31. Go back to Screen 23 and head right to Screen 32. Pull the lever on the side of the rock to see four gold swans. Then open your inventory and take out the bird box. Press the buttons in the same places you saw the gold swans on the rock. Take the magnifying glass from inside.
32. Go back to Screen 23 and tap on the barbecue grill to get to Screen 31. Use the magnifying glass to start a fire. Then place the hardened paraffin wax on the grill to melt it. Take the brush covered in melted wax.
33. Use the melted wax on the newspaper boat to seal it.
34. Go back to Screen 17 and continue on to Screen 26. You can’t get the dangling key yet, so continue on to Screen 35. Use the geocache tracker to find the geocache. Make sure to use the zoom function. Tap on the pile of leaves to the left and then move them aside to find the canister. Take it and open it to get a brass pinecone.
35. While here, place the wheel on the wagon. The wagon will then roll down and drop the red rock in the creek.
36. Go back to Screen 26 and use the crowbar to move the red rock. Now the dam is complete and the water rises. Place the paper boat in the water and it will float to the key. We need some way to cut the line.
37. Go back to Screen 21 and place the pine cone with the others to get the pocket knife.
38. Go back to Screen 26 and zoom in on the tree. Use the knife to cut the fishing line. The key will drop into the boat and float off.
39. Follow the boat to Screen 18 and take the old key from it.
40. Use the old key to unlock the gate over the drain pipe and head inside to Screen 27. Notice the words APPLE PIE GANG RULEZ! Also, take the vase shard, bottle rocket, and dynamite. There’s nothing else to do here, so let’s head back.
41. Go down to Screen 13 and place the bottle rocket inside the glass bottle. Use the magnifying glass to shoot it off and it will knock down the bees’ nest.
42. Find your way back to Screen 28 and continue down the path to Screen 36. Find the golden wing hidden inside a secret panel.
43. Continue down the path to Screen 42 and climb underground through the manhole cover to Screen 7. Take the piece of wood and look at it. The nails are a clue! You also have access from here to the other manhole covers, acting as shortcuts.
44. Open the toolchest and turn to the back. Move the circles to the same spots as the nails in the piece of wood. We still need a clue for the symbols on the other side.
45. Go back up to Screen 42. Continue on to Screen 46 to find the lunchbox!
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I have finished the game. I did use the built-in hint system; once because I was misled by the + on an item and didn’t realize I could use it, and a second time beAnd I am skeptical about animal interference even being required.cause I tapped somewhere important and got no response and thereby overlooked a clue (it was my error, not the the programming).
How do I open the box with the heart dia.one etc on it
I have tried to use the bear paw cast on the old man (per the in-game hint), but he is unimpressed. Is the hint wrong or is there more to it?
IΓÇÖm in the same spot. The casted claw does t scare him.
Me too. It says to make a cast of the claw and fire-heart. What is the fire-heart? Unfortunately I made a cast of the knife and claw and it wonΓÇÖt let me make another cast.
Hi put the cast you donΓÇÖt want, back on the machine and then click the X button. ItΓÇÖll drop away and allow you to make another cast
make it like in the picture. use the artefact
That thing you took off the dream catcher.
When you do the paw cast, also do the wooden water symbol
How do I get hints?
Every time that I look up a walkthrough on here it isn’t finished.
Did this one ever finish?
Where is the gear I missed it I guess
I caught the squirrel in the trap but then it glitched. It says I havenΓÇÖt caught the squirrel but the trap is on the ground and wonΓÇÖt let me reset it.