Tutorial | Chapter 1 Part 1 | Chapter 1 Part 2 | Chapter 1 Part 3 | Chapter 1 Part 4 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Epilogue
31. Read the letter resting on top of the box. Then, look at the far wall. There’s more cutouts for the dagger! First, place the clock face you found over it. Then, make sure the dagger is the right shape and insert it. Turn it to reveal a secret passage!
32. Go through the new doorway. Look up for a loose brick and remove it to find another photo.
33. Ignore the door for now and continue up the stairs. Find three coins near the barrel. then zoom in on the egg and spin the handle to open it up. Take the yellow orb.
34. Go back downstairs and through the green door. We’re finally on the other side of the upstairs area! Take the shield from the knight to your left.
35. Turn around and open the top box to the right to get two more coins. Open the bottom box and get another two coins. Read the book titled MICROMEGAS by Voltaire. Also, press another gargoyle face over the door.
36. Use the clues from the two ripped pieces of paper together to solve the squares and triangles puzzle on the edge of the table. Then take the three digital frames.
37. While you’re here, use the two discs on the wall to align the last two lasers with the receptors.
38. Go back downstairs and head all the way back through the green door to the main area. grab the blue orb off the pedestal.
39. Grab the photo near the stairs. Now you can access the table under the stairs, to the right of the green door. Look at the Flame Nebula poster and read through the book titled The Edge of Infinity.
40. Go back through the left door to the storage room and look up at the ceiling. Rotate the tiles to match the image from the book you saw earlier. Then take the little warrior figurine that falls to the floor.
41. Leave and go through the middle gate. Look up at the ceiling and match the tiles to the other image in the book. This one is trickier, though, as you have to do it in a specific order. The book tells you to start in the upper left and follow the arrows to the lower right. A secret door will open! Go through.
42. Before heading to the next room, look up and press on the gargoyle head.
43. Also, zoom in on the left wall and notice a metal ring. Pull it down and it will reveal yet another secret passage! This one goes down a ladder and leads to a collectible from Chapter 3. Before going through, grab another two coins above the trap door.
44. Once there, take the painting. Also, this is easy to miss, but there’s a hidden lever behind some planks! Pull it down to reveal a hidden treasure room in Chapter 3. Then head back up the ladder.
45. Go back and continue on to the next room and find the other warrior figurine. Then head back out.
Click on the little numbers below to continue to the next page of the walkthrough or click here.
Tutorial | Chapter 1 Part 1 | Chapter 1 Part 2 | Chapter 1 Part 3 | Chapter 1 Part 4 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Epilogue
Thank you for pointing this game out to us.
Although you wrote “100 Stones Interactive recently brought their PC and console adventure game,╬ô├╢┬╝Γö£├¡The Eyes of Ara, to iOS and Android devices”, I don’t see it on Google Play, and I don’t see any mention of it even forthcoming for Android on the developer’s public web site. I wish it were available for Android, because I think I would really like this game, but I am an Android user, not IOS.
Please oh please write a step by step guide for the picture rotation puzzles. I am never going to finish the game and itΓÇÖs a shame that I already paid for this and cannot enjoy the rest. Thank you! I know your the best at these as I totally am not.
There are cheat codes for that! Assuming youΓÇÖre talking about the puzzles I think you are.
Thank you for the book detail. I missed that. Your the Best!
I cannot get the knife to work with the clock. iPhone X
Neither can I.
Actually, have figured it out. The knife has to be put back in inventory after being rotated, then DRAGGED to the clock face. I know it’s an old thread, but those who are just now starting the game, like me, may find this useful.
Even after this complete walkthrough, I am still missing 2 coins in chapter 1.
3 Chapter 1 coins can only be found in Chapter 2.
Before I found the ones accessible in chapter 2, I had 25/30. I have been reading the guide over and over but I canΓÇÖt find the 2 more I need. I currently have 28/30.
I agree with Bill; the walkthrough lists only 25 coins within the Chapter 1 section. My problem is even worse; I restarted the game before finishing because of a long break in playing, and through some glitch, this time the count reached only 23 coins for Chapter 1, even though I accessed all the coin areas listed in the written walkthrough. I will be starting the game a 3rd time, after checking the videos to look for the finding of the 26th and 27th coins.
For Bill, and possibly others (including me), if you collect only 25 of 30 coins in Chapter 1 instead of 27, you might have missed some in the upper gallery that contains one knight statue,. There are 2 boxes, each containing 2 coins. In AppUnwrapper’s written walkthrough, look carefully at Step 35. [AppUnwrapper, if you see an earlier post from me on 1/9/2020 about this same subject, please delete it. ]
Sorry but this is not helpful. IΓÇÖve gone through the walkthrough in detail and it does truly only add up to 25 coins in the first part of chpt 1 (28 in total). Here is what IΓÇÖve documented for the 25 by step:
Step 1 – 2 coins
Step 3 – 2 coins
Step 6 – 3 coins
Step 10 – 3 coins
Step 23 – 2 coins
Step 24 – 2 coins
Step 28 – 2 coins
Step 33 – 3 coins
Step 35 – 2 + 2 coins (4 total)
Step 43 – 2 coins
Total = 25 coins
I would gladly welcome what IΓÇÖm missing but have been through this several times. I suspect they are there but that theyΓÇÖre just missing from the walkthrough. IΓÇÖll repost IΓÇÖd ]f I find them but again happy for anyone to point out if there is a step count IΓÇÖve missed,
There are 3 coins inside the secret door with the 6 gargoyle heads around it. Just light up their eyes.
I think I found 2 coins on a bookshelf in one of the rooms, that I am not sure the guide mentions. I found them by random clicking (or looking for the mouse cursor to change) because the coins were 100% concealed until you click that shelf.
I now have all 30 coins.
The two missing ones are, i believe, on a shelf in the kitchen area.
Hi, I know I’m REALLY late and you might have discovered this by now but I think the 2 coins you’re missing are from Step 17. Otherwise, I think your list is complete. That should get you to 27/30 (with the remaining 3 to be picked up in Chapter 2).
Hopefully this will help anyone else who might have encountered this issue.
It’s also available on Mac via Steam. Finally a decent search game on Mac!
I rotated the map and there is a bar illuminating the ΓÇ£subway tokenΓÇ¥. I canΓÇÖt pick it up?
For some reason I cannot shift the level that is hidden behind the planks. The game will not let me access the lever. Not sure if its a bug or if the iphone version requires an action to move the planks. Can anyone please help?
I canΓÇÖt find the third yellow orb in chapter one! IΓÇÖve gone through the walkthrough twice! Help!
My wife and I had the same problem. Look behind the two rolled-up rugs in the storeroom.
The large color puzzle wheel on the right that isnΓò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£├╗t controlled by the painting discs is supposed to rotate Γò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö¼├║directlyΓò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö¼├æ but mine doesnΓò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£├╗t 🙁 canΓò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£├╗t make the colored shapes chain because it canΓò¼├┤Γö£├ºΓö£├╗t be put into correct position.
I need a picture picture to all the gargoyles lol. Still missing one.
I cannot get the 3 levers in the cellar to work. Have tried and followed the code on the barrel every way and still nothing. What am I not seeing.
Make sure you start with all 3 levers in their top position. Exit the puzzle once you have done the combination.
The Shield won’t connect to the armor
The symbols need to match AFTER the shield turns to face the other shield. Don’t just copy the positions, try rotating the shield enough so you can see the other shield’s symbol. When the shield is fully turned, the symbols must match. Making them match from the front will not make them match when the shield is turned 180 degrees.
il me manque un portrait jai pourtant fait la solution mais dans l’inventaire jai 3 portraits.
@appunwrapper you forgot to mention the two coins sitting on the railing next to the laser in STEP 18!
it would be nice if you updated the walkthrough thx
the total number of coins (the railing coins included) is 27 guys
Thank you! I was going crazy trying to find those 2!
Bonjour. Apr╬ô├╢┬úΓö¼ΓöÉs avoir retir╬ô├╢┬ú╬ô├«├ë le levier de la pendule je ne peux pas l’ins╬ô├╢┬ú╬ô├«├ërer ╬ô├╢┬úΓö£├¡ gauche de la porte. Il devient transparent. Please help me !
Je n’arrive pas ins╬ô├╢┬ú╬ô├«├ërer le levier ╬ô├╢┬úΓö£├¡ gauche de la porte verte. Il reste transparent
Thank you! I was going crazy trying to find those 2!
Step 24 and Step 25 are not in the same room! You have them listed as one being to the left of the other, but they’re two rooms apart. Made me think I was losing it.
I am having trouble with the horse and warrior bit got them both and lined them up but can not seem to get them to slot in to place, what am l doing wrong
Hi – Can anyone tell what steps in the walkthrough to get all 6 Gargoyle faces? I can’t seem to find the top right one on the door. Thanks for any help.
I’m having trouble opening the green door in chapter 1 part 2. I got the handle out of the clock buy I don’t see how to put it in the other part of the green door. Can any one help thanks.
The two missing coins, I believe, are in the secret passage in the small study that leads to the sewer of Chapter 3.
As you are walking down the passage, there are 2 coins on a wooden beam, just above the passage.
Hope this helps.
My clock puzzle doesn’t show regular numbers, for example there’s a 60 where 12 would be. I tried lighting up the numbers the dagger is pointing at but nothing happens.
The chapters will not come on the pages and no images so I carn’t continue with the game very frustrating needs fixing
What do you mean?
I mean when I go to the next chapter it is blank
Which chapter?
On your appunwrapper I mean