and enter the room. Pick up the Five of Tentacles.
17. Approach the door on the right. The screaming is coming from there and it stops. There’s no door on the handle so you can’t open it. And the other door in the room is too hot to touch.
18. Leave the room and go up the stairs. Use the same key to open the door to the right. Take the Six of Tentacles card from the table.
19. Pick up the door handle from the plate on the dresser.
20. Pick up the green gem from the floor by the Cthulhu sculpture.
21. Open the door right across the one that you entered through and enter the bedroom. Take the flask.
22. Use the screwdriver to open the box on the night table and take the star-shaped jewel.
23. Go back downstairs to the door without the handle and use the handle you found to open the door. Take the pills. Take the bottle of acid. Take the three surgical instrument from near the bloody operating table. Take the God of Tentacles card.
24. Head towards the medical cabinet and the door locks behind you again.
25. Use the three tools one by one on the other locked door in the room. They’ll all break, but the door will unlock. Enter and you’ll see a bloody body.
26. Touch the man tied up. He’ll talk and then pass out. He’s dead. But you find a key on his body. Read the journal entry on the desk. Take the bottle of analgesics. Take the Joke of Tentacles card from the blackboard.
27. Go to the upstair’s corridor and use that key on the bottom left door to enter the kid’s (Elias) room.
28. Read the journal entry on the bed. Then pour acid on the suitcase to break the plastic seal. Pick up the Strange Stone from inside.
29. Open the bedside table and take another Strange Stone.
***If you like this game, try these other escape games, including “In Fear I a Trust” by Chillingo.***
30. Before you leave the room, close the door and look at the horse drawing behind the door. Leave the room and pick up the Seven of Tentacles.
31. When you go out into the hallway, Jacobson is there, trapped by a seal. Go to the dining room and solve the horse head puzzle. Then take the stone and envelope with a key inside it.
32. Go to the dining room and use the knife on the tentacles painting to get another envelope with a key inside it.
33. There’s a box in the dining room that has a star cutout on it. Place the star-shaped jewel on it and get the third Strange Stone.
34. Go upstairs to the parents room. Use the key you just found to open the chest to the left of the bed. Take the blood samples from inside.
35. Notice the drawings on the headboard of the bed. They mean 1452. That’s the code for the safe in the laboratory.
36. Go back to the Cthulhu statue and place both green stones in the eye sockets to unlock the door next to the statue.
37. Go to the lab and use the code 1452 on the safe. Take the awl from inside. Also use the blood sample guide to get the right blood sample.
38. Go back to the door by the Cthulhu statue and use the awl to open the globe. Take the envelope and the counter spell book. Drink the scotch for more energy, but don’t take the meds on the desk! Also pick up the Queen of Tentacles from the floor.
39. Go downstairs to the right side of the staircase and find the door with the magic seal on it. Use the Counter Spell on the seal to open the door and head down to the cellar.
40. Find the shovel and the bucket. Pick up the Cavalry of Tentacles from the wine case.
41. Take the metal bar from the cellar doors and use it to complete the pipes. Then solve the puzzle to get the gas going.
42. If you don’t have the matches yet, go back to the kitchen and find them. Then use them on the cooker to start a fire. Now to make the potion. You need spring water, salt, sulfur, a foetus, virgin blood, and amiandre root.
43. Put the saucepan on the stove. Then head outside through the cellar doors and use the bucket with the well. Tie the bucket to the rope. Then attach the handle to the well mechanism and get some spring water.
44. Go back to the cellar and add the spring water to the saucepan.
45. Go to the dining room and enter the balcony. Use the shovel on the nest to get an egg (foetus) and the knife on the plant and shovel on the dirt to get the Amiandre Root.
46. Go back to the cellar and add the salt, matches (sulfur), egg (fetus) and root to the saucepan. Then use the flask to carry the potion.
47. Throw the potion at Jacobson, then search his body for a box. Take the box to the cellar and throw it into the fire. Use the shovel to get the last Strange Stone from the fire.
48. Place all four hexagonal stones in the correct slots in the cellar to open a secret door. Thence your way to the end of the tunnel to see the ending.
Congratulations! You’ve beaten the game!
There are still some things to find in the game if you want to restart. I was missing a couple of cards, so I may go back and find them. I’ve given the locations for the 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, Joke, Queen, God and Cavalry of Tentacles. Feel free to share your locations for the missing cards in the comments section.
**Update: Thanks to green user and David Smiley, here are the rest of the card locations:
“Locations where to find cards of tentacles:
one of tentacle:
Upstairs to the left.
two of tentacles:
in kitchen
three of tentacles:
in dining room
four of tentacles:
in balcony
five of tentacles:
in the hallway near surgery room
six of tentacles:
upstairs right door in hallway near bedroom
seven of tentacles:
upstairs right door in hallway near Elia’s room
eight of tentacles:
in Elia’s room
nine of tentacles:
in Gavin’s suitcase
ten of tentacles:
downstairs near cellar
joke of tentacles:
near dead man on blackboard
cavalry of tentacles:
in cellar
qeen of tentacles:
in library near bookshelf
king of tentacles:
in bedroom in nightable near window
god of tentacles:
in surgery room”
“The 1 of Tentacles. It is located upstairs to the LEFT (with the locked door that you do not enter). Once you get this card, and you finish the “Tentacle Card” collection in the Kitchen, there is another puzzle that must be solved consisting of a (mostly) square wood block that needs to be navigated amongst other blocks to fit the square to the right hand side (once you see it, you will understand). When you finish this puzzle, a panel will open below the puzzle and the key to the treasure (in the trunk in the basement) is inside. Pick up this key and go to the basement and open the treasure chest. A bottle of scotch is inside as well, if you need it.
**Note: Thanks to Simon, I added a photo of the Tentacle puzzle below.
The remaining achievements are to collect all of the pages (“Page Collector” in the awards), to be the Savior (save Eliot) and to be of “Strong Mind.”
According to Simon:
“If you finish the game in a time of 45 minutes and with a mental health of 85 or more you can save Eliot. The only thing that changes is the sequence of the last part.”
If you liked this game, try these other escape games, including “In Fear I a Trust” by Chillingo, and Hellraid: The Escape.
Great scary game. BUT, can’t find walkthrough anywhere, even YouTube version isn’t helpful. I’ve not been able to locate one item, just been able to go around and around. Front door I can’t open, gate with chain can’t open. HELP anyone…. Thxs..
The begining is a little harsh, but then it gets smoother. Here is the begining of the solution of maniac manor introduction :
-Behind the Gavin’s truck you get a wrench on one of the crates
-use the wrench on the gate to break the chains
-on the grave, take the screwdriver
-use that screwdriver on the paint pot near the wooden house so you get the key of the door next to it.
-inside youΓÇÖll find a hammer
-use that hammer on the pot near the entrance of the manor so you get the key to enter in it.
Maniac Manors solution :
Exterior :
– Get the wrench behind the truck
– use the wrench on the gate.
– take the screwdriver on the graves
– use the screwdriver on the paint pot near the door of the wood caban
– get the hammer in it
– use the hammer on the pot near the entry of the manor
– take the key in the broken pot
– use the key to enter the manor
Hallway :
– take the envelop upstair and came back
– enter the room where the breaking sound comes from (first door left from the entry)
kitchen :
– take the vinegar, the sponge, the knife, and the envelop in the kitchen.
– use the vinegar on the greasy enigma, then the sponge, and solve the enigma to take a key and open a new locked door.
Dining room :
– move the chair that’s blocking the door.
– Under the chair you just moved, there is an other envelop you must take to have another key.
Hallway :
– Get trough the hallway, you will hear screams, the key you just get opens the corridors.
Downstairs corridor :
– The screams comes from a door you can open and stop the sound by approaching it.
Upstairs corridor :
– Upstair right, you can use the same key to open a new corridor and get the a door handle to open the door where the screams camed before.
Downstairs corridor :
– Use the door handle, so you can enter in the operation room.
Operation Room :
– Take the acid bottle, and the 3 chirugical tool
– Use the surgery tools to lockpick the door.
– Talk with the wounded man, when he die, pick a blue key on him.
– that blue key opens a door upstairs..
Upstairs :
In the parents room :
– take the flask
– on the bed you see the code drawed with the tentacles : 1452
– use the screwdriver on the jewel case near the window and take the star jewel.
in the kid room :
– take the stone in the furniture near the bed.
– use the acid on the suit case, and take the diary and the stone in it.
– close the door from inside the room so you can see the drawing that show you the code for the horse statue in the dining room. “S, SW, E, SW”
Going out in the hallway will make spawn Jacobson, the cursed one.
in the dining room :
– As the demon hunter told you “the tentacles holds the key”, use the knife on the tentacle paint so you can get an envelop with a key.
– turn the horse statues as in the kid drawing so you can open the bar, and get a gem and an envelop.
– Use the star jewel on the chest on the little table to open it, and take the stone in it.
in the lab :
– get back in the laboratory and open the white chest with the code : 1452, take the awl.
upstairs :
– get back upstair, use the key on the chest near the bed in parent room to take the blood sample records in it (action button 3 times).
– in the upstair corridor, use both gems (one near the statue, the other you picked in the dining room under the horses statue) on the chtulhu statue to open the desk door,
– in the desk, use the awl on the planet to take the counter spell book, and an other story envelop.
you are finished with upstair.
Get in downstair corridor.
-used the counterspell book on the sealed door so you can enter the cellar.
-in the cellar, take the shovel and the bucket.
-move the metal bar out the handles of the cellar door, so you can get out.
-take the metal bar from the ground.
-use the metal bar on the pipes behind, so you can resolve the enigma.
-once the enigma is solved, you can open the boiling door, and use the matches (you found it in the kitchen, in the envelop near the crates), to lit on the fire. use the saucepan you found in the kitchen on the top. You are ready to cook.
You are going to prepare the potion the demon hunter gave you in his diary. You need spring water, virgin blood, amiandre root, sulfur, salt, and a foetus.
IF YOU ARE LOW ON MENTAL HEALTH, Here are some position of the items I found to get it up
-Whisky bottle in the desk room on the top of a furniture +20
-whisky bottle in the dining room in the bar corner +20
-3 to 5 pills on the operation room (don’t remember exactly), +5 each
-pills in the cellar +5
getting the spring water :
-get out through the cellar and approach the well.
-use the bended wrench on the top rope roller.
-use the bucket on the border of the well, and push it in.
-activate the bended wrench an take the bucket filled with spring water.
-Get back in the house trough the cellar door.
-Use the filled bucket on the saucepan.
-Use the matches on the saucepan (you put in the Sulfur).
-Use the salt you found in the dining room on the table.
-get on the balcony, trough the dining room.
-use the knife on the plant to cut it out.
-use the shovel on the ground, to dig it out.
-take the amiandre root.
– turn back you will see a branch near the balcony, on that branch there is a nest you can reach with the shovel, to take out an egg.
-Go in the laboratory, and use the blood sample records on the blood samples to take Elias’ blood.
Get back in the cellar.
-Use the egg on the saucepan (you put the foetus)
-use the amiandre root on the saucepan
-use Elias’blood on the saucepan (you put in the virgin blood)
The potion is ready.
-use the flask on the the saucepan to get the potion
-Use the potion on Jacobson in the hallway to kill him
-Search his body to take a box
-drop the box in the fire in the cellar to open it
-use the shovel on the fire to get the stone that was in the box.
-Use the four stones you took on the holes in the cellar to open the secret passage.
-go trough it till the end so you discover the end of the game.
Thanks! 🙂
I’m still looking for the last card i dont find, and solve the last enigmas so i have all success.
Dammit!!! How to solve d puzzle??? In 3 to 4 ways it can make connections bt nthng happen Afr dat… Pls hlp
How do i beat the blue puzzle with the yellow lines? and how do i beat the card thing in the kitchen? (both puzzles r in kitchen)
i also want to know how to solve that puzzle..that enigma puzzle in the’s confusing
you have to find all cards before accessing the puzzle.
On the other you have to join both symbols on the extorior to the central piece (turn the central piece so the symbol are in good position help you a lot as a first move).
Ive been stuck on the blue puzzle for a day 🙁 its so hard
i would have liked to help you but i cannot post an image or a link on comments :/ It’s not so hard, start by deduction some pieces can only have one position, then the others will do themself
I am still confused on the puzzle send me a picture in my email
Sorry, I haven’t had a chance to continue the game yet. If you want, you can email the photos to me that people are asking for and I can post them.
Hi DeeDee,
I’ve also been stuck on the kitchen puzzle for 2 days now. Ive tried starting with the middle piece and nothing works. YouTube has nothing for walkthrough. I’m hoping appunwrapper gets it done really soon and posts a picture. Let me know if u get it and maybe give us directions on each ones position.. L.O.L…
I’m stuck in the operating room. I found the three lock pick tools, but each time I used them on the door, they broke, and then are deleted from the inventory. Now I don’t know how to get out, and I’m just wandering around the room aimlessly with no way to get out. Any help would be appreciated.
Illusion man,
Can u give position of squares for kitchen puzzle???? A lot of us are dum founded and frustrated. My son is a game player and he can’t even figure it out. Thanks…
If Kaboom’s link doesn’t work, then I can tell you that I guess I was lucky to not have any difficulty with the pipe puzzle. I’ve already passed it so I can’t get a picture, but I do remember that you need to join the symbols in the center to their matching symbols on sides. I also remember that the symbol on the right has its piping on the top half of the screen and the symbol on the left has its piping on the bottom. You must make sure that all pipes are joined and any dead ends lead to a bubble. I hope that helps. And in the mean time if anyone can tell me how to get out of the operating room I’d really appreciate it. The lock pics break and then disappear. Help!
Hey illusion man pls hop me, how many cards r Der, I hv found 2, n whr r othr cards, I hv solved d puZzle bt nthng happens Afr dat. It’s irritated me totally… Pls pls pls hlp
you have to supress the spaces in the url so the link works, and don’t forget de MAJ S os Screenshots. the link works.
For the operation room, you need to take the three surgery tool, lockpick the other door (not the one you camed from), act with the guy until you got a key, the room unlocks by itself.
you got the solution here w w w . freedivepix . c o m / Screenshot.png
Kaboom can u old post solution of gas pipe puzzle?? I can’t seem to move left top handle!!
ho this puzzle is easy. There is a handle you can’t move. Start by closing all the handles, then you just open the 3 or 4 you need so only the bottom middle block is connected to the top.
completed the game… although there are few doors remaining locked… will play again to see if i can manage to open them too
Since u finished,can u help with the dam horse heads( feels like the movie Godfather). I’ve looked at picture in kids room.BUT, I see only 3 in picture and there’s 4 on the cabinet and no matter what way I turn them it won’t open. Ive been playing with it a day and half. Just need to know the proper position of each.. Thxs..
Can u help with position of horse heads ? I can’t use their site,cause I need English version of walkthrough. Ive tried and tried even looking at picture in kids room. Nothing works.. Any help is appreciated.. With game moving around like it is, is making me dizzy….Maybe a problem with game who knows. Thanks….
Illusion man ,
THANK U THANK U. I followed the way u said on the puzzle for kitchen and I got it. U rock…..
Oh good, I’m glad it helped you. Now when you get to the operation room you can help me get out of that place. 🙂
For the operation room, you need to take the three surgery tool, lockpick the other door (not the one you camed from), act with the guy until you got a key, the room unlocks by itself.
Thanks, but the three tools all said they broke off when I used them on that door. They are now gone from my inventory, and I can’t get out. Is this some kind of bug or glitch?
after breaking the last tool, you should be able to open the door as an usual door
Illusion man,
I got all 3 tools and card in operating room. It took awhile to get to the door right of cabinet. I used all 3 tools on lock and it opened. I think (not sure) if they have to be used in certain order or not. L.O.L….thxs again..
Thanks guys, but after each tool broke, they disappeared from my inventory and when I click to go through the door, it won’t open and still says, “lock appears damaged, but I should be able to pick lock this door”.
I guess this is some kind of glitch or bug. Looks like I’ll have to start over I guess.
heyy illusionman n ritesh…
please help me with kitchen puzzle i read ur comment but i didnt get it, please ritesh u just solved it can u explain it.
Hi Kaboom,
Can u post picture of position of the horses heads that are in dining room . I can’t get it to work. Need it in order to open cabinet… Thxs…..
If you are playing on Android, take the update, you will have the walkthrough.
Or you can search the kid room, you will find something that tells you how you have to position the horses.
Hello, do you know where I can find the tentacles card number 1 and 10 please?
Ok, it looks like this is where the developers stored the full walkthrough of the game : cezure. com/mm .
I just copied the link from the game.
Kaboom, thanks, But, I am using regular iPad and I need walkthrough in English. Thanks..
i also want to know where can i find the tentacles card number 1 and 10 please?
Anyone, can you help me to find jacobsons treasure
It’s in the chest in the cellar. You Have to find all the cards first.
It just occurred to me that the game may be on a timer. Is that what the number in the corner is? What happens when it hits zero?
Ive gotten, egg and root. I put it in pan in cellar with the water. Now it won’t let me do anything else. I see something about blood samples ,which I have a book and crystal container,but,I’ve tried putting in book and it doesn’t work. What am I missing??? Ive been back in parents bedroom numerous times and I can’t take anything else out of chest nor will the big hutch open… Help anyone. Vie read walkthrough and I’m frustrated… Thanks…
All your frustration is making me not want to continue with the game 😛
Appunwrapper, Please do play game. It’s exciting when u can figure something out.But,like all games they are frustrating when u can’t get something. You will enjoy it. Don’t let my frustration keep u from playing…
I will continue playing it. 🙂
How’s it coming along for you?
Wow, I wish there would have been some warning about the timer. I’m getting dizzy from the screen warping, and it’s harder and harder to see things. I assume if I don’t beat the game soon, I’ll have to start from scratch?
The book is used with the blood samples on the lab’s safe. You’ll have to open that safe with the code you find on the bed’s head : 1452.
Comon guys, You now have a walkthrough in the game since the update
Put the salt and matches
There is one card in balcony. I have all cards except 1 and 10 of tentacles
Locations where to find cards of tentacles:
one of tentacle:
location unknown
two of tentacles:
in kitchen
three of tentacles:
in dining room
four of tentacles:
in balcony
five of tentacles:
in the hallway near surgery room
six of tentacles:
upstairs right door in hallway near bedroom
seven of tentacles:
upstairs right door in hallway near Elia’s room
eight of tentacles:
in Elia’s room
nine of tentacles:
in Gavin’s suitcase
ten of tentacles:
downstairs near cellar
joke of tentacles:
near dead man on blackboard
cavalry of tentacles:
in cellar
qeen of tentacles:
in library near bookshelf
king of tentacles:
in bedroom in nightable near window
god of tentacles:
in surgery room
If anyone knows where is one of tentacle then please tell
Hopefully someone knows where 1 is.
Anyone able to find a use of the log? I know people pick it up, but I have not found a use for it.
Also, has anyone finished the game without going mad?
Nope and nope.
I played the game a second time because I got a glitch near the end the first time around. I had like 50 left when I opened the secret door and the tunnel forced me down to 12 and then 1.
Yes. I had the same problem, except I had 89 health originally.
I had 97 and got strong mind award
Ok, I found the 1 of Tentacles. It is located upstairs to the LEFT (with the locked door that you do not enter). Once you get this card, and you finish the “Tentacle Card” collection in the Kitchen, there is another puzzle that must be solved consisting of a (mostly) square wood block that needs to be navigated amongst other blocks to fit the square to the right hand side (once you see it, you will understand). When you finish this puzzle, a panel will open below the puzzle and the key to the treasure (in the trunk in the basement) is inside. Pick up this key and go to the basement and open the treasure chest. A bottle of scotch is inside as well, if you need it.
The remaining puzzles are to collect all of the pages (“Page Collector” in the awards), to be the Savior (save Eliot) and to be of Strong Mind. I will post any additional accomplishments as I can.
I should be more specific with the 1 of tentacles. It is located on the Balcony Railing on the left hand side of the upstairs.
Sorry for any confusion.
One more thing, I found there is a way to “fall through” the house, so that you can look up and see the map of the house, but then you can’t do anything and essentially “die” (or live in purgatory). Kind of interesting to see, though.
I believe that in order to become “The Savior” and remain “sane” one must get the boxes from on top of the medical cabinet (in the gurney room) and then possibly use the microscope, surgery book, and medicines from the cabinet but this is just a conjecture at this point. I have been over the mansion with a fine-tooth comb and can’t find anything else that would make sense. I also don’t see any way to enter the locked door in the kitchen, the locked door to the left on the second level, or the locked door on the main floor to the right of the stairs, under the stairs.
How can i get the boxes on top of the medical cabinet ? What object need to use ?
Dave Smiley, can u send a link with a screenshot of the location of that card plz? and the 4 of tentacles 2?
How to solve the puzzle after the tentacles puzzle? i have no clue about it.
Congratulations for this walkthrough, this is the ONLY one on the net ! I got all success but, i don’t know how to got the good ending…Each time, I found Gavin dead…It’s really frustating because ANYTHING can help…
For example, the log, god, WHY ?? I can’t use it anywere…
If someone have a clue, i’ll take it.
Thanks in advance !
Have anyone managed out how to solve tentacles puzzle? I’m almost done but green rectangle keeps me
out of completing it so please help thanks
I solved it…
how do you solve it green user?
I have solved the game a few times, but haven’t found all of the pages. I suspect that the missing page(s) will have a clue on how to finish by being a saviour. After reading the info on the missing page, it will likely trigger something you have already gone over but can’t activate without the page info. if anyone finds it please post!
Ok, I found the 1 of Tentacles. It is located upstairs to the LEFT (with the locked door that you do not enter). Once you get this card, and you finish the ΓÇ£Tentacle CardΓÇ¥ collection in the Kitchen, there is another puzzle that must be solved consisting of a (mostly) square wood block that needs to be navigated amongst other blocks to fit the square to the right hand side
—->(once you see it, you will understand).<——
what do you mean above?
When you finish this puzzle, a panel will open below the puzzle and the key to the treasure (in the trunk in the basement) is inside. Pick up this key and go to the basement and open the treasure chest. A bottle of scotch is inside as well, if you need it.
The remaining puzzles are to collect all of the pages (ΓÇ£Page CollectorΓÇ¥ in the awards), to be the Savior (save Eliot) and to be of Strong Mind. I will post any additional accomplishments as I can.
Any update for save eliot and strong mind
Strong Mind requires an initial health of about 97 going into the passageway at the end.
I’m still looking how to save eliot….
Can someone tell me where I find the flask in the parents room?my potion is ready to go but I can’t find the flask
I got a problem. At the starting he is not picking up that wrench saying that he don’t want that. ………………………… Please help I am stuck
Are you playing Gavin’s story? This is the walk through for the full game. If your playing Gavin’s story just walk to the front door and use the key. If it’s the full game then i think your glitched somehow.
Hi everyone, i just finished maniac manors, gavin story and maniac manors jacobsons unfaith.
There are a few things that i cant find, for example the cards 1 and 4, can you tell me where are they? the 4 is in the balcony, but in what part of the balcony exactly??? i collected all the pages of the game but there are any puzzle for that???? and how can i be easily strong of mind and how i can save elias??? where is the treasure of jacobson??
At the start I walked straight in the front door and into the kitchen then heard a sound and it was a creepy old man zombie guy so I followed him down a hallway and got locked in and I’m in a room with heaps of art :/
YES, that you have to do is to close the door of the painting room and u will find a key, use this key to open the room next to the silver thing, it is a bathroom (very dirty ;/), then, open the wc and u will find a screwdriver, then touch the broken mirror and behind that there will be lot of bath stuf, take the teeth brusher and with that clean the wood box, you have to put numbers refering to the paintings.
circles=3 (not 8)
Where it this? Painting room, can you give me clue
Can we open the door of the upstairs left and the door on the right in the hallway??
If yes plz tell me how
How do we save Elias ??
How do we open all the doors ??
Where do I find all the pages??
I found all the pages, the problem is that you have play WITHOUT PAUSE!!! ’cause when u pause the game, some pages will miss, and you have to search that pages again, 4 example, the page of the parents room. Its a f*****ng glitch that makes me angry :@
I found all the pages, the problem is that you have to play WITHOUT PAUSE!!! ’cause when u pause the game, some pages will miss, and you have to search that pages again, 4 example, the page of the parents room. Its a f*****ng glitch that makes me angry :@
Any help with the tentacles puzzle plz????
Any photo??
Thank you Appunwrapper 4 updating it with the image i sent u
P.D.: THATS NOT MY ROOM!!! XD, it is my sister’s room, i had to take care of her 🙁
Can someone figure out how can i save eliot?
Thanks for the photo. 🙂
Thank u very y much
Right now this walkthrough is full 😀
I can’t find cards 1 or 4 either did you have any luck getting an answer?