REBUS – Absurd Logic Game: Walkthrough and Answers

Level 9.1: The pitchfork stands for HELL, so HELL + O = HELLO

Level 9.2: M + ask = MASK

Level 9.3: The arrow tells you to go from Blue to Orange to Magenta to Brown. So B + O + M + B = BOMB. (Thanks to Caviar for this.)

Level 9.4: Disc over Y = DISCOVERY

Level 9.5: OFF + ER = OFFER

Level 9.6: S + tool (wrench) = STOOL

Level 9.7: P + age (rings in a tree) = PAGE (Thanks to Ali for this.)

Level 9.8: K in G = KING

Click on the little numbers at the bottom to continue to the next page.

This Post Has 125 Comments

  1. Ernesto


    1. AppUnwrapper

      Thanks. Duh. I was thinking more about the hill and driving than the car itself.

    2. Chris

      The one after food is Tennis. There are ten “nis”.

        1. Chris

          Additionally, I’ll breeze you through the unanswered ones in level 3. It’s Career (a car, the two Es and one R.), Net (Reverse ten).

  2. Viv Ward

    Level One: the 6135 is face

  3. Taylor

    Three took me forever but each of the numbers represents a letter in the alphabet. So 6 – F. 1- A. 3- C. 5- E. Spells out FACE.

  4. Danielle

    level 2.7 Sport

  5. Israel

    The one with the bear is BEARD

  6. Gen

    Lol level 21:

    1. AppUnwrapper

      The funny thing is I really thought “Hmm they can all be eaten. Let me try FOOD!”

      1. HatGuy

        You already said that on your previous comment

  7. Israel

    The one with the bee is BEEF

  8. Danielle

    And the rings? pleeeeeease! 🙁

    1. Me


    2. Minecrafterian_

      Cuz if u look closely u will see SP
      with the ring itself it would be spring

  9. Travis

    Round 2: clear
    Round 3: career, tennis
    Round 4: point, flight, candy
    Round 5: bowl, song

      1. Happy_Feet

        Yes. The one with the ship is “sport”. I know this because the body of water the ship is is in is shaped like an “s”. Also, the area where ships are parked is called a port. If you put “s” and “port” together, it makes the word “sport”.

  10. Gen

    Round 3: career, net, tennis
    Round 4: beard, prose
    Round 5: bowl, hint, micron, song, green
    Round 6: line, tender pony

  11. Taylor

    The one with the rings is orange!

      1. Ali

        I think it’s a “range” of “o”s.

  12. Chris

    Some more help!

    Round 4: Beard, Prose, point, flight, spark, ____, clock (I guessed this one and it was correct. I guess it had something to do with the “cock” and L.), candy.
    Round 5: Bowl, Ground, Hint, _____, Micron, _____, Song, _____
    Round 6: Line, Tender, Pony.
    Round 7: Wallet, Mind, Boy, Horn.
    Round 8: Pond, Trunk, Scarf.

    1. AppUnwrapper

      Thanks.. Just renumbered everything and catching up.

    2. Jiggywiz

      Round 5 last one is green

  13. Billy

    What is the answer to the one with the 20 b’s in the square formation?

    1. nick


  14. nick

    Round 6: cheat, grape, line, tender, pony, price
    Round 7: pride, wallet, mind, boy, horn,
    Round 8: pond, trunk, spot, visit, scarf
    Round 9: mask, offer, king
    Round 10: novel

  15. Ruthie

    Level 4.5 is spark

  16. Ali

    This is what I have so far:
    Round 1:Glove, card, face, tent, bat, wear, Monday, snail
    Round 2: clear, train, monkey, land, orange, beef, sport, cook
    Round 3: pink, career, net, food, tennis, London, belly, sealing
    Round 4: beard, prose, point, flight, spark, —–, clock, candy
    Round 5: bowl, —-, hint, —-, micron, —-, song, green
    Round 6: cheat, —, grape, line, tender, pony, —,—
    Round 7: pride, panic, —-, wallet, mind, boy, horn, —,
    Round 8: —, pond, —, spot, Oscar, visit, scarf, —
    Round 9:—, mask, —, —, offer, stool, —-, king

  17. Ali

    6.7 is price!

  18. Ali

    4,6 ball

  19. Hattt

    5.6 is egg because (E=mc^2 ) and ( g^2=g.g)

  20. Hattt

    5.8 is REED because its red and the e is to the power 2

  21. Math

    E^2 = reed because of the red box

    (mc^2) + (g^2) = egg

  22. Sideshow Bob

    8.1 sofa

  23. Sideshow Bob

    6.2 sink

  24. Sideshow Bob

    6.8 car

    1. Chevy

      How is it a car?

      1. AppUnwrapper

        Someone explained that that’s a chair (I thought it was a tree on wheels) and the grey bars tell you to cut out the letters “h” and “I.”

  25. clueless

    6.2: SINK
    S in INK blot

  26. Elle

    Round 9- disc + over+ y = discovery
    Round 10- no+ vel = novel

  27. Jiggywiz

    Level1: glove, card, face, tent, bat, wear, monday, snail.
    Level2: clear, train, monkey, land, orange, beef, sport, cook.
    Level 3: pink, career, net, food, tennis, london, belly, sealing.
    Level4: beard, prose, point, flight, spark, ball, clock, candy.
    Level5: bowl, ground, hint, _______, micron, _______, song, green.
    Level 6: ______, _____, ______, line, tender, pony,_____, _____.
    Level 7: ______, panic, _____, wallet, mind, boy, horn, _____.
    Level8: ____, pond, _____, _____, oscar, visit.
    Level9: _____, mask , ____, _____, offer, _____, _____, king.

  28. Kenny

    8.1 is SOFA – S of A
    8.8 is PARTY – PART of Y.

  29. The

    6.2 s+ink sink

  30. Yael

    Level 11. Letter ‘P’ with arrow above it pointing ‘UP’ = PUP

    1. Yael

      Level 10. 50% BLACK = GREY

      1. Yael

        10.2 = Bicycle with ‘RE’ in front of it = RECYCLE
        10.6 = Polo and Pants shaped ‘S’ = SWEAR

        1. Yael

          12.4. Ring with ‘SP’ written on the diamond = SPRING
          12.5. ‘F’ on ‘T’ = FONT

          13.3 CAP + ITAL
          13.4 BUS + T
          13.5 H + EEL
          13.7 B + EAR

  31. Kenny

    I believe the reason why 6.8 is a CAR is that the picture actually shows a swivel CHAIR and the thick lines indicate that you should remove the second and fourth letters of the word “CHAIR”, thus the answer “CAR”.

    1. AppUnwrapper

      Oh wow. That’s a really bad picture of a chair. I thought it was a tree on wheels lol.

  32. Brendan Tully

    7.3 is a plan and then et so PLANET

    7.8 is an F that is low in the pic so FLOW

    1. AppUnwrapper

      Ahhh I was looking at it as a treasure map lol. Thanks!

  33. Cici

    9.7 they are greeting so T+”HI”+S: THIS
    13.2 “PL”+EDGE: PLEDGE

  34. Hattt

    Level1: glove, card, face, tent, bat, wear, monday, snail.
    Level2: clear, train, monkey, land, orange, beef, sport, cook.
    Level 3: pink, career, net, food, tennis, london, belly, sealing.
    Level4: beard, prose, point, flight, spark, ball, clock, candy.
    Level5: bowl, ground, hint, reed, micron, egg, song, green.
    Level 6: cheat, sink, grape, line, tender, pony, price, car.
    Level 7: pride, panic, planet, wallet, mind, boy, horn, flow.
    Level8: sofa, pond, _____, spot, oscar, visit, scarf, party.
    Level9: _____, mask , ____, discovery, offer, stool, _____, king.
    Level10: ____, recycle, novel, grey, ___, swear, this, ___.
    Level11: ___,pup, ___,____,____,____,___,___.
    Level13:___,pledge, capital,___,heel,___,bear,___.

    1. EKMR

      Level 8 after pond is TRUNK

    2. Wghats

      S + Hare (rabbit) = Share

  35. Caviar

    9.3=BOMB, because it goes Blue to Orange to Magenta to Brown

    9.1=HELLO, but I dunno why…

    1. Seori

      Becaus hell( where the evils live) + the letter O

  36. Hattt

    11.5 t on t = tont

    1. Hattt

      Sorry i meant L of t = loft

  37. Hattt

    10.8 w+ angle = wangle

  38. Hattt

    11.6 year

  39. Ali

    This is my full list so far:
    This is what I have so far:
    Round 1:Glove, card, face, tent, bat, wear, Monday, snail
    Round 2: clear, train, monkey, land, orange, beef, sport, cook
    Round 3: pink, career, net, food, tennis, London, belly, sealing
    Round 4: beard, prose, point, flight, spark, ball, clock, candy
    Round 5: bowl, ground, hint, reed, micron, egg, song, green
    Round 6: cheat, sink, grape, line, tender, pony, price, car
    Round 7: pride, panic, planet, wallet, mind, boy, horn, flow,
    Round 8: sofa, pond, trunk, spot, Oscar, visit, scarf, party
    Round 9: hello, mask, bomb, discovery, offer, stool, page, king
    Round 10: infant, recycle, novel, grey, word, swear, this, wangle
    Round 11: fame, pup, dad, —(all the rest I don’t know yet)
    Round 12: —, tram, —, spring, font, stick, —. —
    Round 13: —, pledge, —, bust, heel, —,bear,—

    1. Rob

      The ones you’re missing for round 11 are: smile, loft, year, program, winter.
      Round 12: stop, halfback, jamb, lego
      Round 13: thinking,capital, underground, legend

      1. Ali

        Thanks! So now we have them all!
        Round 1:Glove, card, face, tent, bat, wear, Monday, snail
        Round 2: clear, train, monkey, land, orange, beef, sport, cook
        Round 3: pink, career, net, food, tennis, London, belly, sealing
        Round 4: beard, prose, point, flight, spark, ball, clock, candy
        Round 5: bowl, ground, hint, reed, micron, egg, song, green
        Round 6: cheat, sink, grape, line, tender, pony, price, car
        Round 7: pride, panic, planet, wallet, mind, boy, horn, flow,
        Round 8: sofa, pond, trunk, spot, Oscar, visit, scarf, party
        Round 9: hello, mask, bomb, discovery, offer, stool, page, king
        Round 10: infant, recycle, novel, grey, word, swear, this, wangle
        Round 11: fame, pup, dad, smile, loft, year, program, winter
        Round 12: stop, tram, halfback, spring, font, stick, jamb. lego
        Round 13: thinking, pledge, capital, bust, heel, underground, bear, legend


        1. AppUnwrapper

          Thanks for all the help, guys! Anyone try the paid pack yet?

    2. daniel


  40. Kenny

    14.1: PI + N = PIN
    14.2: F + ARM = FARM
    14.3: F + OX = FOX
    14.4: R + BAND = BRAND
    14.5: PL + ANT = PLANT
    14.6: Upside-down POT = TOP
    14.7: Upside-down LOOP = POOL
    14.8: A ROW of AR’s = AR + ROW = ARROW

    15.1: UP
    15.2: IN SEC is T = IN + SEC + T = INSECT
    15.3: V + AND + AL = VANDAL
    15.4: SP + ACE = SPACE
    15.5: P + ART = PART
    15.6: EL + EV + EN = ELEVEN
    15.7: C + LAMP = CLAMP
    15.8: RO + BIN = ROBIN

    16.1: R + ICE = RICE
    16.2: SAND + AL = SANDAL
    16.3: LEV + EL (because of the mirror) = LEVEL
    16.4: F + ROCK = FROCK
    16.5: H + EAT = HEAT
    16.6: Unicorn + Snail + Alligator = USA
    16.7: P + LANE = PLANE
    16.8: BOX + ER = BOXER

    1. AppUnwrapper

      Wait, the paid pack unlocks three packs? That wasn’t clear — I thought it would only buy 8 more levels. Good to know! Thanks.

    2. AppUnwrapper

      Some of these are really obtuse. How is the P on a lane? It’s grass…

      1. Kenny

        Hmm, I think that is because the letter P itself is the lane. The lane is actually more of a country lane, I guess.

        1. AppUnwrapper

          Still not a very good puzzle.

          And I still don’t understand why they call a coat hanger a “tab.”

          1. Kenny

            I actually don’t know too. Lol.

  41. Trapcamz

    Answers to every question apart from the extra paid questions!
    Round 1: Glove, Card, Face, Tent, Bat, Wear, Monday, Snail
    Round 2: Clear, Train, Monkey, Land, Orange, Beef, Sporty Cook
    Round 3: Pink, Career, Net, Food, Tennis, London, Belly, Sealing
    Round 4: Beard, Prose, Point, Flight, Spark, Ball, Clock, Candy
    Round 5: Bowl, Ground, Hint, Reed, Micron, Egg, Song, Green
    Round 6: Cheat, Sink, Grape, Line, Tender, Pony, Price, Car
    Round 7: Pride, Panic, Planet, Wallet, Mind, Boy, Horn, Flow
    Round 8: Sofa, Pond, Trunk, Spot, Oscar, Visit, Scarf, Party
    Round 9: Hello, Mask, Bomb, Discovery, Offer, Stool, Page, King
    Round 10: Infant, Recycle, Novel, Grey, Word, Swear, This, Wangle
    Round 11: Fame, Pup, Dad, Smile, Loft, Year, Program, Winter
    Round 12: Stop, Tram, Halfback, Spring, Font, Stick, Jamb, Lego
    Round 13: Thinking, Pledge, Capital, Bust, Heel, Underground, Bear, Legend
    If you want answers to the paid questions, comment back to me and I’ll try my best

    1. Trapcamz

      Someone already commented all the answers 🙁 I cri everytime

        1. Trapcamz

          Anyways, I finished the entire game including the paid levels with your help, thanks

          1. AppUnwrapper

            Was a group effort! Glad to help, though. I haven’t looked at the answers for the paid levels, so I might still play those.

  42. Moolla

    6.1 could have been bitch. Bit ch?

    1. AppUnwrapper

      Ha could point. Some of these are not as straightforward as they could have been.

  43. Lala

    Its Ball be ause there are twenty B’s in ALL

  44. Magnus

    U skipped the 50%<– one

    1. AppUnwrapper

      Looks like the wrong photo was showing, but should be fixed now. Thanks! Please let me know if you notice any other mistakes.

  45. Mark

    The grass and p puzzle should be grasp. Absurd? Yes, logical? Yes, but the p-lane thing is just wrong. Only thing I can think of is UKers using this terminology, but I’ve never heard this before. Gras-p. Done.

    1. AppUnwrapper

      Yep, that one really bothered me, too. As much as the “Tab” one.

  46. Moon

    Level 14: start, blog, rig, tint, nut, melon, scar, baton

  47. Dodo

    Can any body tell me about the ones in the new update

  48. jeidou

    In 1.2, I thought the letter in car was ‘P’. So I answered ‘carp’. And it also works!

  49. Matt

    I got the game for Android and it seems I have a different card on level 1(I cant seem to find it anywhere).
    There’s a bunny with an S before. I bought the extra help cause I am stuck on it for a while. 5 letters, second one is an H. Can anyone help? 😉

    1. Ces

      It’s share. 🙂

      1. Matt

        omg thanks!

    2. Amy


  50. Shannon

    I’m stuck on two pictures.
    1) green background, shadow of a women and a man and between the two shadows it says ‘or’

    2) the letter ‘L’ in what looks like a pool. Kinda looks like it’s drowning.

    I’m stuck!!

    1. AppUnwrapper

      Think of the first one as female and male. Maybe that will help. 🙂

      For the other one, think of a body of water. 🙂

      1. Shannon

        Still clueless!

  51. Shannon

    Still stuck on the two pictures I posted about above ^^
    If anyone knows what they are can you please share! Can’t find any cheats for these two photos!

    1. AppUnwrapper

      The answers are in my walkthrough, but here they are:




  52. Jonathan

    How is it year?!

    1. Annika

      I know this is over a year late but I had the same question and could not get to the page where this explained. So, if you are still wondering- there are 12 rows which each represent a month. The red spaces are weekends. In my opinion this was not a clever Rebus because it broke the mold that the other puzzles followed (adding letters together). If they could have just put it into a normal calendar format, used numbers, or a letter for each month then maybe I wouldn’t have spent so much time trying to figure out what this poorly patterned, unfinished wall of tile was supposed to mean.

  53. NEESHA

    6.2 IS SINK

  54. djam

    IABNR in a square

  55. yj

    But why is it ball? Is it really ball because it’s b plus all… I don’t really get it where did the all come from?

  56. Anonymous

    I’m sorry, but how the hell is that supposed to be car? How the fuck is anyone supoawd to get that? Also how is an upside down coat hanger “bat”?

  57. Rae

    I really wanted 6.1 to be “bitch” lol!

    1. James Reed

      That’s what I thought too!

  58. Natalie

    There are 184 rebuses so far in the game

  59. Bryan

    Level 6.8 Actually I think the solution is since the car went over a chair the car wins making car the solution!

  60. Jess

    Lol I was convinced that 6.1 in this article, the one that has “cheat” as the solution, was actually b!tch. Because it was bit + ch HAHA

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