Hi everyone, and welcome back to my games roundup called My Week Unwrapped! I really don't know what to say in these intros anymore, so let's just get right to it. Meteorfall Meteorfall is one of my most-played games that released this year. Last year I played countless rounds of the solitaire game, Onirim, so it makes sense that a another "easy to learn, hard to master" card game would be another…
Hi everyone and welcome back to My Week Unwrapped, where I'll discuss all the iOS games I've been playing over the last seven days. There were some hits and misses this week, but some are truly worth your while. Continue reading to see which ones those are! I'd also like to point out that I reached 30,000 subscribers on YouTube, and if you're not one of them, now's as good a time…
Tiny BubblesΓò¼├┤Γö£├▒Γö£Γöé By: Pine Street Codeworks LLC ╬ô├¬ΓîÉ╬ô├▓├╣╬ô├╢├ë This is a complete walkthrough guide with hints, tips, tricks, solutions and answers for the iOS and Android puzzle game, Tiny Bubbles, by Pine Street Codeworks. Feel free to ask for extra help in the comments section. See my Tiny Bubbles review. Tips & Tricks: - Always pay attention to the goal in each level. It's constantly changing, so don't ignore that little pop-up…
Tiny BubblesΓò¼├┤Γö£├▒Γö£Γöé By: Pine Street Codeworks LLC I'll be honest with you here. It's been hard to get excited about new iOS games lately, especially my favorite genre -- puzzles. After such a strong 2017, the truly great games have only been trickling in for 2018. It's why I keep finding myself going back to Six Match after I complete my Dissembler dailies. So when I saw Pine Street Codeworks' Tiny Bubbles,…