Escape Game: “The Twin Prank”: Walkthrough

Escape Game: "The Twin Prank" By IDAC CO., LTD. See my full list of escape games and walkthroughs. Walkthrough: 1. Zoom out. Zoom in on the bottom of the bookshelf. Read the green book - it's a diary. 2. Zoom out and look at the middle of the bookshelf. There's a red book. Take it. 3. Turn left. Examine the clock. It's missing a hand. 4. Turn left again. Examine the textbooks…

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Escape Game: “An Evening of Envy”: Walkthrough

Escape Game: "An Evening of Envy" By IDAC CO., LTD. Walkthrough: 1. Turn right and open the glass doors of the armoire to reveal some tea cups. Lift up the second from the right on the bottom shelf to find a battery. Take it. 2. Zoom out and tap on the wine bottles next to the stove. Move the one on the left to find a battery being charged. Take it. 3.…

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Escape Game: “My Girlfriend and the Cafe”: Walkthrough

Escape Game: "My Girlfriend and the Cafe" By IDAC CO., LTD. Walkthrough: 1. Zoom out. You can't interact with anything on this screen besides the door, so turn right. Notice the coat hanging on the wall. Zo in on the left pocket and take the plastic bag. 2. Turn right twice. Tap on the plant on the right to zoom in on the wastebasket and plant (need to be really exact for…

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Escape Game: “The Airtight Warehouse” Walkthrough

Escape Game: "The Airtight Warehouse" By IDAC CO., LTD. Walkthrough (in progress): 1. Zoom in on the boxes. There's a chain resting on one of them. Take it and it turns out to be a locket. 2. Open the locket and zoom in on the bottom right corner of the photo: 3. You can also examine the tire in the corner here. It has a keypad on it. Make sure to examine…

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Escape Game: “Dangerous Luxury Liner” Walkthrough

Escape Game: "Dangerous Luxury Liner" By IDAC CO., LTD. *See my other room escape games and walkthroughs here.* If you like this game, download AppNavi and enjoy IDAC escape games free of charge! Enter the ID PSSf to gain 100 bonus points for more games. Walkthrough: *Note: Only read this if you want full details on how to escape. You will read spoilers here. If you want hints instead, ask in the…

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Escape Game: “A Twisted Love” Walkthrough

Escape Game: "A Twisted Love" By IDAC CO., LTD Walkthrough: 1. Zoom out and pick up the crowbar. Lift up the mat and tap the upper right corner to open the trap door. Take the book. 2. Zoom out again and turn right. Open the curtains over the window, the. Open the window and walk out. You're on the second story, so you need something to use to get down. 3. Go…

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Escape Game: “A Night of Enchantment” Walkthrough

Escape Game: "A Night of Enchantment" By IDAC CO., LTD Walkthrough: 1. Look behind the fridge (right side) for a gas canister. 2. Look next to the water tanks for a pencil holder. Knock it over and take the compass that falls out. Tap on the needle of the compass a couple of times to remove it. 3. Zoom out and move over a bit left. Zoom in on the set of…

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Escape Game: “Prison Bar” Walkthrough

Escape Game: "Prison Bar" By IDAC CO., LTD Walkthrough: 1. Zoom out from the door. Turn to the tables and open the menu on the right table. Take the torn memo from inside. 2. Turn left. Look under the table to find this: 3. Turn left again. Tap on the left side of the screen to find the fridge. Open the bottom half (the fridge part) and look in the right door…

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