Escape Game: "The Secret at the Bottom of the Water" By IDAC CO., LTD Walkthrough: 1. Take the doorknob off the door. 2. Turn right twice and look behind the middle plant. There's a thermometer. Take the decoration from it. 3. Examine the doorknob from your inventory. Tap it a few times and part of it will break off. 4. Attach the decoration to the doorknob. 5. Face the yellow table and…
Escape Game: "The Dangerous Doll House" By IDAC CO., LTD Walkthrough: 1. Lift up the left cushion from the couch. Take the handkerchief from underneath. 2. Turn right. Take the umbrella from stand in the left corner. 3. Zoom in on the bed. Lift the pillow, then lift the blanket. Take the stuffed bear from under the mattress. 4. Tap the bear and its nose falls off. Examine the nose to see…
Escape Game: "The Stray School" By IDAC CO., LTD. Walkthrough: 1. Tap on the blackboard. You'll see some writing that's cut off. Tap on it to see "1568+". 2. Take the eraser from the blackboard. 3. Zoom out and turn right. Tap on the cork board to the left to see a clue: 4. Turn the cork board over to find a plate. Take it. It has an A on one side…
Escape Game: "The Summer Cottage" By IDAC CO., LTD Walkthrough: 1. Zoom out then turn right so you're facing a bookcase and rabbit statue. 2. Zoom in on the books on the shelf. Open the purple one. It says Rabbit on the cover. Flip through the pages to find a memo. 3. Open up the memo to find this pattern: 4. Turn right twice. Zoom in on the purple box. Open it…
Escape Game: "Stolen Happiness" By IDAC CO., LTD Walkthrough: 1. Zoom out. Turn right and zoom in on the plant to the left of the fireplace. 2. Move the plant and take the water bottle that's revealed. 3. Turn right twice. Zoom in on the sofa. Tap the left side of the sofa to move it. 4. Look behind the sofa to find a blank memo. Take it. 5. Zoom in on…
Escape Game: "The Bored Victim" By IDAC CO., LTD Walkthrough: 1. Turn right and open the green closet. 2. Move the box over to reveal a broken chair. Take it. 3. Turn right twice. Open the bottom drawer of the small blue dresser. 4. Move the right box over. Then move the left box over. Take the screwdriver that's revealed. 5. Turn left. Zoom in on the boarded up window. There's something…
Escape Game: "The Blood-stained Mansion" By IDAC CO., LTD. Walkthrough: 1. It's too dark to see. On the right side is a light switch. Zoom in on it and turn it on. 2. Now you can see. Lift up the pillow on the couch to find a Black Jewel with a tortoise picture on it. 3. Zoom out so you can see a vase on a table. The lid is closed. 4.…
Escape Game: "The Black Lodge" By IDAC CO., LTD. Walkthrough: 1. Zoom out. Turn right twice. Zoom in on the books on the desk. Lift each book up until you find a memo. Take the memo. 2. Tap the right wide of the desk to see the front of it. 3. Open the middle drawer to find a towel. 4. Turn right. Open the top doors of the brown china cabinet. Take…